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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Was very interesting to see David King and Mark MacClures assessment of what is going on at the Dees. Both of the opinion that we have the players with the skills to have some sort of impact, but do not have the tactics to win in the modern era of the press. MacClure is of the opinion that due to who our next six games are against we can really only expect to win two and that would be enough to effect a change at Melbourne. It seems they echo the sentiments of many here.
  2. So what is it that makes your opinion so much more pertinent than theirs? What "qualifies" you to pass judgement on the players? For all you know Jonesy may read books on international affairs when he is sitting at home. You've not got a bloody clue mate. As for Ricky Gervais, I watched it. What a pile of drivel. You think he doesn't live for the same exposure. Exposure is how he makes a living. Playing footy is how the boys make their living. Aside from that, why is it that Jonesy is copping all the $h!t for this? He is one of many at our club, many at other clubs and many at other successful clubs. This certainly debases the ridiculous notion that their use of Twitter is affecting their game. He is also one of very few who gave a good account of themselves last Thursday night. If I counted correctly there are 131 players currently on Twitter according to the AFLPA. Of these there are 13 who play for MFC and another 5 not on AFLPA list, then there are the players like Ablett, Swan, Pendlebury, Obrien, Cooney, Goddard, Ling, Murphy, Gibbs, O'Keefe, Riewoldt, Selwood, Shaw, Thomas and Watson just to name a few. God, Twitter has really wrecked their games too. I reckon there is a fair argument that the people berating the players for wanting to act like men in their early to mid twenties need to get a life, and at the same time allow the players the same.
  3. I actually found out that the MLK quote isn't exactly a hoax, but a misquotation. He actually said something that means the same thing, but some idiot decided to say it differently. The first sentence is fabricated, but the rest is a poor paraphrase of the original. "For through violence you may murder a murderer but you can't murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar but you can't establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder hate. Darkness cannot put out darkness. Only light can do that." From Martin Luther Kings speech 'Where do we go from here" 1967. You can find it here Wikiquote - MLK if you are interested.
  4. Nah, we should put their pay into the Footy Department
  5. Good for you champ. Doesn't make a lick of difference whether you think it is incredibly self indulgent or not. At the end of the day, it is something he likes to do that makes absolutely no difference to your daily existence, and makes absolutely no difference to how he plays footy. Aside from that, the people that follow me on twitter are largely my friends, so how is that so self indulgent. I like to follow footy news, world news, surfing news. It is a way to find out about things that interest me when they happen. God, now that I look at it, it really is so self indulgent wanting to know what is going on in the world with things that interest me. Might have to shutdown my twitter account immediately.
  6. Perhaps not home, but maybe there or abouts. In its simplicity, this idea has merit, but would take a bit of jigging to be effective. I can't say so much last week because we were rarely kicking forwards, but usually I get quite frustrated with watching us struggle to get the ball out of the back, and then once we do there is no-one there to collect it.
  7. An unfliching desire to win. If they do not win, it better be bloody close, and they better have fought like all hell. Oh and if at all possible, maybe not see one single ball kicked out on the full or into the man on the mark
  8. Will keep an eye on this thread with much interest WJ. Looking forward to your report.
  9. Well mate, some of you guys seem to think of the players as if they are to not exist other than entertain you on the G. I for one (and judging by the followers they have on there, I'm not alone) like that I am able to know a bit more about them. I enjoy getting to see the tweets from Jonesy about the odd surf that he has. When I am lucky enough to get to Melbourne for a game, I like to go to a function after the game, and talk to them because I see them as more than just my onfield entertainer. And I'll bet that a large amount of people on here go to these functions too and try to speak to the players. Why do we always have to build them up, and then just chop them down. He hasn't gone out, got [censored] and hit his missus, he's tweeted that OBL should rot in hell, which is a pretty widely supported sentiment. And for some to suggest that the way he wrote it shows that he obviously doesn't know much about it is just damn elitist and self righteous. Get over yourselves, they are kids in their mid twenties enjoying life. And he is by a country mile one of millions of sportspeople with their own website. If you don't like it, ignore it.
  10. Hard to pick only two, but for me: - Liam Jurrah, might be cliched, but I feel my heartrate rise every time he comes near the ball. Even if he's having a slow day -Adem Yze, because he just yzed class. As with Jurrah, so exciting to watch.
  11. Mght I also add that the club seems to support the players use of Twitter due to the link to players and staffs tweets on the website. So maybe you should direct you disgust at the club for encouraging the players to be so mindless.
  12. I'm trying to understand this BS of people stressing themselves over Jones et al and their use of Twitter. They are by far not alone and even if they were, who gives a toss. We jump up and down, screaming and berating if they do anything at all untoward (how dare he get drunk) because we want them to be as good as choirboys, and then we berate them for not being tough enough. We make them into the celebrities they are by writing on forums like this, buying guernseys with their numbers on them and seeking out signatures, and then we berate them for joining a social networking site along with half the bloody population of the world their age (famous or not). We take away their ability to lead a normal life, at least let them tweet little nothings to their friends and followers. They are human beings after all, or would you prefer we locked them up in the bowels of the MCG and only allowed them to see sunshine to train and play. Such mindless tripe.
  13. IMO it would just stink altogether.
  14. I agree all the way until your last sentence. It will be great consolation for me IF they get a topline coach. I didn't mind getting flogged from pillar to post in 08/9 because I was looking down a barrel to a big, bright light. Similarly I wont mind what happens this season IF that bright light, which has dimmed considerably, begins to burn bright again. And that will only happen with a new, topline coach or an absolute bloody miracle.
  15. Oh how I envy you who live in Melbourne. Reading all this talk of not missing a home game drives me nuts I only wish I could go this week. Maybe everyone who is not sure whether to go should think about those of us who can't, and don't even get a game in our state. Go along support and cheer, and if they capitulate again, let em know it. If they get up, let know it.
  16. Exactly my point. We all know what should happen, I just don't know it will. Pray I am wrong. And how good would it feel to win a first quarter
  17. You and I had a similar conversation pre Thursday WYL, unfortunately I won that one, and I hope that this time I am wrong and you win. We all know what the crowd want, we all know what should happen, but god forgive me for lacking in faith that they will deliver. And the Crows win was a bloody good one, which means that our destiny unfortunately is not completely in our own hands.
  18. I for one would be absolutely stoked to see J Mac come back in, I think he possesses a hardness that we sorely lack. He may not be in the 22 in a couple years, but I feel that we need him atm. North already made a step forward this week. Even though they were playing Port this week, they thrashed them, not just eked out a win. And Port did come at them at on stage there and not only did they hold it off, but they counterattacked, two things we are currently not able to do.
  19. That's ok then I am so sick and tired of people crapping on about this kid like he debuts next week. I apologise for my tone
  20. Did I miss something? Last I looked I didn't notice a Jack Viney on our list. He is not the effing messiah come to save his people, he is a pimply faced kid who isn't on our list.
  21. Before my time to, but as you said WYL, would have been amazing to know him. You can see the pain in his face, quite unsettling.
  22. I second that. Only thing I'd disagree with is the result for the reasons I mentioned in my last post.
  23. Trouble is that both Adelaide and North seem to have come into some form, whilst we so far have not, which means that Bailey must be $h!tt!ng himself. Pre Thursday night I thought we 'should' beat WC, and would beat Adelaide and North. Now I actually don't know that they can beat either of our next two, which means that then we run into the tough part of our draw in terrible form. It is for this reason that I think Baileys pretty well up the creek without a paddle. If we lose to Adelaide and North, we could quite possibly end up at rd 17 with no more wins. Makes me shudder just thinking about it, but it is a cold hard fact.
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