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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. We released a statement basically saying "You deal with it -it's your problem"
  2. it's a three year contract OD. I suppose we have to have to honour it and change the list by 25%.
  3. Sure mate-we all have the right to say our piece.It's just that if a dissenting view cannot offer up an alternative that is logical then it doesn't help us. Sure-make criticism if you want but give it till 2014 before trying to make change OFF the ground . Sacking players happens every year-they get their opportunities to prove their ability and if they dont make it they go. I'm not happy with our midfield coach off the ground but that's about it. On the ground I think we need 10 changes to the list .
  4. Then get on the bus Pants ."All you need is faith-to hear the deisels hummin' you dont need no baggage-you just get on board"
  5. I think if we dont see finals action in 2014 then the current admin should be changed.Neeld needs 3 years at the helm with total support.
  6. At the moment. Neeld is looking more popular than Putin or Mugabe! (97% for Neeld is not a landslide but an avalanche of support)
  7. Look- it's pretty clear some of you dont like Schwab or Neeld for your own reasons. Nobody is stopping you running up against them or the McLardy board. Go for it-do your best . You may be laughed out of town but at least you will have had a go and you will know you don't have the support. Otherwise-divisiveness does nothing for the club so get On the Bus or shut up.
  8. Handled pretty well then-even by your own account .
  9. Schwab hasn't broken any rules as far as I am aware of ."Tanking" is an issue that really concerns betting . As a club we are paying our bills and have a new home ,our seconds sit atop the ladder and we have a bright future.CS has done a terrific job for the club and may not be macho enough for some people but he presents an articulate and intelligent corporate face for our club .
  10. We all live and learn-Schwab has us in a very ,very ,very ,very strong position gong forward. Where are the Saints at?
  11. A team of 20 QCs could not prove that we threw games . "Tanking" is more of an issue in Sports betting. Picking a development side ahead of a best side available is entirely different to tanking . This is merely a Melbourne bashing exercise by the press .They cant get enough of it . Bring it on [censored].
  12. Schwab has been the man behind our draft strategy for the past five years ,along with CC . We have been actively attempting a rebuild based on youth and have made no secret of the fact .It is no surprise that some of the older players at the club have been disgruntled at this approach. The voice of some of these guys may have been a lot more relevant if they had shown more on field leadership and had attempted to protect the kids coming through the ranks .Instead they chose to speak out against the administration and divide the club whilst their own performances underwhelmed . What we have now is a team that is the third youngest in the competition ,with some more young talent coming through .We have a no nonsense coach and the last bite of the cherry in the draft before the rules change .I think Schwab has orchestrated our survival both on and off field whether we like it or not .I feel for the older supporters who may not be around in two or three years ,as I feel for the older players who have tried hard on the field of play . If I were CEO of Melbourne I would have followed the same path. The pain we all feel at watching our young guys make mistakes and our old guys not try will all dissipate when we have 22 talented ,well trained players at the age of 23-27 who are winning nearly every match.Mclean may be bitter that we could not afford his asking price at the time but I for one am glad there is a long term plan in place . Teams like the Saints ,the Bulldogs ,North and Freo and Geelong will slip down the ladder in the future as they need to introduce new blood.It may not look like it at the moment ,but we are closer to our next flag than these older teams . The future finals series will be made up of younger lists that will not suffer from retirements/delistings as we have in our re-build .I can see Essendon ,Richmond ,Meth Coast and even Gold Coast becoming stronger in the future as we will .Collingwood ,Carlton ,Hawks ,Swans , Crows and WCE have the window open as they have the right amount of games into their talent and their bodies are strong enough to cope. Next year will be brighter for us ,the year after even better . Those who cannot stay the journey and want to knock their own club should get off the reality bus now. Our recruitment policies are based on the realities that faced us after the Daniher years. I can cop the flak from tools like Brock McLean and I will laugh when we knock him out of future finals contests(if he is around). If your skin isn't thick enough to handle the abuse now then get tougher or get off the Reality Bus . Unfortunately ,being a Melbourne supporter is tough
  13. Just voted for Neeld.Seems I'm in the majority by a long way. Tona-the wheels are falling off your barrow .
  14. He didn't want the long term pain-he stupidly thought the "window" was opening.
  15. Tanking is the wrong word -its called list experimentation and any club is allowed to do it . The alternative for a club in our situation is to recycle and patch up . No one can doubt we needed a fresh start . I though Brock was a great clubman and all that too but I found out the 10k bid at the auction was a nice way of paying a fine for some pi55y behaviour . I am looking forward to the time when the whole football world hates us. When we have the best and toughest 22 on the ground I will be happy . Bring on the slagging all you sh!t clubs. Get us a midfield with pace AND skill. Hacks like Mclean are going nowhere .
  16. Pikey didn't lack SPEED in those days but he was a journeyman.Like Jamie Duursma.
  17. Im sorry,lets have a coke and Hungry Jacks and then drive to the Telstra dome in a Toyota and watch some ads.
  18. You clearly dont.We will try to locate a crane to help you get down from your horse.
  19. What happens when 4 and 5 conflict like they so often do . The rest go without saying.
  20. How is it going over in Nam mate-keep an eye on your Dong!
  21. Col Sylvia is mates with some good players-enjoys a laugh with them after a game.Recruiting strategy?
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