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Everything posted by binman

  1. It was definitely Ill discipled. Agree walters flopped. But he did so to get a free and was successful. Stupid from Jones. As his coach and apparently his teammates told him at 3 q time. We had all the momentum and a certain goal was lost. But as goody said he played his part in the last. I was impressed actually that we didn't lose the momentum and kept going. Obviously the team didn't dwell on the incident, which is a good sign.
  2. I said in the last see you later omac thread that after being dropped that perhaps he is struggling a bit with his mental health in part realted to tbe bagging he cops on social media (and dl is part of the social media landscape). And that perhaps with the bye the club might have given him a break to freshen up. Not picked at casey this week and not on the injury perhaps my concerns might have some validity So I find it quite weird that another se ya later thread has popped up about omac. With fans like us who needs opposition supporters? Also find it strange that on this very thread people are pointing out how well frosty is travelling. And that most (But not all thankfully) dont see the irony in this. Frost could not get s senior game until half way through last year. He was at casey working on what he needed to sort out.. He is at least a year older than omac. Surely frost is the perfect example of the folly of writing players off, as many posters did on dl and of the capacity of players to develop and improve.
  3. Omac has a contract for 2020. Not going anywhere. He will be back in the ones soon enough.
  4. Live I thought trip. I watched the replay and think it wasn't. Given I was sitting at the opposite end of the ground I'll give the umpire right on the spot the benefit of the doubt. I was more annoyed at the fact the ball had got down that end after us faffing around with it at our end.
  5. Worthy of a permanent ban from this site. Xenophobia a clear breach of the code of conduct and someone with such a pathetic world view isn't going to change.
  6. Agree. Plus he us confident in his own ability and confident enough to go for things, like the nice baulk he did on the he flank. His pace is really important for us evidence when he got to that ball meters booted forward (passing Jones who gave him a 15 metre head start).
  7. He was nowhere near the player in 2017 that he is now.
  8. Goody also bristled a bit at the question (which I think was suggesting frosty has been poor) and responded with a bit of an edge. Said something along the lines of 'I think you're being a bit harsh there ...'
  9. I see what you're saying about petty in terms of his costly turnovers, but reads the play well and has good hands. Also loved the way he attacked the ball in the air at the edge of the centre square at the punt road end. Cruched the Freo player. Playing twiggy lever's role so probably comes out for him. But who knows when that will be? I'd keep hannan in too. Rather he finds form in the ones to be honest. Important player structurally and i think with q couple of games now under his belt will start to improve.
  10. Agree. And on another day he gets 5 or 6 not 3.3 because he is usually an excellent kick for goal. Terrific technique. Has had a horrid run with injury and hopefully he can play out the season and build confidence and experience. I was reflecting that ideally we would have both Smith's in the forward line. Both attack the ball in the air and on the ground and tackle fiercely and provide the sort of forward pressure we have sorely missed.
  11. This should be pinned to the top of every thread.
  12. Joeboy's 3 word analysis v fremantle - most accurate ever
  13. Exactly what i thought. After the first we had he way more uncontested marks than them. Played much slower
  14. Agree on both. Frost's last quarter arguably won us the game. From the top of the ponsford I had a great view of his intercept mark in the last. Made the decision early and backed himself in, then made the next kick. Critical contest as we scored a terrific gogoa l after to tacking it down the ground. I want fritter kicking the ball to out forwards. Petty was excellent and May played well. Marty hore was solid again.
  15. No game is pointless - I don't think there has ever been a scoreless game. Boom tish. But seriously every game they play is important. Every game.
  16. I'll be there. Top of the ponsford. With the same feeling I have had for 90% of the time i have supported the dees. Wanting to watch us win a game of footy. A game that stands by itself, disconnected from concepts such as ladder position and finals. I want to see us win.
  17. Also why would Omac come in for an intercept player like Lever? May yes, but not Lever. Petty for Lever makes more sense. As statements go it's a pretty limp one.
  18. Compelling examples of goodes crying poor me. You're not a barrister are you?
  19. Why are you focusing on toughness.? Jeffy doesn't need to be a tough player like a viney. He'll never be that sort of plsyer. And that's fine. But Jeffy is playing as if he is afraid of getting hurt and is shirking contests. Even that peanut darcy (I think) pointed that out against the crows when jeffy, late in the match elected to skirt a pack rather than go to the ball. But as you say he is kicking goals and if goody continues to pick him I'll respect his call.
  20. With the internet at your fingers I'm sure you will be able to find and load lots of examples of goodes 'crying poor' to provide some substance to that claim.
  21. The issue i have with jeffy is nor tbat he is not hard enough. It is tbat he is squibbing key, non negotable contests during matches where he is simply must commit to the ball and if necessary take a hit. There have been 5 or 6 of such (non) contests this year and at least 2 or 3 at critical times. Not only have they cost us shots on goals, they are soul destroying for the team. And for me are deal breakers, even with his goals.
  22. It's an interesting one. I see your point about his goals and given our scoring woes it has merit. Though quite a few of Jeff's goals have been easy, last link in the chain goals. And he has missed some very gettable goaps at critical times. And elected not to try to kick from 30 against the pies, again at a critical time. But his failure to commit to multiple contests would have seen him out of the side last year. And for mine should this year. Or else what message are you sending to Bedford, spargo etc.
  23. A total load of rubbish fork. And the biggest load of rubbish is the bizarre assertion that he goodies cried 'poor me'. Such a weird rewriting of history and such an obvious illustration of confirmation bias. Even Adam Goodes most trenchant crrlitics, especially all the 'hard men' who wont be told they shouldn't boo, surely respect his stoicism and strength in refuing to comment on the controversy, then, since or now. Instructive that he only agreed to the recent doco because it only used archival footage and he declined to be interviewed. Cried poor? What a joke. An ironic one too given the pathetic bleating by toss pots and so called hard men like Sam Newman and any number of everday joes. Oh the war dance, how savage. Don't tell us we can't boo him, we'll do whatever we want - my grand pa pa fought for the right for freedom of speech. Don't play the racist card you bunch of pc swjs. Don't tell me I'm racist. It's got nothing to do with race - other aboriginal players never got nooed. We never boo eddy and even like micheal long. Blah. Blah l. Blah. On and on. Tbe bleating was and remains truly patethic and is a total embarrassment.
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