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Everything posted by binman

  1. I wasn't advocating he be picked. Just that he puts in and jeffy has not at the VFL level. I'm guessing jeffy was dropped because he was not putting enough forward pressure on - and his lack of goals would not have helped. From all reports his pressure in the VFL did not improve and he kicked few goals. So how does he get a gig? Personally i like him in the side but as i say it sends a strange message to all players. The message is usually get dropped, go back and work on the reasons and fight your way back. Look at how Vince played last week. Instrumental in the Casey win. Picking a player who coasts at VFL after being dropped contradicts that message. And on another note i have to say calling Bugg a coward is well uncalled for.
  2. I can't understand how jeffy gets a game on the back of his vfl form. Watched tge second half last week and his effort was sub standard. Squibbed at least two contests big time as well. Sends a strange message to players like bugg who bust a gut week in wdek out.
  3. Yes. Hence MY pun ('sorry, your pun dived'). A reverse pike involves the diver entering the water the OPPOSITE way she/he is facing when leaving the board, hence the name of the dive. And hence a reverse pyke in his 'pun' meaning he would would not be silent. In any case how does the diving allusion work in this context or make the pun work? He wasn't discussing Rance on Neymar.
  4. Because i'm too stupid? Or the pun is mangled? Either way i obviously don't get your joke. You said you would like to see Nasher's scenario of Goodwin being mute at a presser. Even better you say - do a Pyke and stand there and not say a word. A reverse pyke you say. Reverse being the opposite of something. The opposite of Pyke not talking at all is Pyke talking a lot. Am i missing something?
  5. Pun points for effort - but wouldn't a reverse Pike involve Goody talking - a lot? Sorry but your attempted pun dived.
  6. Does he have a brother, George, who plays a mean guitar?
  7. Rioli not a champion? I have heard it all now.
  8. Just watched the post game presser. Quite interesting. He plays a pretty straight does Goody but was obviously seething. Made it crystal clear we simply did not work hard enough. Mentioned a couple of times that a change in defensive all team pressure will be evident. Said in a way that suggests some will get a huge rocket - and perhaps that occurred in the review. I'm tipping at least one big name to be dropped this week. I suspect Trac will be dropped.
  9. This reminds me a bit of the lyrics of this fantastic song (arguably the greatest Australian rock n roll song - ever) 'you're my only friend - and you don't even like me'
  10. Agree 100%. We have been a terrible kicking side for at least a decade, more really. its killing us. No matter what style of footy is in vogue there will ALWAYS be a premium on kicking skills. It is the key reason i questioned trading Watts (not wanting to open up that argument btw - i fully understand the decision, particularly given Fritsch is just about our best kick) Look at the last quarter of the Cats and saints games. Turning the ball over costs us both games. Both games drove me spare. People remember the turnovers that result in opposition goals but the ones that break scoring chains are equally damaging and often go unremarked. But it not just the turnovers. My pet hate is players who don't have the basic footy skill of weighting or direct the ball properly to maximize a forwards chances of marking the footy. it is a key reason why we have so many fruitless inside 50 entries. Ok we kick the ball long to packs as a system but how many times on Sunday (every week really) was the ball put on top of forwards heads rather that out in front allowing them to jump forward. Hopeless
  11. No i know. I had very similar inteI. Was assuming the protest was related to on filed performance.
  12. DZ have you got rid of you avatar of Jordon Lewis as a form of protest?
  13. And still don't some don't get it. Blame the symptom and don't understand the cause. See the tip of the ice berg and not what is under the water. A back line of Rance, Scarlett, Hardeman, Silvagni, Jetta and McLeod would not stop us being scored on heavily when: opposition players are allowed rebound from their defensive half so quickly because of non existent forward half pressure (making it all but impossible for any mids etc to get back and block holes) we make horrendous turnovers at our half forward line and going inside 50 (hello Brayshaw x 3) which given we are sweeping forward allow the ball to ping back the other way, often straight up the corridor we make horrendous turnovers in our back half, gifting opposition goals - hello Lewis and TMac our players don't gut run to put pressure on opposition players, allowing them to tic tac up the ground and kick the ball into their inside 50 under no pressure whatsoever we employ the most aggressive forward press/zone in the league that to work requires a team NOT having the four issues above
  14. Agree. And our biggest problem is we have a few such players.
  15. It can't of course. I listened to the Hibberd sen interview (thanks DL) and Hibbo said that TMac had a bruised lung. I'll say that again. A bruised lung - which is no surprise given he was coughing up blood straight after the incident. Your observations of him struggling for breath are entirely consistent with having a bruised lung. Hibbo said that the chance of a similar injury were low so that's in TMac's favor but the vibe was he is no certainly to play. Which is also unsurprising given he has a bruised lung.
  16. I might well of missed it but i don't recall a single poster saying "Tyson should play because you don't drop a player after one game". By creative outlook do you mean making stuff up? Strange quote, but as i say perhaps i missed it.
  17. Agree. And whats more it is clear she does her own research and prepares super well for her special comments role. Unlike almost all others. It amazes actually how clueless footy commentators seem to be eg about teams, players, stats etc etc
  18. To mangle an old saying, posters on demonland are in rhe opinion business. Keep it up. Anway on rhe over opinionated scale you not in the top 50 around these parts.
  19. Disagree. He will be an out and out star.
  20. Jeez, imagine how much you would know about him if you did focus on him.
  21. Not a problem Dick. Welcome btw. As you are new you get a pass on the posting statements that sound like fact with no source. The posters with more that 200 posts who do so regularly do not. If however you start posting stuff like 'this is the worst loss in the history of the club', 'hogan has played two bad games in a ow and should be dropped', etc etc i reserve the right to call you Reac
  22. For the love of god please see DL rule number 1: Name bloody sources when saying a player is: not going to be slected going to be selected going to be traded out going to be traded in has been on eccy all weekend
  23. Agree there was a lack of communication, which you could see from his reaction and he may well have had no options (impossible to tell on TV). Disagree it could have been anyone. Sure players like a Harmes might have got pinged but Oliver and Brayshaw, among others (eg Lewis, Spargo Salem) release that ball. Even in the unlikely even they did not realise they were hot (which surely is a given) at the slightest contact they are ready to do a quick handball. That bit of play points to two issues Tyson has. Firstly no doubt he suffers a bit from a lack of peripheral awareness. The second thing is technical issue i have pointed out before. He often seems to hold the ball out in front of him which exacerbates the impact of the tackle and often means he can't get even a half handball off (which seems to be enough to avoid a free kick). it was poor bit of play but players give free kicks away all the time so no hanging offence.
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