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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Then they sleep with the fishes.
  2. I stole two pens today from the NAB. That'll hurt them big time.
  3. What an excellent , balanced, factual article. Factual enough for me. Beautifully written GoodVibes.
  4. Seems to have breathing issues maybe due to his diminishing fast twitch muscle fibre. Could be a sub-but we need a very desperate sub . We know he has got the skills ,we all love the guy for what he has done in the past. But we all know that means nothing anymore . Sentiment doesn't count at the selection table . I would love to see Flash bagging goals and tackling in the pocket again .
  5. They cant even leak a legal dispute to the media properly .
  6. Yep-Work Choices as they once called it . Industrial Relations. Enterprise Bargaining . That stuff . Or as Nick Reiwoldt once put it; "There is no show without Punch."
  7. With reference to your last line ,I dont believe being a shareholders buys you the right to impinge upon the union agreement signed by the clubs ,players the AFL. Rightly or wrongly ,there are large sections of the community using drugs daily . Football players deserve the same protection of their civil rights that other unions enjoy. The three strikes policy is in line with big mining ,construction as well as army and police policies. This hard line stance of zero tolerance is boring and ineffective . Those that spout it constantly are as off the mark as "The War on Drugs" was . Test everyone in the Media first ,as I have said ,and then have the debate . There will be nobody to even turn on the cameras and microphones.
  8. The other thread is now Whispering Jacks personal column which is fairly disappointing. We all know Caro is a dumb COAT and we should have the right to pour scorn on her shoddy log of events. 'Landers need the right to party in the cyber streets over this. I'm a little tired of the censorship going on right here in this little place ,and the lack of it at Fairfax. Range Rover has been banned for what looks like a personal vendetta. and Stuie ,whom I loathe ,was returned after one week for his sojourn into the realm of Greek Pleasure I am going out today with a couple of mates from THE AGE.One is in sport currently . I am going to give them heaps for defending Caro from my criticism of her crap work and lack of ethics. She too has lead a personal vendetta against Schwab in particular . May we please have a thread for adults only? A bar room for these old fashioned brawls . I have had some blues with Curry and Beer ,Stuie ,Ben Hur and others but I think we have all been big enough to move on. The warnings, the selective bans, the CoC referrals ,the reminders of libel laws etc are a bit much when we all write under aliases and can be considered a special interest(nearly special needs) group. Mods and stalwarts , I suggest we actually begin to enjoy our football a bit more and lighten up . We got first choice of nearly every decent young player for the last 5 years and we got away with it . Party time .
  9. I like the tone of the Herald Suns coverage on the issue. Glenn Close is in the Age building with a bunny on the boil, flicking the light on and off , trying to ring Cam for the 452nd time. We are not even prepared to accept a fine. Good tough stance.
  10. Seems to have some insight into his own situation which means there is hope. He found time to acknowledge the MFC brothers and needs to put his assault charges behind him. He is putting his family ahead of football but I see no reason why he couldn't play AFL elsewhere one day. Somebody buy the guy a new phone for crissakes.
  11. That was with his half-cousin, which is still considered Kosher in some parts of Italy and Tassie, perhaps Romsey. Dancing with my sister is uncomfortable for me mainly because she is a big fat ugly thing and she stinks. Apart from the futility of it, she accuses me of "[censored]-blocking" her. So now we leave her at home when we go to the disco.
  12. I dont like the term "group think". I prefer cordial mass debate. Like snowflakes , no two opinions are exactly the same.(which surely cannot be true) I am always right even if most people dont agree with me yet. I learnt ways to win friends and influence people from studying the US marines. Cash if you say yes, torture if you say no. Everyone in Gitmo agrees.
  13. I just flicked over to the Age and it seems Caro is resigned to the fact that Schwab ,CC ,Bailey and The Mighty Demons are not guilty . Terribly inconvenient for her that people had to resort to legal measures to preserve their integrity and livelihoods. 500k fine mooted but I doubt this. Sorry Kero .You lose. And all us loonies that said we wouldn't be penalised were right . and Cam Schwab rides on into the sunset while she sticks pins into her red and blue voodoo doll.
  14. I miss those parties too.Hellfire was a great night out. I only went the first time because I thought it was the Demons social club.
  15. Could be a bad year for Kero . I hope it is an agonising and bumpy fall for her.The Wangaratta Times is calling. She wants to be in a "boys club" , breaks the rules of journalism, decency and respect, gets dressed down and threatens to take her bat and ball home. I love it.
  16. You've gotten a little bit funnier. Not much I admit. Please dont block me Stu. You can't just shut me out like that. Ever since you and Ben parted ways you just keep lashing out. Did you get the measuring tape out for Matt Jones Can you rock up to training and get his vitals?
  17. My pick again so quickly . I'll have a Root . Joe Root-England and Wales Pick 77.
  18. Stuie obviously has no guilt about his dehumanising treatment of Kero. He forced the pope to resign over it and now he's back. It's the briefest stint in the cooler I've seen. Meanwhile Range Rover is stuck in a snowstorm without any chains.
  19. "Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often."
  20. Hardly quick but timely nonetheless. We should pursue her in court. I hope she is sent a letter advising her to stop the crap. If she continues to report supposition as fact we could earn enough to get Cotchin.
  21. Some on here would argue that was merely a fait accompli.
  22. Verballed? No idea miss You talkin about the Jordie McMahon game? Sorry Luv, not a clue? Talk to me lawyer love? 'is names Ray. Serious words there maam. Impeccable sources and all wif Brock and AFL family , Adrian Anderson,and all. The Ol' MFC, the Vault , the bookies , the draft , drugs, money,corruption, sex,rape,violence,skullduggery,carcrashes, bad tatts, vindictive journalism? Not in our game miss. Not on your Nelly. It's a family game Mrs Wilson.
  23. Hoping our footy teams cop a similar slap on the wrist for our lack of effort in the face of adversity back in 2009.
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