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Everything posted by binman

  1. Agree on all of that. I add that on game days hundreds of kids and families would use it to kick the footy pre and post game like they do on that oval between Hisense and Rod Laver arenas (which ironically used to be one of several footy grounds in that spot). Local residents might be rich and powerful but may not get a say depending on planning decisions.
  2. How would it be annexing public parkland? It would improve it if anything. A beaut mint condition footy oval that lik goschs paddock is open to the public for use
  3. I've got different intel. I heard from a reliable source he is going to sign with North Melbourne, whitepaper the north out and play with us.
  4. No way omac doesn't get dixon.
  5. G'day punters. Can't leave out Moss n Dale. Great strike rate, 8 from 11 at the distance, likes it soft (8: 3 - 3) and coming off a good win (albeit with a month break which concerns me a touch). To be honest struggling to select another horse. Luck Hussler is the obvious but big weight and has average form in soft (9: 1 - 1). The only other horse that vaguely appeals is Most Important, but form is just too poor, though this is not a deep race. So i'll hope for an improving track and trust that class and the Weir factor will get him close and select Luck Hussler for a place.
  6. And now you have doubled down....
  7. We need outside run and pace. Has to be our priority at the end of year trade period. Gaff is the obvious candidate.
  8. Good work DL. How did the interview go? Great i would expect. Hopefully supermercado got some nice stats in. Looking at the tiles of the podcasts it is really impressive library of interviews you are building
  9. I like him because he's a good bloke. Sue me. I really dislike Leigh Matthews, still, because despite being the best footballer i have ever seen he was a malicious thug whose violence had a disturbing element of premeditation to it. Unlike some players from his era who 'just snapped' (eg Robbie Muir, Carman) 'Lethal' hit opponents (often behind the play) who were beating him. No better example being the day he king hit Steve Smith at Princess Park after Smith was giving him a bath.
  10. Will always be one of my favourite MFC players.
  11. Couldn't watch the game today as my son was playing in a basketball tournament in Ballarat. On the way to winning their grand final they beat Collingwood in the semis. Took it as a good omen Was planning on watching the game 'as live' tomorrow before work. Had made it very clear to my son that if learnt the result whilst tooling around on his phone not to make any comment. At all. Whilst stuck in a massive traffic jam outside of Ballan i heard him say 'oh no'. When asked 'oh no' what he gave some lame answer. I correctly assumed we had lost. Just watched the highlights. Doubt i will watch the replay. I hope i was wrong about Collingwood being no good.
  12. The horses i marked for this race were Champagne Cuddles (on top) from (not in order) Perast, Voodoo lad , Impending, Invincible gem. So given we have Perast and Voodoo Lad already so for the DL trif i am going to select: Champagne Cuddles Invincible gem Impending has to be a big show and i'm sure will run well. But the weight might stop him and Invincible Gem puts some value into the trif (although there is a bit in already)
  13. Is davey dee/dr who already posting on another team's forum?
  14. I like it too. Great first up record (7: 4 - 2), something i always put great stock in. Likes it soft (9: 4 - 4) and Weir really is a brilliant trainer. Above all a good racehorse I worry that it might get too far back as i expect the race to favour those on speed and near the rail (i suspect Monstar and perst will vie for the lea, with Perast winning that mini battle)
  15. Perast will find the lead and prove mighty hard to run down. But i think will be. Just. I know that i am supposed to wait until you all make your selections, but i'm in a bit of a bind. I have to drive to Ballarat today (to sit in cold bball stadiums - my son has a tournament there this weekend). I've done my form and made my selctions I'll wait for a while and just before i go check if the selections are up. If not i'll put up my analysis and tips for the race (1-4) and if for instance the winner or a place getters matches other's selections just take the horses not covered (assuming there is one)? I'm leaving just before 12.
  16. Lever is no Omac, that much is true So i think an ex NBL player will surely do
  17. Of course they do. According to SWYL. Though to be fair he might be living in a time warp.
  18. Petty? Well for him the waiting (for a senior berth) won't be the hardest part. He is tough player, so i suspect he won't back down. Not sure how much intercept work he has done and if he is learning to fly and breakdown opposition attacks. If selected i reckon i'd tell him you got lucky and i would also let him know that if he makes errors he should prepare for pies fans (and some nuffy dees fans) to yell yer so bad. Unfortunately i can't make the game so i won't be a face in the crowd but i look forward to him and Omac being walls in defence and clearing the ball into the great wide open wings of the 'G.
  19. Careful - you might open a doorway to demonland's dark web - the general discussion board - and let the RWNJs in.
  20. 100% correct. It seems to be that it is only this season that this fact is being understood by the footy media and some footy fans.
  21. On the theme touched on in the clarry thread i would be keen to know if teammates are consciously adopting his handball techniques or it is more though osmosis (harmes seem to trying the overhead in the air handball quite often - along with Dustin Martin's straight arm fend off)
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