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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. Well . . . that pretty much describes half the list . . . including both captains.
  2. Out Omac . . . in one of TGR, Hemmingway, Picket Fence, Me or my 90 year old father.
  3. not sure how the stats disprove my assessment actually.
  4. yeah . . . let's get a big, slow, one dimensional big man that runs to the wrong spots. Need one of them desperately.
  5. I was deliberate in my use of the word 'currently' MB.
  6. I'm amazed that many think Hawthug is somehow the measuring stick for what we should do in 2019 for an attack on the flag in 2020. That is the club we towelled up six months ago and consequently went out in straight sets, didn't make the finals in 2017 and went out in straight sets again in 2016. So they haven't won a final in three years . . . the same time they have taken money ball to a whole new level. (And for what it's worth . . . won't win a final in 2019 IMHO.) Anyone who thinks the Dorks currently have it sussed is living in an alternative reality (shoot . . . I realised I'm writing this on Demonland . . . the home of alternative reality).
  7. If fans are looking for a scapegoat, pointing the finger at Maaca is not the answer. From personal experience, the bloke is as straight as a schoolboy at Christmas. If the players are after him, it's because he's delivered a few home truths.
  8. Has anyone taken the time to speak to an official at Tallarook? They might just have a light cold.
  9. Serves us right for signing this mob up to a sponsorship! The marketers talk about 'synergies' between the parties . . . well Jaguar's reliability and Melbourne's game plan are totally synergistic.
  10. I 'spose my point is BAMF, there is absolutely nothing in the data which suggests he's in decline. Yes, he's 32. But he's a sensational athlete and been a superstar. His decline is likely to be gradual rather than sudden would be my guess.
  11. Could you please stop talking sense markc?
  12. Just checking we are talking about the same player. I thought the thread was about a guy named Lance 'Buddy' Franklin . . . currently playing for the Sydney Swans and formerly of Hawthorn. The one that hasn't played less than 17 games per year for the last ten years (19 last year and all four this year), has kicked at least 50 goals a year for 11 of the last 12 years (including 57 last year), averages at least three goals a game (including 2018) over a career spanning 294 games. Obviously I'm thinking of a different Buddy Franklin . . . not the "overweight, overpaid, has-been" one.
  13. Sorry SWYLB. That was very sadistic of me. My apologies.
  14. Doug "all alone and unattended" Heywood.
  15. Can you imagine Hudson and SoMo in the box together?
  16. Kelly Underwood is by far the best going around. Put her and Daisy in the box together and it'd be a good night . . . "we know that" as Bwoos wood say.
  17. With Rance out and a few others down, Phil Davis becomes the most irreplaceable big backman in the game.
  18. Goodwin = no imagination evident May = fitness . . . what fitness? Umpires = back to Bendigo Lyon = what a hypocrite Jones = effectively finished now
  19. Sounds like you might be on to it PF (as usual). My sauce has been reliable in the past. If it's true . . . easily the biggest story of the year.
  20. Big news story brewing down the Nepean Highway. Not a good look and potentially season de-railing.
  21. you're a dam fine human being Werridee. thanks for the useful info.
  22. Interesting how this thread has gone quiet in the light of the Geelong debacle and the consequential occupancy of 18th position on the ladder. The harsh reality has hit home hard presumably. A top tier of stars and very ordinary 'c graders' underneath them. Outside of Lever and the Van . . . there's really not much improvement available outside the current 22. Many tried and failed and the end is coming quick of one in particular. Back to the draft for us and trade out a top five pick for Josh Kelly and a 'b grader'. The benefit of 2019 . . . which is considerable . . . is getting games into Tracktor, The Weed and one or two others who have 200 games stamped all over them. Getting a premiership outta this lot of 'a graders' is still well and truly on the radar . . . it's just going to happen a lot slower than many pundits realise.
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