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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Kento80

    Todd Viney

    I agree too, but not necessarily for next year. Look at Port, Primus had some good success last year and they gave him a contract, and since then they've been largely shite. We still need a TOPLINE coach next year.
  2. Somewhere online there is a site which is set up to create online petitions, so that people all over can sign, I am not sure where it is, but check it out. I will too and if I find it I'll send you a msg.
  3. Even if you think the facebook group is useless, if you are of the rather popular opinion that change is needed, then why would you not join it. One thing the Facebook group will not do is have any impact whatsoever if everyone sits on their arse and doesn't bother to get involved. I could fairly suggest that if by tonight there is 1000 members, that will definitely get noticed. If we lose on Sunday and then there are 5000, something will happen. It is a simple equation. Voting members = football club.
  4. Search around a little mate, Davey has copped quite a bit on here since last night. All warranted too. I reckon there should be a rant thread aimed at each and every player and member of the coaching staff individually. It's name and shame time in a big way.
  5. Will be very interesting to hear Roos point of view on the Dees next week. I only hope that he doesn't hold back thinking that it is 'old news'
  6. Wise man, I tried to exercise restraint, but it all fell apart after a certain point
  7. Don't think Bailey would do it, but reckon the new coach (whoever that may be) will. Yes I'm being sarcastic, but trying to keep positive and hopeful as well
  8. Agree re Davey, but I think we all need to remember that our forwards aren't the ones in the gunsight here. Yes they weren't great, but they are forwards. If they don't get any delivery how can they perform. They move down the ground and try to get involved in the game, but the ones that really need the spray are the midfield and the backs. They are meant to be the ones that feed the ball forward. It was nearly the end of the first quarter before we made our own entry into the forward 50. No player should escape the heat, but the bulk needs to be directed to our playmakers.
  9. Unfortunately I don't think it will turn out that way WYL. I'd think it would keep people away. Doesn't mean I want it that way, just what I reckon will happen. One bloke last night said he wanted 40,000 to turn up next week, but not actually go in. Would definitely send the strongest message ever sent by supporters of any club I'd think.
  10. How players react when under scrutiny is not as important as how they play when the scrutiny is small. They should not allow themselves to be in the position they are now in. The next couple weeks don't mean shite now, because they have shown their flaws.
  11. Gotta agree with everything on this page. Yes, the stats show that we are young, short, thin, but they say nothing of drive, will to win, ticker the list goes on. I am reminded of watching the bummers last year. They were useless and heartless, and look at them now. Only difference is the coaching structure. Says enough for me.
  12. Green is the wrong choice for captain. He has shown nothing this year to even hint at any other conclusion, not even against the suns and lions. I don't know who is right, but it ain't him. I didn't mind Jones last night, thought he was up there with the best of a terrible bunch. As for the rest of them, get stuffed. Such an insipid performance.
  13. Just another bull$hit response from a bull$hit coach. Had it I have.
  14. I completely disagree that writing wont achieve anything. We have strength in numbers, now more than ever before. Please let us all write and convey our disappointment, disgust, and despair in a coherent, well thought out way. Not in the way we were all writing last night. That was pure anger, which they will just disregard. I do completely agree about the media however. I sent Robbo from the hun a link to this website and the facebook page last night to help him understand where we are coming from. He replied saying "I will. Thanks mate. Theres plenty of angst". Once he actually reads this site, he will realise there is some angst, and plenty of anguish, plenty of pain and plenty of despair. I hope he does a piece related to how we feel, not just quoting the BS response from the FD and players.
  15. I can't take it anymore. I am off to bed, and hoping against all hope to wake up in the morning and look on here to see.... silence. Funny thing is, I'm half expecting to see most of you, still on here having not slept, onto your 35th cup of coffee, ranting and raving like wild eyed lunatics. Godammit, I was really hoping to have a good sleep tonight.
  16. Lord I hope it does not go away, because in unity we are strong.
  17. Jeff Kennett copped a lot of shite for the sprays he gave to his players and fd. I reckon he was bang on the money. Time for Jim and Cam to lash out. Make the embarrassment hurt even more.
  18. We all survived 2008 because we thought we stood for something and were heading towards something. At the moment, we stand for nothing and are heading for the scrapheap.
  19. What "leadership group". We sure don't have a captain
  20. Good luck there mate. I won't be following you, but I get where you are coming from. Hopefully you see fit to rejoin us one day
  21. Yeah, I followed the link and it just went to my homepage
  22. Facebook has already started a group, or you have already started a group on Facebook? :) I'll join
  23. Course he's serious about Jones. The bloke could kick 12 with 34 possessions and still have been useless, according to some learned individuals on here
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