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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I want a refund for the 15 seconds I spent reading and replying to this... Honestly!
  2. Hey, at least we got some discussion going on a footy-less Saturday. Having said that, you must be a very bored human being!
  3. As long as we keep picks 1 & 2, I really don't care what happens in trade week.
  4. Port will be getting pick 9 from Hawthorn for Burgoyne, and are desperate for a ruckman. I definitely think they'll trade that pick on in order to acquire one. Westhoff is indeed an over-rated piece of poo, and does not somehow balance the deal out. Pick 9 for Rivers or for Jamar is fine, pick 9 for both requires something extra from Port, hopefully their second round pick or a decent player! Never said I believed it, but it's definitely not the most ridiculous trade rumour that has been posted on here. It is probably a load of crap, but there is nothing better to discuss at the moment.
  5. We've gone a bit nuts with trades, haven't we? It wouldn't surprise me if Rivers asked for a trade, especially now that his best mate has left the club. But can we please not get Justin Westhoff?! This is surely a conspiracy to get rid of all my favourite players!
  6. Just renewed... I'm now a Gold member, after 10 consecutive years of membership
  7. If Port offered pick 9 you wouldn't think twice. You'd take it and run! But it won't happen unfortunately.
  8. Also featuring in this clip are Melbourne superstars Jack Watts and Jack Trengove. Very nice! :D
  9. How stupid would Carlton look if they backed out now? They already had McLean doing media interviews, coming in for medicals, and announced to the world the deal is done. The Fevola issue was known when the principle deal was made, so no reason why it should make a difference come trade week. They said pick 11 and it's on record. If they want a list-clogger they can take one, and it'll be a bonus for us, freeing more space to re-sign the likes of McNamara, who may otherwise get squeezed out. If they don't, we'll keep McLean or try and trade him somewhere else. We're not exactly going to lose out of this deal whichever way it turns out.
  10. Such a nasty, horrible disease! Good luck Jimmy, we're all behind you and are confident you can beat this.
  11. Besides, if we took Jetta with our last pick in 2008, we wouldn't have had space on the list to participate in the PSD and would have missed out on Jurrah. I know who I'd rather have, with all due respect to Jetta. Yes we could have rookied him, but I think McKenzie was a very good rookie choice, and we were committed to Hughes pre-draft.
  12. I understand where you are coming from, but the evidence thus far suggests that no long-term damage occurred. McLean donated a big sum of money to the club days after we tanked the Richmond game. Morton, Grimes, Maric, Aussie, Martin, Sylvia and now Davey have re-committed, and thus far nobody else has come out and requested a trade. Looking back to when Carlton and Hawthorn were doing the same thing, what long term consequences have their suffered? Hawthorn won a flag, Carlton are now playing finals and lost nobody of distinction during what was a longer tanking campaign than ours. There will always be players who are unhappy. They may be unhappy with our coach, with our facilities (can't be bothered driving to Casey ), with their role in the side, with the leadership group, with the way their injuries are handled. The problem is, that with 44 individuals in one club, you will never be able to please everyone. Players will get disgruntled, some will moan and [censored] about it then move on, some will ask to leave the club. So do you people manage for the sake of harmony, or do you talent manage for the sake of success?
  13. I don't disagree with any of that, and if he keeps Jurrah at Melbourne, he is worth every cent. However while our cap is not tight right now, you need to think 2/3/4 years from now when Watts, Morton, Grimes, Blease, Scully, Trengove, Jurrah, Frawley, Garland and so on are out of contract. It's fair to say that the worth of these players is equal, if not higher than that of Davey's and you need to pay them all accordingly. Hopefully this means his contract is front loaded.
  14. Not really. They made us pay over the odds for him. They screwed us big time even if they didn't get him in the end. They definitely wouldn't be crying themselves to sleep tonight.
  15. Well apparently it's all over now, and apparently he IS worth 4 years And any semi-intelligent footballer understands why the guys you mentioned had to go. They also look at Junior and in the past Neita, and see that, if a player is still valuable he stays, regardless of age. If we kept Robbo, Whelan and Wheatley, we would have been forced to delist younger players, because you have to clear a minimum number of spots. Would that have made our young team any happier? Besides, the club at the moment is at a very different place to where we hope it'll be in 3/4 years time. If you're pushing for a flag, you tend to keep quality experienced players, if you're on the bottom and looking at a 6 year rebuild, you don't.
  16. If you're referring to McLean, maybe you should listen to his interview. He wanted to go. He was my favourite player as well, and I'm not exactly thrilled about it, but on face value at least, the club did nothing wrong. McLean wanted out, and they did what they had to in order to ensure he ends up at Carlton and we get fairly compensated. If you're referring to Robbo, Yze, White, Whelan etc... then I'm not going to waste my time. Their time at the club was done. Perhaps you should look at McDonald as an example instead. If you're worthy of sticking around, the club will let you. Davey is entitled to go look for the best deal possible, but if what he wants is indeed 4 years and over 2mil, he won't find it at Melbourne. As I said, there is something really tactless about players playing their own club against another and dragging out negotiations. Hopefully this gets resolved. If he walks because we won't match other offers, I'm fine with that too. He does NOT deserve a 4 year deal, period.
  17. Are you suggesting Carlton will offer the Bulldogs money?
  18. You've misquoted and misunderstood Brock. He said the club stuck together and the players just said they trust the club completely, and therefore factions were not formed. Robbo probably spoke to the older generation players who were unhappy about this tactic because they won't be around to enjoy the rewards. So guess what, tough [censored]. If you won't be part of our next premiership, why the hell should we care about how you feel regarding tanking? We did what we had to, and we did it well. The players were rewarded with a huge victory against Freo to offset the post-siren loss to the Tigers. I'm sure they're over it already. Thank god we don't have to choose between Scully and Trengove (?) now, because we get both. If people don't see the value in that, and if players don't see the value in that, they're supporting the wrong business.
  19. Everitt is contracted and can't go anywhere unless the Dogs agree. The Dogs will not take pick 27 for him, when we're willing to give pick 18. So either Everitt stays with the Dogs, or he goes to the club that gives the Dogs the best deal.
  20. Say what you like, he is a class act. Spoke well, never tried to stick the boot in, and was as honest as one could possibly be in this circumstance. I do wish someone would start pointing out that we'll be training at the Bubble Dome soon and that Casey is not going to be our full-time facility. I also wish that someone would tell the players that for the amount of money they make, they will bloody well drive an hour to go kick a footy around. Goodness me, most people spend that much time traveling to and from work/uni, and would travel for longer to be making 6 figures a year!
  21. He is susceptible to soft tissue injuries (mainly because of his speed), and the older you get, the harder these are to recover from. The point is, that if he does a few more of these hamstring injuries, that may seriously hamper his output, and yet we'll still be stuck paying him $600,000+ per year for the next 4 years. It's madness! Take the 3 year deal and show some loyalty, or off you go.
  22. Ugh, I really want to keep Davey, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. There is nothing I hate more than players who play their own club against others. I understand family and security is important, but how about teaching your daughters a thing or two about loyalty and mateship. You wouldn't have a career if it wasn't for us picking you up as a 20 year old rookie. And if you don't stay out of loyalty to the club, how about the loyalty to your brothers? If he insists on 4 years, let him walk. Nobody deserves 4 year deals, let alone soft-tissue-injury prone, inconsistent players.
  23. We don't pay the runners enough and he can't afford normal clothes?
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