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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. And to think when Chip first started there were lots of posters bagging him, wonder if there now the ones who love him.?????
  2. At least now he can go to the Bentleigh Club legit now......... if only they knew .............lol
  3. I have been to the Junction Oval at times and it seemed that they were altering/ changing his running style sometimes learning to run properly can have an impact on different parts of the body.
  4. Clearly very few people from the central suburbs made the trip.It was very much a local promotion Don't you think that is the object of the exercise?
  5. Should not have to, but it seems you like mediocrity in a business then so be it.
  6. Gee how does one do that if you live an 1-1 1/2 hours away from the venue, the club is not even open then !!!!! think about it eh???
  7. Yes the date of Monday the 7th was on the web site, and by the way folks I sent an email to the club about this at 11.30 this morning when I got home from there and still no reply..........
  8. I was there as well and have emailed the club about it, still will try to get down there again in the New Year.
  9. billy, absolutely spot on in that assessment of the club and DB.
  10. And really we did not, but out of all this, is a club that has put a line in the sand and now does stand for something, maybe just maybe Vlad did us a favour after all.
  11. The only rumours circulating are from Melbourne supporters no one else.!!
  12. It is not the MFC to tell another club who they have as coach all they do is work with them, if he leaves, Casey will appoint another Coach and life goes on.
  13. Have already made the same bet with two tiger supporters, go for it.
  14. I find it amazing that people are still complaining about the the club in it's off season for god's sake give them a break, have a look at the big picture to see where the club has come from and where we are now and appreciate that we are on the right path, ok they still can improve on communication and I think they will, but I for one want them to concentrate wiping the debt off which we will next year, keep on building the list and football department making the City of Casey our own playground and making us not one of the clubs that has to fold or relocate than pleasing a small few that complain on a web sites rather than contact the club to put their views forward, like I said things can improve and they will but lets keep thing in prospective.
  15. Now I know why some of your posts are strange.........only joking..........I think <_<
  16. Get rid of G/F problem solved.........lol
  17. And the plot could thicken here!! http://www.theage.com.au/national/council-...90913-fm7c.html
  18. FFS it was a suggestion that's all, you like it your way I see it different so from now on no one should ask any questions about the site or the way it works.
  19. Ross Dillon, Greg Parkes just to name another two, great marks but kicking was another thing.
  20. That's not to say you cannot improve it!!!!
  21. Yes that's what I mean thanks, would make it easier to go to when posts are moved.
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