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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Understanding of others isn't your strongpoint Ben. But yes, you generally are more puppy dog-like these days.
  2. Beck to your condescending best Hannibal. What happened to the love?
  3. Seriously good player. Would love him to become a Dee. Can't see it happening though. A lot of rumours flying around about many players. Will be an interesting trade period this year.
  4. I have a stack of Hawthorn supporting mates who would be more than happy for us to take him and get FA compo in return. Not enough strings to his bow.
  5. Seriously Norm? Highly, highly unlikely.
  6. I bloody well call it Invasion Day and I don't suffer any of the garbage that Goodes does. It is what it is.
  7. Ladies and Gents, I had a quick catch up with Uncle Bitter this afternoon at his Romsey mansion. Actually, his dwelling covers half of the Romsay postcode, such is his... er, it's girth. I was near Hanging Rock at the time and I heard the sirens calling: "Miranda...Miranda!"...... Little did I know it was Uncle Bitter's missus calling out my username. Can hardly blame her. As I arrived he offered the obligatory beer. I expected VB or maybe a crownie, but no, he put forward a Corona and asked me "lemon or lime wedge?" Sacrilege! As the local country GF was being played, BBO was chewing on Coronas as if they were lolly water. Well, actually, they are. Anywhoo.... He looked refreshed and is looking forward to returning to our noble surrounds. Stuie beware.
  8. Oh my god, you made me spit beer out of my nose! Lol!
  9. FMD. Pineapple, did you just crawl out from under a rock? He hasn't been booed this season to put him off his goal kicking. Nice try though.
  10. I guess Chip will be off to Aspen over the break then...
  11. Good to see Zac Jones taking after his brother and sporting a big forearm tattoo
  12. My god these commentators are terrible. BT, Darcy, Richo, et al.
  13. That Hawks jumper on Chip looks like something one would wear to a bad taste 80's party. Appalling.
  14. Bit harsh Frosty given he played well last night. The guy is playing finals footy. We are just jealous.
  15. And right on queue, here is the delicate petal himself. Interesting for a guy quick to tell others not to bother reading posts they don't like.
  16. If he has any class it will be after the GF. Let the game itself be the focus over the next couple of weeks.
  17. Josh Jenkins has done ok tonight as a key forward for Crows
  18. Really? Actually said that seriously to you in a conversation or did you hear a couple of words perhaps taken out of context in a cafe? Find that hard to believe given the tight lipped nature of our club since Roos took over. If you are correct, well done. If not, you will be called out for being foolish. Bookmark it Danno!
  19. At least deserves a discount for being set up and dobbed in. What do they call it in legal circles, entrapment? Besides, Stue got all emotional about marital deceit in the Anthony Stevens 'Open Mike' thread..... Bitters was only exploring the hypotheticals.
  20. Not sure former Melbourne captain means anything anymore Red.
  21. Or at least letting out the most noise about it.
  22. Nah, he wouldn't see out the full term of his contract.
  23. Yeah, like you've never lived in my hood Biff....
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