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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. I agree. We should play watts all year - he's shown gradual improvment each week I'd just like to see him hang on to few more marks and maybe get a little harder . You see little guys like Jetta and Bennel bounce back to their feet and chase straight after they get knocked over, no reason why Watts cant play with the same desperation
  2. I think morton is in our best 22. The issue i have with him this year is that Jack Grimes is playing a similar role, being a creative half back player who find space to be an outlet and feed the midfield. I think when morton played down back with Grimes we didnt get the most out of either player. Grimes IMO is a better player than Morton in a number of ways, so when grimes comes back from injury id like to see morton play up the ground (half forward) and leave jack to be the main creative force down back. Both good players though, and as Grimes is out injured i think morton has a role in our backline
  3. Yeah its nice to be able to read somthing new almost every day The chat with Matt is actually a little disapointing for me. Alot of good questions get asked, but Matt's answers never seem to the juicy inside word that we're all hoping for! Its like anyone who reads the website could give you the same answer! I guess thats to be expected seeing he's not on the match comitee or anything but yeah....
  4. Bennel is a good player, i like that hes been named on the wing becasue he is quick and has good clean skills. He generally does well when the ball comes to him I cant really complain about the selected team, and Freo without Barlow are basically the Freo of old! Barlow was the player who actually took advantage of Sandilands taps, without him they come back to the pack i reckon! I'll be there chearing for the red and blue at Subi!
  5. 1st post! Paul Richardson from Swan Districts in WA. defender who can play in the midfield. AIS member in the same year as Griffen, Ray, Mclean, tambling etc and captain of the WA u18 team in 2003/2004. Overlooked in the 03 & 04 drafts, may have been due to being injured during both draft camps that he was ivited to. He hasnt played much WAFL footy latley due to work comitments but recently made his return and has recived good wraps by the WA footy press. He is 24.
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