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Everything posted by FarNorthernD

  1. Looked at those votes and thought 'yep fair enough' How good was McGovern's marking and the other named WC players were good too. But we had the two best players on the ground and I don't think I've seen a game like Viney's. Was just incredible
  2. Loved the win. One of the most unreal in my 45+ years of supporting this club. My point is though when the previously much-maligned defender Tom McDonald is kicking them straight like Dunstall, providing a focal point like Lockett and kicks the winning goal around his body like Betts. And does so with 20 seconds to go, and in Perth, if you don't mind, then perhaps it may be prudent to check what reality this is. I stepped in dog sh.it on the way to the car this morning so Im pretty sure we are OK.
  3. I don't mean to be a party pooper but has anyone actually thought about the probabilities of Tom McDonald kicking his fifth and match winning goal over his head, in Perth with 20 seconds to go? I dropped my toast this morning and it landed vegemite side up. I'm not liking the signs
  4. There are obviously some on here who have good contacts at the club and it is one of the best bits of Demonland when they are able to share information as, after all, we are all passionate Melbourne supporters on here whatever our differences. I was a GNF 'believer' for want of a better word but his recent 'Hogan will play' call has proved to be so far off the mark as to not be credible. It is a shame and if it can be proved that he/she is winding us up rather than been merely ill-informed then perhaps he should be banned from this site.
  5. Yes I paid attention to what you said about Hibberd as I knew very little about him and you have been very right - he has become one of our first picked and most important players. I think you also had an higher opinion of Melksham than some others here and that is slowly proving to be the case too. Good on you Ron
  6. I think it is illegal to own human beings in this day and age Ethan. He can leave but on the way out the door Jayden has to hand back all the bits we have given him like the good back, two extra yards of pace, headbands and the budding cult figure persona.
  7. I'm just going for a look around.
  8. I have come full circle on this over the 12 months. I used to fret for every half decent Melbourne player concerned that he would leave for success with other teams. And I couldn't blame them as for near on a decade we have been a rabble. Why would you stay? Now we are chock full of talent, we are young with seemingly a window of opportunity about a mile long, the players seem to genuinely like playing for each other, the coaching group look settled, focused and professional. We play at the best ground in the league that also hosts the Grand Final. We have easily the best colours and the best song (last two points may be subjective) The MFC is an exciting place to be. Why would you leave?
  9. Agree ADC. Wood has a lot more to answer for than Bugg. Wood carried on like a pork chop before the game and Bugg just laughed at him. He then got completely sucked in to that pushing match that resulted in the double goal. If you can find that vision after the first goal Bugg gives Wood bit of a spray and a push, he then wanders over to the goals has a look, thinks this will do nicely and stops dead in his tracks. Wood is completely wound up and does exactly what Bugg was hoping for. The result - another shot from bang in front. Afterwards Buggy is still laughing in the Bulldogs captain's face. Beautiful This is the sh.it other clubs having being doing to us for years. Personally I love it.
  10. Yep it isn't going to happen but Bernie has been in the bottom few for me over the last bit. Maybe still suffering from his dodgy toe but a long, long way from his B n F form
  11. Agree 55 If they didn't play Spence against the Pies with Grundy they are unlikely to play him on the fastest track in the league against a running side like the Bulldogs.
  12. I must admit Im not sure why we combine the Daniher/MND/Big Freeze with The Queens Birthday match. Much better to move it to our match with the Bombers. Make it a Saturday night clash with all the bells and whistles. The result would be 1). We get another blockbuster/TV exposure and a chance to beat the drug lords with a national exposure 2). Probably a bigger fundraising opportunity as both the Daniher clubs are playing 3). We still keep QB Win. Win. Win
  13. Its ok. Apparently Jack went around to Joffa's to apologise
  14. Not really Goodys style. More of a what you see is what you get sort of bloke I think
  15. Lewis on AFL 360 tonight said Jeremy Howe the best mark ever Massive crowd at QB. A lot on my mind. Need to win to stay in touch with the 8 Jack Watts the most scrutinised player he has ever seen. Cool under pressure. No one deserves that moment more than him. My interpretation was that Jordan ducked the question about giving Jack bit of a kick along over pre-season Acknowledges he (Lewis) had a bad game. Riewoldt has him as super coach captain and was giving him poo about getting 34 points. Will do better Petracca and the rest of the young ones are there to do their job. No ceiling on the kids. Hunt lightning quick, 87 kgs now and highly competitive (he said the highly competitive bit like he meant it) Robbo/Whately suggesting he will get targeted as Johannsien was against Swans. (They'll have to catch him first)
  16. Interestingly Balic lived at the Vineys for a week in 2015. So we have a link with him albeit a tenuous one 2d63a23824990db1e03abd3cffd8890b "But Fremantle draftee Harley Balic’s insight into Viney’s approach to football suggests his commitment to improving his game has not wavered. “It was pretty intense,” Balic remembers of his week living with the Viney’s last year as part of the AFL Academy. “It was an awesome experience. He and his dad are just footy heads. Coming from my family where everyone is mixed, it was just footy, footy, footy 24-7. “It taught me what it means to have a good work ethic. He’d be the last one to leave and after training he’d sit down with coaches and watch his training and slow it down to simple things like just picking up the ball. He’s pretty elite.”
  17. Have to get it right every now and then
  18. If Gawn only another week or two away I don't know if they will bring in Spencer to be a short term fill in. The last 5 weeks that we have been ruckman free we have won the clearance count on each occasion Vs G.C 37 clearances to 34 Vs Nth 40-34 Vs Adel 49-38 Vs Hawks 37-30 Vs Drug Lords 40-31 We have won 3/5 of those games along the way. I'm not sure that having Jake V the Pies will help better those clearance counts whilst not having him will give us extra run around the ground.
  19. I have no inside info but would not be at all surprised if a one year contract extension was quietly confirmed in the next few weeks
  20. You are correct. What Australia does will matter very little in the scheme of things. But your comment that the reef will be fine in 5, 10 or 20 years is wrong. I truly hope you are right though
  21. I have worked on the reef since 1991. I have visited it more than 3,500 times and completed 3,000+ dives. Many times over the years the press has sensationalised threats to the reef; Crown of Thorns Starfish, water quality issues, localised dredging, cyclone damage have all been overblown. This time two years ago my part of the reef, off Port Douglas, was as pristine as I've ever seen it. That is not the case anymore. Two years of bleaching, through increased water temperatures, has considerably impacted the reef in this area. If we return to more normal summers it will recover. However the GBR isn't fine today and definitely won't be fine in 5, 10 or 20 years time if we have repeats of the past couple of summers. There are very few climate change deniers in this part of the world.
  22. Has a touch of the Ty Vickery's about him, but better paid
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