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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. That's the spirit! Who cares how ugly it is, wear it to wash your car or to the gym. The point is it's $60, of which $40 probably ends up in the club's pocket. Perhaps next year we can get something that doesn't look like it belongs at The Reject Shop, but until then, less complaining, more paying.
  2. Well I still stand by my previous comments regarding Carlton
  3. That polo is hardly the height of design or innovation, but I can understand why the club feels it has more important things to spend money on, than product developers (who are very expensive). Having said that, merchandise can and does generate a hell of a lot of money for many AFL clubs, and the same can be true for us if we put some effort into it. I'm waiting to get the OK from my employer and then I'll contact the club regarding this issue. I'm more than happy to offer my time and knowledge in the area of product development if it means helping the club generate more revenue through better merchandise.
  4. Good. Carlton can go and get fudged! Dick Pratt can surely buy them some grass or something
  5. There are several specialist taggers in the AFL who are excellent players and vital to their team's success (and I don't think I have to name them for you). If Dunn can add an element of attack to his game (and there is no reason why he can't given his general disposal skills), while still successfully shutting down the opposition's best player, than he too will be a vital and successful AFL player. This whole argument that he was a first round pick and yet has only turned out to be a tagger is silly! He's turned out to be a tagger because that's the only position where he has been given a significant amount of time to learn and develop.
  6. I expect us to go as hard as we possibly can and play anyone who is fit and ready. We need to win this competition for so many reasons, and above all else we need to get that winning feeling back to the club. We've been losing too much for too long. This is the only time in the season when average teams can win, so let us take full advantage of that!
  7. Thank you for the reports. Being on the other side of the world I'm starved for footy information. Brilliant news about Jared as well!
  8. When it happened 4 years ago I was overseas, and only got told about Broady through a friend. 4 years on and I'm back at the same place, but unfortunately for Troy's loved ones, so much has changed and they can't go back to a time where their husband/son/friend was still alive. I have no doubt you are resting in peace, and that you're watching over the Demons proudly.
  9. Bloody internet cafes :angry: I'm overseas and finally found a place that will actually play the video, but I can't get any sound. I still laughed really loudly just watching it and people are now looking at me like I'm crazy...
  10. Yep. Ring the club on 9652 1111. Robbo will pick up the phone (don't get excited, it's a recorded message :D) and just follow the prompts.
  11. An exciting pick, and for all your tall-obsessed supporters we got us another one to add to the list. I love smokies, especially Indigenous players who have clearly had to overcome difficult conditions to play. You just never know how much they are capable of until you put them in a professional environment and give them the time and attention they need to grow as footballers. Watching these sort of players develop is one of the biggest joys of being an AFL supporter.
  12. What have we got to lose? The chances of getting anyone half decent with your last rookie pick are so slim. At least with Hughes the club knows a fair bit about him.
  13. Come on people, another 1,000 before Christmas... we can do it! I guess the key really is getting new members on board, because only us die-hard fanatics buy memberships 2 months after our team finished 16th. We're all suckers for the pain, and we must inflict it on others :D
  14. I hear it's a brain related back injury :D Seriously, just because someone pulls up tight from training, does not mean they have done a serious injury that will ruin their season. In fact, that he pulled up sore means he's actually working hard and doing something. The same goes for Petterd. Maybe he's just a bit sore from an earlier session, and they are giving him some time off. It's very normal that after weeks of hard training, players are feeling the strain.
  15. How sad is it, that a group of amateurs (no offence) managed to win one game by a margin which exceeds the combined winning margin of our football team in 2008. Well done though, you're doing Demonland proud! :D
  16. Riewoldt pretty much lives at the Thomas residency. That family is in love with him, and treat him like their long lost brother. Lets hope they don't get their claws into our Jack next. We don't need him getting any ideas about moving to the Saints! :angry:
  17. I'm pretty sure Grant Thomas' kids are friends with Jack, as they all go to school in Brighton (it's very incestuous down here ).
  18. Shoes... but never mind that; Cale- A steakhouse Jared- Replacement body parts McLean- Luck Meesen- A hope in hell Carlton- A suspicious fire which destroys the entire club and everyone in it
  19. Good find. I particularly like this bit: And thank god for that. Nothing against Riewoldt, who is a fine player, but a little less crying and a little more premiership winning would certainly be nice :D
  20. For all the inroads we've been making, I still can't see our club being brave enough to appoint McLean as captain next year. I really wouldn't be surprised if we went with the weak option of appointing Junior and Bruce as co-captains again. Doubt our players learnt anything after last year's leadership group disaster.
  21. I have nothing against Ben's family and friends helping him through this, in fact, I think it is essential to his recovery that they do. But that is a completely different issue and has nothing to do with the fact that I don't want his problems and more importantly, his "friends", hanging around our very young and very vulnerable list. God knows we have more than enough [censored] to deal with as it is, and we are just not equipped to deal with someone like Cousins. If another club is, great, but we cannot and should not take him on. Besides, Ben still seems to have a hell of a lot of issues to resolve and IMO a return to football is not the way to go about it. It seems that football was indeed the fuel that kept the fire of his addiction burning, it gave him the financial resources and social environment in which to continue his drug habit, and stepping away from all that is probably a good idea. The reality is that all drug users eventually pay a very heavy price for their addiction, and Ben isn't any different. He had a lot going for him, but sadly blew (no pun intended) it all away on drugs, which is the nature of the beast really. A real shame, but hopefully not the end of the road for him, as he is still only very young and has a lot of living left to do while clean and sober.
  22. If we get to halfway by Christmas (15,000), that would be a great achievement. So go buy anyone you know and love (or hate, depending on who they barrack for) a Melbourne membership for Christmas/Hannukah/New Year We desperately need to achieve 30,000 this year, and anything beyond that, especially given the current global economic crisis, will be a massive bonus.
  23. IMO we need clearance players more than we need yet another speculative tall to clog up the list, and the club clearly agrees given they passed on quite a few talls on draft day. We have plenty of talls in development, but only one quality inside-mid in McLean. Additionally, the likelihood of finding a decent tall in the PSD are slim, but there could be a ball winning machine hiding in there just waiting for a chance.
  24. I'm actually really excited about the NAB cup. I think we'll see most, if not all of our recruits from last year, and probably some of this year's draftees make an appearance. What a friggin disgrace it is that they stuck us in bloody Tasmania against the Hawks in the first round though!
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