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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Get stuffed [censored], as I have said VFL is one thing AFL is another, so you would pick him over Jones, Bartram etc, if he was that good he would have been picked up by another club by now!!
  2. And Valenti has done what to be be on the list? some people said last year he should have been a rookie, but what he done to get that far at that level, VFL is one thing AFL is another.
  3. Both of those are slappers, though I am impressed with them getting out of cars !!!
  4. What is shocking is, this is still news, 90% of the population do not give a stuff about the issue or Ben Cousins, football season has finished life has gone on but the media have this idea that Ben Cousins is still news and it appears some on this site still think it is news, get over it folks and move onto another subject.
  5. Have been for a short while, a small group of players hard at it.
  6. Sorry Bob, but I have to say this, does your email have sound to hear his voice?? and is it hungry to?........ lol ..... but have to agree you on this one, hope he can coach like he talks.
  7. demon3165

    new image

    Hell when did my wife pose for you?..... did wonder why she was home late some nights
  8. Won't happen and everyone is dreaming if they think it will happen !!
  9. lmfao........ could see the church understanding that one.
  10. What a top idea, best I have heard for a while, send that to the club, damm singing it already!!!
  11. At 10am? and the Vics are playing interstate I think.
  12. Drove past Junction Oval this morning and thought I saw a small group of what seemed Melbourne players out on the oval, could this be the start of special training and Baileys teachings? did anyone else notice it? I could be wrong, who knows..
  13. This is the most exciting part of the interview that I like, shows we are going to get into areas that have never been explored before at that club. we'll be putting a lot more resources into our development and coaching structure than we have in the past. This is not really my area to talk about but we’ll have probably a couple of development coaches, an innovations coach so we’ll be putting a lot more into our playing group to help them improve.
  14. Doh, if you think Bev has the same or higher experience than PG then you are in la la world, she has the passion of the club at heart I give you, but not to be Prez. So you never have discussed looks as soon as a female/male is mentioned before? bet you have !!
  15. Ok I will play this silly game, if the Prez stood down and Bev was appointed we would be the laughing stock of the AFL, good looks for her age but no substance for that role, she would be eaten alive (no pun intended) I'm sorry but we would have to do better than Bev.
  16. Well it is alive, and seems to be starting to get around. Forgot to say this was on the Coles website. http://www.teamelbourne.com.au/Text/118947...A-SPORTS-CLINIC
  17. Bit the same as your comments, but your still around, guess we will have to put up with it.
  18. So it seems a lot of you people think that re-signing Jamar and Miller is a joke I can then assume that you think Bailey is now a joke too? as he would have had an input into it, gee one minute hail to the chief, next what a fool, why don't we wait to see what unfolds in a couple of weeks !!
  19. Some old and might be some new Q. Two Collingwood supporters jump off a cliff. Who wins? A. Society. Q. What does a Collingwood supporter use as protection during sex? A. Bus shelter. Q. What does a Collingwood supporter use as a contraceptive? A. His personality. Q. What do you call a 30 year old female Collingwood supporter? A. Granny. Q. What do you call a Collingwood supporter in a suit? A. The defendant. Q. Why did the Collingwood supporter cross the road? A. To start a fight with a complete stranger, for no reason what so ever. Q. What do you call a female Collingwood supporter in a white tracksuit? A. The bride. Q. If you are driving and you see a Collingwood supporter on a bike, why should you try not to hit him? A. It might be your bike. Q. What's the first question during a Collingwood supporter quiz night? A. What you looking at? Q. Two Collingwood supporters in a car without any music - who is driving? A. The policeman! Q. Why is three Collingwood supporters going over a cliff in Lexus a shame? A. Because a Lexus has four seats. Q. What do you say to a Collingwood supporter with a job? A. Big Mac please. BUT WAIT - THERE'S MORE.... You know you're a Collingwood supporter when: 1. A Halloween pumpkin has more teeth than your wife does. 2. You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the dinner table in front of her kids. 3. You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws. 4. Jack Daniel's makes your list of 'most admired people.' 5. You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean. 6. Someone in your family once died right after saying: 'Hey, watch this.' 7. You think Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader. 8. A ceiling fan once ruined your wife's hairdo. 9. You think the last words of Advance Australia Fair are: 'Carn the Maggies .' 10. You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded, right off its wheels. 11. The market value of your car goes up and down, depending on how much petrol is in it. 12. You have to go outside to get something from the fridge. 13. One of your kids was born on a pool table. 14. You can't get married to your sweetheart because there's a law against it. 15. You think 'loaded dishwasher' means your wife is drunk. 16. Your toilet paper has page numbers on it. 17. Your front verandah collapses and kills more than five dogs.
  20. yes respect is one thing, but to all clubs this is a business and treated as such and if they can screw you they will, all I am saying what is it with some supporters of our club that we give up pick 4+ TJ or CS etc we don't have to and nor we should at the start.
  21. What is it with Melbourne supporters, Judd + player X plus pick 4 or a young ruckman and we trade a player + pick whatever for him, to hell with that the Dees should play hardball with Judd if he wants to come to us, WCE are not PA and will not get nothing for him in the PSD pick 4 is better than pick 14 so they will deal, but for gods sake you do not have to offer the world at the start. Do you think the Pies will give the world for him I don't think so and if they did it is at their peril, so lets see what happens before you give the world away.
  22. Gee, if they are rubbish then what does that make us, least they made further progress than us.......
  23. Mad to get Judd at any price and if you think he alone will win a GF think again, do you think a mill a year as reported will solve the problem then you are barking up the wrong tree, not worth it.
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