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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I gotta put you on ignore. Your posts are bad for my blood pressure and hatred for humanity.
  2. Our only hope is the postal votes which will be strongly in favor of Biden.
  3. Still no game plan/strategy/ opposition analysis coach. Concerning. Jennings was never replaced and I think this is one of our biggest weaknesses. Goodwin is in last chance saloon in 2021.
  4. I still can’t believe Norf fans exist. Like I know they do, and each one of them is a [censored], but like why?
  5. Just read the club email. We got rid of heaps of people which is understandable but have brought in just one new highly regarded coach in Yze. Same old faces going to somehow fix the same old problems? And I still have no idea what credentials Richardson has for this promotion?
  6. We have a weak draft position in an already weak draft. We clearly don't rate next year's draft either, or we don't plan on having good picks. So this is a low risk high reward type of re-signing, where at best Hunt recaptures his 2017 form, and at worse he does the same as pick 78 is likely to do in the draft.
  7. The worst thing he ever did for his career was leave Melbourne. We all knew that WA would present some difficulties for him in terms of off field discipline. I wish him all the very best. Maybe NSW, a non footy state, would be good for him.
  8. Without a doubt if we could fit him into the cap without putting at risk contract extensions for Oliver, Trac etc, then I doubt anyone here would be unhappy to add Treloar to the side. He is definitely a very capable player. But if it's a choice between spending the cap money on Treloar or Brown, I'd rather Brown, simply because he fills a far more urgent need.
  9. Honestly if we gave him a longer deal and he chose to run to an easy option in Geelong thinking he can sneak in another meaningless premiership, so be it. I wish him luck, and have zero interest in players like him.
  10. Geelong are just going to hold on for as long as humanly possible to the world's oldest surviving list, until they completely fall apart. What a dumb strategy. If they won a flag recently, I would be convinced, but they can't get there with such an old list, and every year they don't get fresh legs in, their mature players get a year older and slower. It's just baffling.
  11. Surely people with reserved seating at the MCG get first rights. I would be SO annoyed if premium members don't get priority over say 3 game members. Common sense has to say that those who have paid the most, get first priority. If capacity is at around 40,000 next season, there really won't be many members who will miss out anyway. Richmond will have far bigger issues with that.
  12. Hopefully with such low active case numbers, and a far superior contact tracing, and still no international arrivals, we should avoid a third wave. The other states opened up, and I highly doubt their residents are behaving any better than us, plus they don't wear masks, and they avoided a second wave.
  13. Not unhappy with this. Sounds like they'll do all they can to get him to 300, and so they should. His off field mentoring sounds like something we really value.
  14. It’s ok all 14 will re-sign for a packet of soup and some soft bread for their aging gums.
  15. Viney (here for 5 years), Oliver, Trac and Brayshaw. As it is we can’t give Harmes any midfield time and Brayshaw is also struggling. Treloar while a great player, is a very expensive investment in the type of player we definitely aren’t short of.
  16. Doubt Brown would go from our circus in North to another one in Essendon. Two sinking ship.
  17. It’s not a delay. It’s a cautious pause. It’s all the rage in Victoria.
  18. Great thanks for the update. Fingers crossed we can get Oliver re-signed ASAP. I would have zero issues with giving him a long term contract if we were happy to give Viney one, given his age and relatively good history of injuries.
  19. He is far too expensive to come to Melbourne and compete with 4 other serious quality inside mids. Not happening.
  20. The fact his own club hasn’t bothered to make a phone call until now, says to me they don’t really want him there.
  21. Yeah. Same time he told me Covid is going to go away. Only 81,000 new infections today. So close to flattening that curve.
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