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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. seraph we'd love to know what he said in the cab this morning
  2. No. a draft pick will not do it. To think that bringing viney in will make this a competitive midfield is so far off the mark. some of the key pieces to the team that will make this a good side are in their mid 20s. Melbourne must be competitive next year. a high draft pick wont do that. I can not understand why people dont want the club to get a PP??!! take it and trade it for an established mid. we cant afford to wait another 3 years for toumpas, viney and another draft pick to develop. And trengove is not a midfielder
  3. why be offended. We were pathetic. its a fact. truth hurts but the club performances were extremely pathectic. if it takes the media to point that out then so be it. in the end it helped to remove schwab. ill take that
  4. you notice when watts says he was not pleased when neeld got fired that he reaches uup and scratches his right ear. Watts was thoroughly pleased neeld got the chop. classic body language for someone uncomfortable with what they are saying.. ie. bullsh1ting
  5. the players havent won a lot of games recently. its hard to win a game when the other side comes back hard and the team doesnt know how to protect a lead. its to be expected. be happy we got the win. baby steps. we all wouldve taken this 2 weeks ago. enjoy it!!
  6. Whats with all the sympathy for this guy??? I understand the whole innocent till proven guilty feelings from the earlier court case but the guy has just been convicted of hitting a WOMAN in the face. He is a criminal and should be doing every bit of that time. So sick of the bleeding hearts in this country. You want to stay out of jail?.... well then DONT assault people. pretty bloody easy.
  7. i lived in SE Asia for many years. the most racism ive ever encountered was between two groups that from teh untrained eye you would say were genetically the same. but they were 2 very different cultures and the disgust each community had for the other was unbelievable. yet Australia is accused of being a racist society. yes we have some poor examples but nothing in the 21st century that comes close to what is experienced all oer the world...... and without a white person for miles! its not white on black. its a group of people discriminated against becuase of their genetics/cultural background.
  8. red haired people are their own race. and of course htey havent been discriminated against as much as blacks BUT it is still discrimintation and the common thme to come out of the weekend is that if it offends someone then its not acceptable. referring to people as an oranguatan does offend some red haired people. i know that for a fact. most definitely double standards. people dont get it. they just think racism is white on black.
  9. This is why i feel MFC will never achieve lofty heights and will continue to just keep its head above water. your post illustrates exactly my thoughts that a club can only be as strong as its core of supporters/members. as a whole im afrais to say, MFCs membership/supporter base is very weak and fractured. this hasnt happened overnight but it is what it is and will take generations to change, if ever. every club has its own personality. As you say, Nths members rallied around brayshaw. (one of hundreds of examples). Our clubs "personality" just isnt like that. a supporter base is a living breathing beast. ours has severe personality flaws. individually we all want whats best for the club but as a whole we are a weak and divided club. MFC will find it impossible to move forward as every time it hits a rough patch the members will struggle to deal with it properly. i cant ever seeing this changing. its taken a process of decades or longer to be created. We are what we are.
  10. its a term describing their hair colour as similar to a oranguatan. so you can call a red headed person an oranguatan but you cant call a black person an ape. double standards. i choose not to use either of those terms.
  11. I agree vilification should be stamped out but where does this stop? police tracking someone down?!! he didnt swear. yes he suggested the umpires were favouring two aboriginals. he didnt vilify them. he called them black but they are arent they?? yes i get that his conotations could be perceived as racist but i feel his comments were more of a attack on the umpires performance than goodes and jettas genetics. What exactly wil he be charged with?? accusing an umpire of being [censored]? really??! if he accused the umpires of favouring them because they are indiginous australians instead of "blacks" , how is that racist? they are indiginous australians. the comment is directed at the umpires not doing their job properly. had he used derogatory language and insulted the players i agree that he should be banned. but he didnt. perhaps have a chat to him but call the police and have them look for him???!!! thats so far over the top it was indiginous round and goodes and jetta are black. perhaps he should have called them indiginous people but [censored] , after a few beers thats a pretty hard word to pronounce. where will this stop? 80,000 people at the ground all too scared to make a passionate comment beciase of sme do gooder with an iphone in the next aisle. a knock on the door in the middle of the night becuase i accused an umpire of favouring players? lets not let this swing too far the other way
  12. Calling a red headed person a "Ranga" is racist actually. red headed genes come from the celtic people who originated in the british isles and the north of spain. So many people seem to think of racism as a white against black issue. racism exists in every society and against every type of person. White people in parts of teh world are vilified terribly and black on black racism has netted disatrous results in Africa. People are happy to call red headed people rangas and tell them they dont have souls etc etc but gee dont dare give a dark skinned person a name. i dont condone vilifying aboriginals or blacks but the double standards in this whole argument are ludicrous
  13. a tool and taking the line of not attending games only helps to push that debt we are accruing up further. if everyone had kept comng to matches instead of throwing their toys out of the cot the club would have an extra few hundred thou in revenue this year. nice one tona. get along and support your club. if i could sack neeld i would . but i cant . but i can attend games and try and be part of the solution and NOt part of the problem. all those supporters out there thinking along the same lines pause and think what you are actually achieving.... nothing except further damaging the clubs already perilous financial position. if another 10 thou supporters paid up their cash to go to the games and support the club that money could go toward paying a good coach so we could sack Neeld. .how people dont get it is so far beyond comprehension. small minded pack mentality. the bane of human existance. be bigger than that Dees
  14. the club is constantly screwing the supporters in the a%$e. its been going on for so long now that we are no longer begging for it to stop. we just want some lube
  15. put the crack pipe down . hogan aint signing with the dees beyond this contract. dockers and eagles already in his ear.
  16. ill go one step further and say its the "elite" of the club that have put us where we are today. a club can only be as strong as its membership and the mfc membership with the power have failed dimally. the outdated attitudes and philosophies toward a professional sporting club have really produced todays results. as many posters keep repeating, results and success/failure are driven from the top down. MFCs "top" are a pretty ordinary group of thinkers. Amateur hour and it always will be. coaches , players come and go - the one constant is the supporter base and as a whole the MFC supporter base doesnt know its arse from its elbow.
  17. ill go one step further and say its the "elite" of the club that have put us where we are today. a club can only be as strong as its membership and the mfc membership with the power have failed dismally. the outdated attitudes and philosophies toward a professional sporting club have really produced todays results. as many posters keep repeating, results and success/failure are driven from the top down. MFCs "top" are a pretty ordinary group of thinkers. Amateur hour and it always will be. coaches , players come and go - the one constant is the supporter base and as a whole the MFC supporter base doesnt know its arse from its elbow.
  18. sellar goes alright down back. should leave him there and let him settle. provide some competition for mcdonald. cant hold a mark but perhaps thats just confidence and may improve with a string of games in the back line. he is NOT a forward Neeldy
  19. I disagree Chook. I gre up when the Demons were the dominant team. They were THE club to support. Every 3rd kid at school was a melbourne supporter. Then followed decades of the doldrums right through to the late 80s. How many melbourne supporters are there now as a percentage of young footy fans under 40? The OP is on the money. Long periods of success or failure DEFINTELY have an effect on supporter numbers. How many kids born or raised in the last 10 years will be melbourne supporters? in 20yrs time these kids will be the bread and butter of club memberships. the generation of the 50/60s, by which we are well and truly the largest membership group the club has, will be gone. Sustained success or sustained fauilure has massive ramifications on a clubs supporter base. As an example, I can be sure that Hawthorn and Essendon are represented pretty heavily in the 30-40 yr age bracket. the 80s were good to them. And only now, the fruits of the Kangaroos 90's will start to come through. There is no greater peer pressure than in the school yard. How many kids are wearing demons jumpers to footy practice these days do you think?!
  20. if jones stays he will never play finals. mfc wont see finals in his playing time. sad but probaly true
  21. This is the biggest threat to teh clubs future , a one way exodus of the better players who cant see any future for them at MFC. i dont like the ideaof changing coach mid season as it wont achieve much on field and makes the club less attractive for any potential replacements. but then on the hand, by letting the season spiral down and down the players who are up for contract renewal dont have much reason to stick around. if oyu could say to them , look we have clarkson coming at the end of the year they might stick around but when they get told that the club will stand by Neeld, they muist think well F*&k , im outta here. the posters on here that dont think that is the bigest threat to the clubs future are delusional
  22. I respect AD more than any administrator mfc have at the moment. its sad but the afl taking over the demons can be nothing but a good thing. thats where we are at now
  23. Lets not kid ourselves guys. it is a VERY real threat that our good players are going to get out as soon as they can. to be flippant and blase about that is inviting disaster. in my opinion its the biggest threat we have - a slow but steady one way trickle of talent from our list. the FD better get their ducks in a row quick smart. once players start leaving it wil create a vicious cycle that will be very hard to correct
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