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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. We only have time for contemplation of future sins at the Gat. No navel gazing here.
  2. Coffee, beer,wine,sex these are some of the triggers for the craving to smoke. You'll have to quit the lot.
  3. One smoke wont hurt Jazza. The tobacco industry needs you,relies on you. A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.
  4. Some of my employees here at the Gat are prone to lying. It's a part of their stock in trade,essential in the industry. You are probably never at work long enough to experience an injury except from the odd RSI pain which is probably caused from your private alpaca work.
  5. Workcover have unleashed a damning report on Melbourne during the Bailey years. Apparently we didn't do any. Some recruiters have also been reported for not working.
  6. Bomberblitz is a good laugh at the moment. As I was on a recent holiday from our own magnificent forum I took the opportunity to indulge in some schadenfreude. You should read some of the terrible things they write about that lovely journalist Caroline Wilson.Shocking.
  7. Yep, George Best and Kieth Richards made me what I am but it's time I spread my wings under my new life coach.
  8. Wear whatever turns you on deeluded. Dont let societal norms influence you.
  9. Gee that was a big weekend. Felt like two weeks. Anyone have a good weekend?
  10. Correct -we were causing a diversion by using our troops in the actual war-D-day was another one of those little things Winston decided not let us in on-despite Ming following him around like a puppy.
  11. DC- Your little coaching gig at the East Burwood Rams is coming under some scrutiny. I like the tactics-make them earn the jumper!
  12. I agree entirely-but let he who casts the first stone be kicked into the gutter. Fairly easy and trite thing to say but you obviously never had to grow up extremely handsome .It makes one a target.
  13. I could beat Cloke on current form. Percentage booster coming up.
  14. I highly recommend it . Most of my greatest insights come from it.
  15. i'll start paying tax when they make it compulsory. Until that day , Pat Rafter,Hoges,Greg Norman,Daniel Riccardo,The Croat tennis guy player,Hugh Jackman etc can go on rooting the system their way- and I'll do the same.
  16. Perhaps you would prefer. I remember the first time I had sex-I kept the receipt. Women should be obscene and not heard. Anyway-the neocons might get upset with all this Marxism.
  17. The selective process at The Gatwick insures we get only the best of the best here. No arseless chap wearing chaps riding into town on demented Alpacas anymore .
  18. My room mates will be pleased. They are still recovering from your last trip to town.
  19. Not the most entertaining dinner guests I'll grant you moon-but there is enough posturing here for a lifetime!
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