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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. Anyone heard any recent news involving JW? Heard he was best on ground.
  2. That would be the 'output' HB. Another poster has made a recent contribution on this thread that's not too far off the mark . . . as I understand it.
  3. Better not EO . . . but there's a recent enough post in this thread made by another poster that's not far off the view held by key people in the FD.
  4. Actually . . . what was passed onto me contained a brutal assessment beyond what I've shared here.
  5. Take what you like and leave the rest DD.
  6. From a reliable source . . . Direct confirmation from an assistant coach about Hogan: “we’re glad he's gone - very hard to deal with”.
  7. Cancel this years five Nobles prizes. For the first time in history, all five are awarded to one individual.
  8. Jesse won't get the silver service from players at Freeo that he'll get with us for the next five years. Think about that Son!
  9. They may have kicked the first five in '70 and '79 it seems.
  10. The 10 positives from 2018 1/ Filth choke in granny 2/ Filth choke in granny 3/ Filth choke in granny 4/ Filth choke in granny 5/ Filth choke in granny 6/ Filth choke in granny 7/ Filth choke in granny 8/ Filth choke in granny 9/ Filth choke in granny 10/ Filth choke in granny
  11. Just wondering . . . does anyone know if a team has ever kicked the first five goals in a granny and lost the game?
  12. Dickwick was completely out coached. Caught napping when Big Cox went bezerk . Simpson saw to it that didn't happen again. simmo coached brilliantly I thought.
  13. $10 for GWS is worth two bob i would have thought.
  14. Are you talking about the Spargo that plays for Melb?
  15. A Collingwood couple gets married and are on their honeymoon. The woman changes into a sexy outfit and lies on the bed. She looks sheepishly up at her new hubby and whispers, "Please be gentle with me. I'm a virgin." The man gets up screaming, grabs his trousers and runs home to tell his father, who comforts him by saying, "Now, now. It'll be okay, son. If she wasn't good enough for her own family, then she isn't good enough for ours."
  16. Jones - career worst game [QD = great warrior passed] Viney - couldn’t impose himself [QD = didn't lead well] Melksham - the Essendon player [QD = enquiry into performance] Smith - showed some glimpses [QD = better than Fridge] Hannan - played little part [QD = back to VFL] Oliver - always under pressure [QD = please hit target] Weideman - looked a schoolboy [QD = overwhelmed but coming] Harmes - tried without effect [QD = spirited leader developing] Petracca - a major disappointment [QD = when will deliver?] Brayshaw -fumbled and stumbled [QD = been good year] Gawn - had no impact [QD = unconditional love here] Spargo - little to enthuse [QD = just too small] Frost - kept at task [QD = no frosty miller!] Hibberd - obviously played injured [QD = tried but shtithouse] Jetta - loose and overwhelmed [QD = unconditional love ii] Lewis - nothing to commend [QD = 2/3 ain't bad] O. McDonald - amateur 3 quarters [QD = lost in space] T.McDoald - had no influence [QD = love ya Tommy] Neal- Bullen - was he playing? [QD = little boy lost] Salem - succumbed to pressure [QD = taking offers now] Tyson - last Demon game [QD = clear to Carltank] vandenBerg - tried but careless [QD = big boy lost]
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