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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. What a load of rubbish. Nothing will give me greater pleasure than watching Geelong get smashed on Saturday. The AFL keeps supporting the successful clubs and lets the rest just make up numbers for decades.
  2. I guess regardless, his shoulder wasn't 100% during the season, which makes his output even more remarkable and his finish in the B&F even more of a mystery.
  3. Juicy odds on Oliver at $41. He clearly polls well.
  4. Viney was in SA and Max and Clarry in Vic... that explains why they weren't sitting together.
  5. Blame Dan for not opening the barber shops earlier.
  6. Yeah I’m still very surprised by the B&F result. For me he was ahead of Viney, but we don’t know their roles or how well they played them so it’s hard to judge within a team setting.
  7. I couldn’t stand the thought of Geelong winning yet another flag, and their supporters in regional Victoria getting to enjoy the win while us metro Melbourne naughty kids sit at home alone.
  8. My friend cried for a week and skipped school when they traded him. Such was the devastation of him leaving. Was my neighbour when he played in Melbourne. Really nice humble guy. Never really gave you the impression that he thought too much of himself.
  9. Well done Trac. A wonderful season.
  10. 2020 has been such a [censored] year, why not add a Geelong flag to the list of horrible things we’ve had to go through ?
  11. My apologies he appointed a very respectable 2% of black judges...
  12. And not one of the appeals court appointments is a woman... or a person of colour...
  13. Please explain how they are the same? One is a proven liar who has made dangerous and false accusations while in office. The other dodged some questions at a debate, something every single presidential and VP candidate has done. Should we talk about how many questions Pence dodged? Maybe it’s true that both parties are not exactly great, but how you can compare a lying, cheating, deluded, inexperienced, egotistical halfwit and Harris, is just beyond me. Neither are perfect and nobody wishes more than me that the Democrats had a better candidate than Biden, but he and Harris sure as [censored] are a far better option than to keep this nut job in office. Edit: and we all know that you can cover up the sentiments with “political correctness gone wrong”, but nobody would even blink an eye if Harris was a man. It’s because she is a woman, and a woman of colour no less, that idiots like Trump feel it’s their right to call her names. Despicable ones at that.
  14. You mean more of a snake than Trump, who just lies and spreads dangerous misinformation? He told people to drink bleach FFS. He refutes the use of masks. He wanted to reduce testing to 'lower the number of cases'. As a woman, I find it quite shocking how easy it is for us to point to women and call them snakes when they behave like every male politician on this planet. Harris is no more a bender of the truth to suit her political agenda, than Pence, let alone Trump. One thing I know for sure, with Harris as VP, birth control will continue to be provided under health care in the US and there is a much bigger chance that abortion laws won't change. If it's up to Trump, the poor can go to hell, and if it's up to Pence, we are all going to hell if we don't follow his own strict Christian points of view. No bloody thanks.
  15. Yep. I’m very disappointed we haven’t been offered anything for 2021. Especially premium members who pay extra for reserved seats and GF guarantees etc. I think that unless we start next season off very well, our membership numbers will continue to plummet.
  16. Correct. The club is not selling a product. It’s selling a shared purposed. We are investing to see success like people invest to see profits. When there is no return on investment people stop financially backing an Organisation. When you think about who the club is accountable to, it is to its members. Nobody at AFL house cares if we win or lose, so long as we aren’t a financial burden on the competition. The only people who are looking at the performance of the club every year before deciding to keep it afloat with memberships and attendance, is, the supporters.
  17. I don’t know why it’s so outrageous for shareholders to want to know what is happening with the business they’re investing in. The club is asking me to fork $600+ in a very tough economy. The least they could do is tell me they’re not happy with constantly being a mediocre performer and that they’re trying to change things to improve performance. It’s what I would expect any entity reliant so heavily on investor dollars to do. Those who constantly put down members who want to know what’s going on and the plan the club has to improve is bewildering. Why shouldn’t we be entitled to the plans the club has in place? Or are we meant to be happy with a 56 year lack of success?
  18. Somewhere in internet heaven, or possibly masquerading under a different user name, Yze_Magic is weeping with joy
  19. The fact that so many old people live in Florida and how deadly Covid is to those people, should hopefully be enough to win the Democrats the election. I just don’t understand how, regardless of your political views, you could possibly vote for Trump. He is a liar. He is unsuitable for the role. He is unstable. He has done so much damage and there is the blood of over 200,000 Americans on his hands. He is a disaster. Edit: and I can never understand how women work for or vote for him. He is the biggest anti women president we’ve had in decades. If I was a women in the US I would be terrified of a Trump win.
  20. He would be best to never talk about anything. He’s an absolute dangerous [censored]. His approach to Covid is so damaging. At least there is one person in the running who I’m happy about. Harris is a very impressive individual. If I thought Americans were progressive enough to vote for a black woman for president, I would question why she isn’t the presidential candidate over Biden. But we all know old white men are the prototypes that these morons are comfortable with.
  21. Finally, 2020 delivers news that doesn't suck. Welcome home Yze!
  22. For as long as Oliver is contracted, Melbourne will not let him go. End of story. We have to play well as a team next year to make sure he re-signs. It is not rocket science that A grade players, want to play for A grade teams and play finals, not play for a mediocre nothing club.
  23. Posted on his Insta. So did his wife. That is about as much as you'll get from 26 year olds these days.
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