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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. I think I have done that, how do I upload it to whoever?
  2. And he stills hang on to the past, Turf cracked the sad's when his brother left the board ( voted out I think )
  3. Our are dead right here, DB took him off after his 2 or 3 attempts at a screamer in the first quarter then put him back on after that, and he tried to change his game, good on him for that and good on DB for doing that.
  4. At least get it right, it was a takeover not a merge that is way the hawks went against it, that's the problem with this club some people don't want to believe the facts.
  5. If they have not signed on with the Olympic Park area, so some seem to think, maybe this is why, then again one never knows until it all unfolds.
  6. Thank god someone else agrees with my view on PG !!
  7. Yes people can criticise where appropriate, don't have a problem with that, it's what and how they say it that gets up me, but when things go right they are back on the bandwagon singing praises. While I am at it, there seems to be some that don't understand what the club is trying to do, it's just not a rebuild of the playing list and as why you little says since 1965 that will get us through it won't, it is the whole package that has to go with it. I remember Bill Guest wanting to go to Olympic Park before the Pies but everyone sat back and procrastinated about it, I also remember them looking a buying some houses along Jollmont and again procrastinated and the list goes on, this club lived of the back of the MCC and the AFL for to long. I can also remember most of the Boards always lfighting and leaking like the Titanic and until recently that has stopped. Yes Steve Harris created havoc with the moving on of staff and cost cutting but I bet you that it had to be done, we had to get the debt, down, tax bill paid, so we could change our culture, a new home soon (thanks Victory for the delay ) but what has been born out of the ashes, New football manager position created Employment of development coaches and other coaches New CEO someone who knows the right people and has been around with a proven record. A club that will run the way businesses are supposed to be run and not ad hock. So the club is rebuilding from the Top to bottom instead of bottom only and it will take time for things to filter through and we will be able to stand on our own feet and remember the AFL is committed for us to remain here, The Dogs, Nth Melb, are in the same boat money wise. Again I know the title was a bit harsh but look at the bigger picture, there is a future for us just not as quick as we thought.
  8. Mate, we are on the same page as I agree with your statement, and have said so for a while about where the club is heading into the future, as I said earlier the name of the post is harsh and was born out of frustration of posters, who just take pot shots, for the sake of it, ( by the way my old man was tigers supporter, so it could have been worse for me ).
  9. Gee that's the best you can do threaten with violence, it is alright to vent your frustration but not to abuse them like they have been doing on the sites, kids like Newton, Weetra, Morton etc. will take time, I agree the title is a bit harsh, but there still is no need to personally abuse players like they have, people should look at the bigger picture and not the little one. Yes it was hard to watch, but there is no need to eat our own.
  10. Says it all, one loss and the dogs are barking, I for one did not like what happened but I also accept, that we are not good enough at this stage but I also look at the bigger picture. Gee after one round lets hang them all and we can go and do something else for the rest of the year, fair dinkum no wonder other supporters think we are a joke, when the going gets tough the tough gets going, guess that does not apply to us. I have followed this side for 42 odd years and will go to the grave following this side but I will not bag the the side like what has been written on the web sites after this loss, ( and I have watched worse ) I suggest some of you burn you membership and don't follow the club as we don't need your crap. This club is staring to get it's act together at last on and off the field and all we need now is weak dogs to bag it........
  11. The most dumbest post known to man, go support another team, we dont need people like you.
  12. Good to see Connolly up and about on Ch 7 this morning talking up the club, start of a new era for us, it won't happen overnight but it will happen.
  13. Absolutely spot on with this view, you can have a low membership and a large sponsorship base, but when we become a successful side ( as I believe all the building blocks are now in place ) we will then enjoy both as more supporters will want to join and jump on the bandwagon.
  14. As much as it is a blow, it is needed, I now am convinced that we are on the right path, for once the players are taking ownership, we will have other mishaps along the way but in the end we will come out a better club for it. There is an old saying to change a culture you have to show them a culture and this is what DB and Co are doing and when the whole group understand this then we will become a strong club from top to bottom in how we act on and off field. This is now happening at board level, a process was put in place for the position of coach (no leaks through the process ) and again the same for the CEO no infighting no panic just getting on with it, (years ago all hell would have broken loose.) I think it's great that the media are second guessing at the moment, two papers and different candidates. So let the fun begin so to speak.
  15. You would not know what I have done , stick to reading books and watching Oprah, again you say a lot with little substance, jump on the band wagon of knockers who think they know what is going on, ahhh but as an old saying goes it's hard to sore with the eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys sums up some of our supporters doesn't it "joeboy"
  16. Yep, now we have found the answer to our problems, it all comes down to our warm-up..........what rubbish talk about clutching straws, now I understand why other clubs supporters think we are living in another planet....
  17. What a bunch of weak gutted supporters we have, some moan about ND having no game plan and when DB implements his ideas people moan, we are at the same stage as the dorks were in a few years ago and everyone now thinks they have a great up an coming list, we will be the same over the same period with some real up and coming youngsters who get to that 50 game period. This year we will have some pain as the young players get used to mixing it with men but over the year we will see improvement from them. I have followed this side for 43 or so years, have bagged coaches and the club over the time but I can honestly say there will be a future when I see the set up the way it is now a football club not a circus as it was in the past. The club has gone through a major restructure with CC in charge of the football dept a massive step for us , more money invested into it and spent properly, and if you listened to CC on SEN he had a steely resolve in his voice and that is a great thing. The club has now gone one step further and if some of the candidates that have been mentioned for the job of CEO get the job they will now bring the club into the 21st century, it has taken a while but PG and the board should be congratulated not bagged even SH had his hand in the DB and CC being brought in. This club at this time needs your support more than ever so cut them some slack there is nothing worse than eating your own
  18. Another positive post, cannot wait for more.
  19. Seeing you think you are always right, cannot wait to see your ticket at the next AGM and what you will bring to the table, but I guess that wont happen, all to easy to complain from the benches than get your hands dirty. Mistakes have been made, gee I forgot you don't make them, your bagging is becoming boring you made your point now lets all move on.
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