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Fitz Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Fitz Fitzpatrick

  1. hes on the list of the worst club since fitzroy. cant compare that to jono browns situation. he will be thinking what the F#^*????!!!
  2. Hogan aint going to stick around guys. Just imagine what hes thinking right now.
  3. Hellsbells, they are all knockout blows, however it will be only in hindsight that they will be recognised as such. 'pick up an Agrade mid in FA, sign on new sponsors' ? F&$k me, there is no chance of that now
  4. what do you guys think about neale daniher? i know he left the list in a bit of a state but he seemed to be held in a pretty high regard by players and he could coach wins. turned the side around pretty quick in 98 . perhaps he could come in as head of football department?
  5. the team has to improve but more importantly the clubs performance has to improve or hogan will be out as quick as he can be. 17clubs will be throwing mountains of cash at this kid. he will be a gun. why the hell would he stick around when the big clubs will be falling over each other to get hold of him. mclardy and co. , you guys better get your [censored] sorted and quickly.
  6. free agency chase mids. draft - trade high picks for top midfielders. its the only way out of this mess
  7. i noticed Dawes has gone back out to 3-4 weeks on the injury list.
  8. neeld , please put watts on the wing and leave him there for a couple of months. perhaps rotate him in the forward pocket . he could be a great link man out of defence. the match committee are making decisions without foresight. very reactionary. its killing us. now they are stuck with what to do with him as they feel they need to make a statement but a game against gws is the best opportunity for someone like watts to get some confidence.
  9. Sounds like some pressure on Eddie to stand down. nothing much yet but if it happens could we get him over to the club? eddie as president would be the shake up we need. not a demon but his professionalism would be an outstanding addition. if we have to rely on just choosing a mfc supporter then we have slim pickings im afraid
  10. a couple of top shelf mids coming in to the side will also encourage our current players to stick around. there will be light at the end of the tunnel. otherwise i fear viney , hogan, frawley etc will get out as soon as they can. im sure they like the club but they also want a good footy career. how could we realistically expect them to turn down an offer from collingwood etc at the rate we are going at the moment. trade the draft picks Neeld!
  11. we need to forget the draft this year. trade our top picks for established A grade midfielders. np point getting a couple of 18 year olds in teh draft just to have them take a couple of years to develop, ala Toumpas. the club needs to rise quickly. theres enough kids. add two gun midfielfders to our fwd line and we are away again. the turnaround wont take as long as many think
  12. a big warning bell is that not once have i heard the media comment on a decisionby the football department positively. everything the FD does seems to dumbfound the media. not that they have to do what the media says but the fact that every observer outside the club seems to be also left perplexed does make me concerned. i cant believe some of the decisions the match committe make to be honest.
  13. the club needs to trade its 1st draft pick and perhaps the priority pick as well for established quality midfielders. once the midfiled is strong this team will click. a very potent forward line potentially. skip the kids for a year. get some classy midfielders. mfc cant afford another season like this. it will fold
  14. sounds great dazzledavey but MFC have got jack [censored] chance of keeping him past his first contract. he must be looking on dreaming of playing for the eagles or freo. he will be gone
  15. take the priority pick and trade it for an established top shelf midfielder
  16. wizza , waynewussell , i tip my hat to you blokes. wizza, that was a fantastic idea and credit to you also wayne to help wizza make it happen. the media coverage, the show of support, it was ashow of strength and support for the club and the players. the players can hopefully feed of this when they are digging deep tomorrow. and a big thank you to all of the supporters who turned up today. the effect cant be underestimated. nice one guys!
  17. Why is everyone so big on Gawn. He is tall but other than that is as unproven as anyone else in the side. I think people are expecting far too much from Gawn. He will have a servicable career for sure but i cant see too much upside to be honest.
  18. Thats a real sign of the times and the clubs demise, Irish demon. 50 years ago Collingwood hated Melbourne football club with a passion, now their supporters feel sorry for us and wish us the best for the future. Wow, that is a very sobering thought
  19. Exactly. The club just has its head above water . looking at a loss this year. probaly around the 1mill mark. players will leave. frawleys, jones, hogan , viney, they arent going to to hang around . next year. more poor attendances. loss of sponsorship. probaly another 600grand loss. thats up to 1.6mill in debt and we havent even scratched the surface. that 5mill we wiped off the slate will be back before we know it. then what? another demon debt demolition? really? you call that a strong financial position? the club has no positive cash flow apart from members pockets. that is not sustainable.
  20. this is NOt about the players. i really hope the club realise this. 45 blokes dont suddenly forget how to play footy. some of them wouldnt even get a game in their old TAC teams at the moment. If it looks like sh*t, smells like sh*t then it most probaly is. A change needs to be made or the club will lose all the talent on the list. Why the F&^%K would Hogan toumpas and viney want to stick around for another 18mths of this?!
  21. Even if the players are determined to give it their best regardless of their opinion of neelds capabilities, if the game plan is too complicated or not standing up to match conditions then the team will continue to be beaten badly , this exasberating the situation with the players. the team has accelerated backwards at an alarming rate from 2011. this is NOT just because the players arent trying. what neeld is attempting to do is not working.
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