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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. We don't really. I think he's finished, he probably shouldn't be playing at all anymore with his concussion history.
  2. This is thread has one of either two explanations: 1. Following the MFC is now a major cause of psychosis Or 2. Frosty Demon = Brent Moloney (not Maloney)
  3. Jones seemed to improve a lot from 2009 to 2012 though that may have been more to do with decision making. Now he is quite a good user of the ball though not elite. I'm of the opinion that anything can be improved with hard work.
  4. There's no point in having a captain who can't even get onto the field (Clark). Grimes should remain, Trengove a deputy or just leadership group and Jones/Dawes should be the main man - either co-captain with Grimes or stand alone.
  5. The wrong attitude is to hold on to a mentally weak player in the hope that another coach will make him into a star. That is a classic MFC thing to do, which we have been doing for a while. Jack Watts has had a huge opportunity to pull his socks up, make a stand on field and say 'I want to help this club become good again and I will play to my potential', instead of stating that he will only sign depending on who the coach is. In contrast to your views I believe that if we lose Watts, depending on the deal that is wrangled of course, the club can benefit nicely.
  6. I think it's time for you to wake up WYL. Watts will never be the gun he was apparently supposed to be, not at the MFC at least anyway. Far too much water has gone under the bridge and he is way too mentally weak - waiting on a coach to show you the way instead of trying to stand on your on two feet speaks volumes about his character. He could learn more than a few things from Jones and Garland.
  7. That's just stupid. Letting a player go to the draft because you aren't willing to accept 'some consolation deal' is ridiculous, would you not rather have pick 40 for a player rather than nothing at all, even if the player may be worth pick 15 or what have you? This is definitely not the time to make emotional, idiotic decisions like that and thankfully, our club wouldn't let that eventuate. They'll squeeze every drop of value from it (if it happens), I'm sure.
  8. I reckon this is a silly assumption. Everyone is getting carried away, particularly on the trade/draft threads (myself included) and seems to assume that we are going to get a top of first round priority pick. We'll be extremely lucky if this happens but we definitely should not count on it.
  9. We aren't really in a position to leave our better players out longer than required. It was more the toll that the injury has taken on his body, not that he is still injured.
  10. If we are after someone from St Kilda, we should forget Montagna and Dal Santo and see if we can prise Jack Steven free. Playing some very good footy this season but I doubt they'd let him go.
  11. Are you a crackhead? Everyone potting Grimes here seems to have forgotten that he suffered a pretty serious injury which directly caused him to lose muscle mass due to not being able to work his upper body. Before his injury he was in our best 5 each week, no doubt. You can't have a crack at him just because he is taking a little while to find his feet after an injury.
  12. The one player they wanted to shut down was Jones - they tried 4 guys on him, but they couldn't. Maybe Sylvia was second priority but he wilted when he should have stood up.
  13. And they'll do that because you are posting pretty much the same post 50 times, every day? There has to be some other way...
  14. WYL, can't the same apply for Demonland? The team doesn't show any passion so you don't? Imagine the amount of internet traffic that would be saved...
  15. Likewise Stuie. I've always defended him and stated how I think he'll become a very good player for us. Today however the penny dropped for me. There was absolutely no reason why Watts shouldn't have been playing with intent and aggression, especially as he was playing against mostly boys. He will take the Sylvia path I'm sure - he has supreme talent but doesn't apply himself on field (can't comment on his training output) and is extremely lethargic. He'll always be inconsistent and extremely frustrating and his attitude is one I definitely don't want at the MFC. Right now we need strong leaders, not blokes who are whining about who's going to do it for them.
  16. Not in his character I think. Jonesy is the kind of guy who wants to drag the club off the ground, not leave like Jack 'Give me the footy cos I don't want to get it myslef' Watts. We need more Jones, less of the other 21 blokes.
  17. Trade Watts? If we can get something decent, I won't lose any sleep. I reckon his career will just be like a set of waves at the beach. He'll have his ups but mostly downs, today being a prime example. He isn't a leaders shoelace and his intensity and passion is just deplorable. Jack Watts just makes me angry now.
  18. Show some bloody passion, we are playing like bags of [censored]. What an absolute disgrace we have become.
  19. He's always been a good depth player and I admire him as he is one that always gives a lot each week. Can't knock his effort but he is one that should be a fringe player instead of our best 22 each week.
  20. Good to see Kent getting a full game. Jessie? We developing female players as well?
  21. We could probably say that about most picks, every year for the last 15 years Ron.
  22. Even though we got absolutely bummed last week I think it's not the same feel as under Neeld. The lads no doubt want the season over but we'll bounce back today I think and do them pretty easily. I hope anyway.
  23. Terlich I think could become a good midfielder. He is very good in traffic with his composure and stands up well in tackles. Strauss I'm not holding any hope for.
  24. They need another big forward and Boyd could work wonders for them, or else they'll be able to fulfill those promises to other clubs that 'we'll give you Boyd for ...'. They want it because it has value for other clubs, which means they'll get a lot of value out of it. However I agree that Adams and 2 for 1 doesn't really equate. Maybe we give them a second/third rounder too.
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