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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Pele. When you've kicked as many goals as him and you live in Brazil, they would be mandatory. Mick Jagger gives them a nudge too I'd reckon.
  2. and you're the Chopin of chauvinism. How dare you knock my mates make-up. Just when were we getting somewhere with Brocks sister. Next thing you'll be discussing lesbians again.
  3. You got him a beauty there mate. BBO will never get up after that knockout blow. Your wingman, mjt, is probably Rofl.
  4. I'm calm now tiger. and I'm gen-x. But I can still remember the days when kiddies respected their elders.
  5. Beyond that rugged ,thick skinned ,no nonsense exterior lies a delicate little soul that just wants order and discipline . Sloonie is just educating him .
  6. I never said they were sane. Lets be clear on that. and don't swear at me in abbreviations. I dont think you've ever posted one nice, funny ,charming ,clever or intelligent sentence on this site in your brief but utterly tedious time here. Did someone just run over your pet rat? Or a you just an angry little person.
  7. No,no, Go on. This is now actually more interesting than Brocks sisters sex life. Which I never thought possible.
  8. Public Holidays should be about eating pork and treating women to the delights of my body. I've got weed to smoke and children to beat. This is getting deeper than Jaques Cousteau, The cultural debate is too much for me. After i kick the dog and dump the rubbish in the park , I will return to this forum in the hope that you have all stopped offending the sensitive souls that lurk here.
  9. Camp as christmas. The boys are as happy as can be.
  10. More sex and violence than the old testament. Those who dont like it can go Begat themselves.
  11. I will admit my issues with cyclists are irrational. Soon after I wrote that about Beach Rd I saw another one bite the dust. It needs fixing. Cyclist should pay for the widening. Or stick to the fkn track. For their own benefit.
  12. Let me get this Straight. Brock Mcleans sister is a terrorist. On that we all agree. But should terrorists have the same rights as homosexualists? thats where it starts getting tricky. Now
  13. Oh Sloonie you clever girl . WOman of my dreams ,slaying scum at the footy with fists and mediocrity at home on the screen.
  14. If I read more of your world view it will have the same effect on me as burning the flag. By Jingos.
  15. For a third world nation, they are very good at Rugby. I'll give them that. And it's a nice paddock for our horses to breed in.
  16. So you are descended from boat people. Scottish descendant formed a weird and tight fisted colony in one of the islands South east of Australia. Their relatives live there today, have their own language , and their own form of humour. The call them New Zealanders.
  17. This is the time to rush to conclusions and speculate.Not the time for sensible consideration.
  18. Pity he came away bruise free. Bad Mitch bad. Good Mitch good.
  19. I'll wait and see on Dawes. He has shown nothing to warrant his price tag. Sure he is big-but we need a useful big. Neeld will live and die by this bloke. I reserve my judgement on him-Neeld better be right. In answer to the thread topic. One is for fully fledged lunatics and the other one is only for nut jobs and cranks.
  20. This thread proudly brought to you by Pfizer. Keeping old bananas firm for another generation.
  21. Need wickets , Need a Zaffer soon. Uum... er James Pattinson (Player of the Ashes)
  22. By "keep" winning I assume you mean in the Charlie Sheen interpretation of the word.
  23. Was hoping to spark an anti-agist tirade but you've all gone to bed .
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