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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Yes Ben Hur-radiation is awesome!We should just suck it up.All those greenies and their lust to survive just irritate us all. They should just get a job I hear the wages are pretty high in Fukushima.
  2. Disagree. We won and he is shite so they are spot on.
  3. One touch for the dayat 1mill per season?
  4. I remember meeting his aunty at a BBQ when he just started and I thought he would be the next Gary Lyon. She was pretty hot looking too. Should be a Miller/Miranda Father/son coming through to seal another 5000 female members in 15 years or so. Brad might have been pretty but he never shirked it.
  5. I remember checking out some early footage of Strauss ,Blease ,Watts and the guy from Bankstown carving it up for Vic Metro . They dominated then and in time they will dominate again. Have a look at you tube Vic Metro GF 2008 or 2009? The kick Tom Mc tried acoss half back that cost us a goal would have hit the target if Straussy kicked it and would be a 12 point difference in result. When I say the simple words "can play" or "can't play" it really means the basics skills of football. He has them in spades.
  6. Good servant of the club and showed good leadership . Made the most of his talent and went in hard. Well Done Millertime!
  7. No-that was a picture of a guy who does NOT have a tank.
  8. Are you sure?Stevens must be a comlete hack then.
  9. The obvious thing is to tell him to retire and talk to us when he is ready to play again ,if ever . Good enough player but do we really have to keep him on the list at all?
  10. Met Slug a few times as a kid playing footy and cricket. Called a spade a spade and kept it real. RIP Slug.
  11. If he goes do we get to break his leg for a year? Would be fair enough .
  12. We win most taps every week. He just does nothing
  13. I want him gone . I make no secret of it. He has been at the centre of most of our problems. We look like drunk lepers trying to catch a greased watermelon whenever there is a bounce . He must be retarded or no good at his job. See you chocco!
  14. When you cant think of anything new a simple "you are"still holds a juvenile type of kudos that I ike .
  15. and we won silver in the 50k walk-that was a real climax to our whole campaign . Spewin' i missed it .
  16. We have four Ruckmen who can play when fit . I think we will need all four going into the next few seasons . They have a higher rate of injury than other positions and they take longer to learn to play to their strengths . None of them are hopeless yet none is a star.
  17. Doesn't quite get the pontiffs off their couch when you put it like that, does it.?Far more accurate the way you put it.
  18. They say behind every dark cloud is another tempest the likes of which will destroy the earth for good .You learn that when you barrack for Melbourne .
  19. Warnock was starring yesterday-that says it all .The AFL have created a money sink that they will never fill . Its like they have looked at the NRL model and said "Our game could be as bad as that if we invent some crap teams and get involved in the competition as stakeholders and administrators at the same time. Within in a few years we could really destroy 150 years of other peoples toil".
  20. More like him and Tapscott and they will be stepping out of the way .
  21. So can Paris Hilton but she'll never win an Oscar.
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