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Everything posted by Demon_spurs

  1. This new age leadership stuff is a joke anyway, the players know who the leaders are, I'm sure they know who to look up to, can't say Davey or Green have been inspirational but it doesn't matter. Beamer is a natural leader anyway
  2. In:Bennell, Out: Grimes(inj) I thought Bater played his role today, he presented and made a defender chase him on the lead, and created an opening behind him, I was quite surprised at half time when it showed he had only a couple of touches, i thought he had played a much better role than that.
  3. Now will Caro and her minions cackle and put Voss, Craig and Eade into the pot and stir. The win by Bailey today was emphatic (if you're gunna blame him for the loss last week you have to pat him on the back today), but I'd be worried if I was a Bulldog, Lion or Crow supporter, I wonder whether they will get the same "crisis" treatment this week !
  4. I think this is terrific, in the past we would have just accepted the mediocrity, but Jimmy saying. We have come a long way in the last 3 years and we're not going back. He is the most amazing passionate man i can think of.
  5. Don't want Roos (I'll follow Gold Coast rather than watch MFC play Roos Football) Don't want Matthews (Didn't move with the times) Don't really think that Malthouse would want the job Laidley never really won me as coach of the kanga's The list sort of thins out a bit after that. Maybe Mark Riley or Greg Hutchinson (they.ve been here before) Darren Crocker, caretaker coach at North didn't do a bad job or Jade Rawlings (but maybe these are too young and wet behind the ears). EPIPHONY.......GLENN ARCHER !!!!!!! Puts some backbone into the backline and some fisticuffs into the forwards..Some Mettle for the middle and some zing in the wings Could do worse
  6. Nothing on the website except JOnes saying "again" it hurts (not blaming Jonesy) but where is the coach telling the faithful what's going to be done ! pathetic response from the club>
  7. Thursday night is a lousy option, I'm off to the Jethro Tull concert (I wonder if they will interrupt to give us the scores in the middle of Aqualung ??)
  8. Can they name a player in the starting line up and then make him the sub before the game? Or does the sub have to come from one of the interchange?
  9. Its a shame Casey had a bye last week too, no chance for fringe players to impress, IMO Dunn for the sub, so far its been a forward/mid for the sub
  10. Point taken. But the main offenders in our average form has probably been the backline, the forwards have a terrific conversion rate Inside 50's/scoring shots, and lets face it, you really can't take last weeks form into account. Leave Juice at Casey, as others have stated the only position he could take would either be Stef or Killer and I don't agree with either of them missing out. If the FD was serious about bringing in Juice then play him down back next week at Casey (he played there in China) and put some pressure on the back 6
  11. What ever happened to naming an unchanged winning team ? Juice is like so many before him, cannot bridge the gap between VFL and AFL, will always be a good VFL player, but doesn't have the talent to consistently take the next step
  12. I wore mine to the Brisbane game, the guys in the Redlegs/Trident in Southern stand were rapt. be careful though I bought the blue one and the colour does run a bit. can't believe I'm giving washing hints on DL
  13. That'll make 5 Jacks at the MFC, all we need is a bouncing ball !
  14. I think I would prefer if Tapscott got this weeks rising star 3 good games to start his career
  15. A win is a win. To play under your potential and win, can't be a bad thing, it is still April, we will improve as the season unfolds, when you sit mid to bottom of the table confidence is everything, at the moment we don't believe we are good enough and it shows. So as supporters we need to make them believe they are good enough and they are !
  16. I have very fond memories of this time last year. Brisbane undefeated, and me sitting in the stands with the other half of the family all Fitzbane supporters.. A night from heaven. I hope DB gets the replay and shows the boys how excited they were when the siren went, because I shouted and sang so loud I couldn't talk the next day !!!!!
  17. Haven't had a chance to check out Scorps this year, how is young Lawrence doing? He looks likely type.
  18. Maybe Dean should have a plan B when Aaron gets tagged, move flash to the forward line and give Tappy and Gysberts that penetrating role off half back
  19. It always amazes me the credence they gives Roos, here's a guy who has sent football in totally the wrong direction the past 6 or 7 years, any team he's touched, including St Kilda via Ross Lyon, has played the boringiest football on the planet, and last night's fiasco was typical of his influence, even last year premiers have the Paul Roos touch, avoid the centre, cause you might make a mistake and turn it over, and press up and strangle the game
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