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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. Exactly! thats the difference between a list like geelongs or what adelaide had and the bulldogs. bulldogs had a couple of guns and lots of b graders. they fell very quickly didnt they. this draft is the most fruitful the club will have for a long time (..i hope). make the most of it. dont [censored] it away like a drunk who thinks hes suddenly rich cause its payday
  2. and will be seeking a trade as soon as contract expires. Move on Dees, hes not that good anyway.
  3. I completley agree with the AFL on this. These rolling congested mauls are killing the game. Even league and union mates of mine say it was a better game to watch a few years ago. Us footy followers will keep watching it but its going to be bloody hard to attract new people to the game the way it is. late 90's footy was brilliant to watch. a cap on rotations will help get us back to a fast flowing but physical game. this game of hot potatoes is not great football unless the game is close or its a blockbuster. Remember the days when a hocking or harvey would get 35 touches it was big news. nowadays theres always about 3 guys in any one game with at least that many. half of it is lots of dinky in close handballs tryingn to clear congestion. pull out some old video guys and see how good this game used to be
  4. We are getting absolutely shafted by the pies over these so called super trades! what the ^&*% is neeld thinking?! The pies have brought in a 30yr old has been to replace this guy we are willing to give pick 4 for!!!!
  5. id say pick 3 for toumpas, otherwide fair chance gws will take him if we give them pick 3. we get hogan for pick 4
  6. if GC give pick 2 to the crows for tippett then the crows will definitely take toumpas at 2, being an adelaide boy an all
  7. hahaha, this demon dan character is quite amusing. gets his panties in a twist easy doesnt he. love it!
  8. a reliable sauce tells me we're offoading davey and cook to the lions for their 1st round pick
  9. the attitude 'doing ok' doesnt win premierships. what ever happens , the attitude needs to be of doing absolutely whatever it takes to bleed every last drop out of every opportunity. to say , 'oh well, we did well with the compos anyway so this balances it out,' is not a winning attitude.
  10. yes but what about the extra top 10 pick we get if he goes at 23. this has nothing to do with vineys pick, its the chance of 3 top 10s versus 2 top 10s.
  11. the way the game is being played. its evolved in to a rolling maul, scrappy and only great to watch if its a significant game or the scores are tight. the afl need to look at restricting rotations which will reduce the ability of 90% of the field contesting every stoppage. it looks like under 13s. or a flock of seagulls fighting over a bag of chips. We need to get it back to the fast free flowing chain of positional footy, where the fwd pocket wasnt contesting possessions on the half back flank! Neutral observers arent going to games of footy as much as they used to unless theyre blockbusters. its just too congested.
  12. get Grgic back. The next Garry Lyon , I remember hearing .
  13. its nothing to do with being the first club to use a top 10 pick on a F/S. Its the opportunity to snare 3 top ten picks this year instead of 2 top ten picks. thats a massive difference.
  14. No Sh*t. why is the footy public just getting this?!
  15. thats a horrible option. 1 potential un in a hot draft for 2 ok players that have looked better in a good side than they really are. id spew up if the dees do that.Pick 3 and 4 - viney , toumpas/orourke. midfield set up. Dont do it Dees
  16. yes fair point, its important to have an unbiased opinion of the club when trying to analyse the decisions made by the player market this month.
  17. not everyones a melbourne supporter guys. if it was 1996 and you had a choice of being traded to Fitzroy or Carlton , who would you have chosen?! Cmon guys, cant blame the bloke. Anyone whos played a bit of footy knows its no fun chasing jumpers all day. The guy wants success and the highs of winning. of course some blokes will enjoy a challenge of joining an up and coming club , contributing to the success of the place but lets be serious, from an NON Melbourne supporters point of view, the Dees are miles away.
  18. Unfortunately I think youre correct with these concerns. The writing is on the wall and will be a hard process to reverse once it begins.
  19. This competition is getting VERY uneven, VERY quickly. Melbourne must feel like the ugly chick at the school dance.
  20. The other bad thing about it is that Free Agency allows clubs to buy premierships. Now i know from where we are sitting this year that sounds pretty good but surely the satisfaction of winning a premiership from shrewd trading and good drafting/developing is what the game should be all about, not just buying up a few stars and put them on 2 yr contracts.
  21. just the same as every other international competition using FA has been worse off for it . Free agency is not going to be good for this comp.
  22. how are you guys just coming to this conclusion now? ive been saying this since FA was first announced. That announcement was the nail in the coffin of the concept of an even competition. SInce , ive been gobsmacked at peoples failure to see what this was going to do. SOme people even think it will be good for the weaker clubs. smell the roses guys.
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