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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. We should go back to discussing the Bronzed Aussie. Forget about DCs predeliction for cedel hair spray and And a freshly coiffed perm.
  2. There are simply not enough hours in the day.
  3. Do player rankings have a point Stu? Does personal hygiene ? Does anything? Come in Stu- you can get more outraged over something of no real consequence than this.
  4. The vending machines in Tokyo might be your best bet.You'd struggle to get near Jess with your health issues. It's time you trawled the bingo halls and CWA scone teas for some action like poor old DC.
  5. I've heard the cobblestones can give you a real knee trembling.I imagine you waiting at the rear of the pack- ready to come from behind. I picture you in Lycra now- I'm scarred for life.
  6. Sounds like he is preparing for a " tour de pants".Some riders are good up the hills- and some like a fast decline.
  7. Sounds terrible Jazza- like work people advertise as "honest ".The alarm clock thing sounds injurious to my delicately balanced sleep patterns. Thank you for your kind offer-but the only time I like to see a cows rump is on a plate with chips and salad.
  8. My business will bounce back Bitters- and when it does I have a free credit in store offer for you. Gotta go fill out some insurance claims. If Abe Saffron can bounce back from disaster do can I.
  9. She is a respected political journalist- the Michelle Grattan of America , in many ways- almost Carolike .
  10. Maple - I fully agree that you are not Gatwick material - not everyone is cut out for " the life". Further- for Jazza to infer that you might be is scandalous . We can't expect much from the uneducated agrarian millionaires.
  11. Ling must be fairly intimidated stepping into the void left by Brian Royal.
  12. Watching them play rugby in the paddock must have been the final straw for you.Perhaps if you spent less time at the neighbours your flock might feel safer.
  13. I remember You telling me about the scandal with the farm hand on the 457 visa. I still can't believe you didn't know what was happening until the lads started speaking with a kiwi accent.
  14. Juice is right up there in my fave demonland subjects. Please keep the dream alive.
  15. Next time we should all roll up to Bbos with some garlic , rosemary and a rotisserie .I refuse to despatch one of them for ethical reasons and also because they have such lovely eyes.
  16. I don't want to bore you with the intricacies of my work practises but you are aware that the cost of precursor chemicals had trebled in the last financial year- I nearly rang the ACCC to complain .
  17. Have you not read the papers- there is a recession looming.One must save for a rainy day . We must all tighten our belts .sort of.
  18. I have merely been on an extended bender.Lordweaver must have found a higher calling. I cannot recant my lascivious lifestyle- I have made a solemn pact.
  19. Take the lens cap off the binoculars next time OD.
  20. Biffen


    Hird could inject something into one of those teams. Or maybe he is. "Studying" them.
  21. Bring back the reserves- starting at 11am - before the main game. Not a novel idea- but one the worked well for Melbourne based clubs.
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