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Everything posted by binman

  1. I'd love to see frosty given a run on the wing where his pace and attacking bent could be real weapon and his horrible short kicks not so much a risk of an imneciate goal to the opposition.
  2. Just hoping. Hore broken collar bone so 2-3 out and petty was concurred so will be test you'd assume. I agree petty played well. Reads the ball well and takes a nice mark. I really like the look of him
  3. Jetts will come in. Lever in. So that probably covers hore and petty. Gawn obviously comes in. Maybe they will play him and preuss as alternating full forwards. But probably smith plays at full forward. Hore is a big loss. A real shame as he has been our most consistent defender.
  4. That's funny Macca. I know you weren't talking about me specifically but I would say I'm a realist, not an optimist. Take my perspective on yesterday. Our skills were st times horrible. One again we failed to put a team away due to missing easy shots on goals and targets. As i have said many times It is a huge issue for our club and one that has no easy fix. But we were almost 100 points at 3/4 time. Yes against a lowly side but we are also lowly side as a result of injuries and a woeful preseason. They were missing their best player, but so were we. We had patches of terrific play and our best forward snagged a career equalling high of 6 goals. And we were down to 1 rotation for almost half the game, with our best forward and two defenders sitting on the pine. Brayshaw said he had never been more exhausted in a game of footy. Jones did not come off tbe ground at all in the second half.We got headed but found a way to win. With a set shot from near 50 no less. Which is character building. And we walk away with 4 points.
  5. Of course it is. As i pointed out myself. And personally as i do all rbe time ie critique performance as per my many comments about our woeful kicking skills. To be honest I haven't read any posts on this thread tbat are only over the top positive. But as usual many posts where the opposite is true.
  6. Just heard the last bit if tmac on Sen. Not sure what the scams revealed but from what I gather not an afl but surgery required and out for the rest of the season. Our luck this year has been unbelievable.
  7. Agree. Really liking him at HB. His kicking has been excellent and goes some way to balancing the woeful kicking of Frost and Fritter.
  8. Well JD I am definitely in the camp of 'positive posters' who are critical negative posters clogging up post game threads. And happily so. But by negative posters I mean those who simply criticize the team without any balance or taking into account mitigating factors, such as injury. Not posters who make critical comments. Critical comments and constructive criticisms often generate inetesting debate and discussion. This thread is for post match analysis. If you - or others - want to come on it and vent that is your prerogative And it is my perogative to call it out. How about starting a post match vent thread and those who want to vent their frustrations without the need for their opinions to be scrutinized can post to their heart's content.
  9. Missed this post. Could have saved myself some time by quoting it!
  10. He missed weed in exactly the same way after that. Cost us a certain goal (he hits the handpass and weed kicks an easy goal from the goal square). It went straight up the other end for a goal. Not long after he missed an easy target inside 50 by foot, which is par for the course for us, But the problem was that he turned it over in tbe corridor and it got swept down tbe other end. Fortunately not for a goal i don't think. So, yes as one of the commentators noted he was given a chance to redeem his errors. And all credit to him that he took that chance. There was another bad mistake that seemed to escape the commentators attention and demonland's as well. On that last kick by hannan he had hunt and brayshaw on over the top, with hunt being completely in the clear. Should have handball it to him and hunt would have run into an open goal.
  11. That win is a metaphor for this year in some ways, particularly in terms of supporters not understanding the impact of injury. We were out on our feet with 2 players in Hore and Petty out for all of the second half and TMac out from halfway through the third. This interview with Hunt is interesting in terms of understanding the impact of not being able to rotate players, both physically but also in terms of having to move players around the ground to get a chop out (something Goody noted in his presser eg having to move Lewis off Murphy). He notes he had to play wing for that last quarter and Jones didn't come off for the second half, despite playing high half back which Hunty says is tough position. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2019-07-07/hunt-enjoys-final-quarter-heroics But hey what would he know
  12. I'm with you Nasher. Loved it. Thanks to kayo i watched the game from about 3:45 as i was away. Totally stoked to win. I knew though that when i looked at Demonland the vibe would be generally negative. I was right. We were cooked and running up and done on the spot. We could only make 9 rotations in the last. Nine. And our ruck man was completely gassed. Loved his effort but big Preussy is slow and not fit enough to ruck solo all day. Loved the composure to get a shot on goal after falling behind and love that Hunt slotted it after making 3 critical errors in the preceding 15 minutes. My daughter asked if i thought he would kick it and i said no. Loved the fact he did. A win is a win. Our kicking remains a huge issue (hello to those posters who said Friiter covered the loss of Watts in terms of kicking skills) and out injury curse is real. But we won. And i for one will take that.
  13. Sure, why not lever. Potential AA player recruited to help us win a flag. We also didn't have Hogan for the last third of the season. In terms of importance not a million mikes away from say tigers losing rance and reiwoldt (not saying either are as good).. We did make the prelim.
  14. Then why is Collingwood being beaten by inferior teams? Should their magical game plan not protect them from the impact of injuries?
  15. What has happened to the Pies? Of that's right a third of their best 22 are out with injury. But that's no excuse......
  16. Don't worry Frankie. We'll smash them. Take it to the bank
  17. Exactly what we need. Add both Hill brothers and Jack Martin and we're away. And before anyone points out how impossible that is i'll concede that i have no idea (or interest in) about trade scenarios. But they are the players we need.
  18. Unfortunately it has been worse than ever this year. I have no idea about what the boards KPIs are for pert and so no real sense of how he is travelling as CEO. Except in regard to communication. Communication and supporter engagement is critical for teams long terms success and viability. i would argue it is never more critical than when a team i struggling. And responsibility for communication falls squarely at the feet of the CEO. Really it is beyond ridiculous that the Pert could publicly say we are aiming for 70, 000 members (which is fine in of itself) and then allow our communication to be so woeful. I mean talk about a disconnect. I have been banging on about this for years now. Time for me to put my money where my mouth is. I will go to the next AGM and ask why our communication has been so poor and what they plan to do about it.
  19. Are you serious? Of course Misso plays a role in supporting the rehabilitation of players (along with the medical team) but it is beyond silly to blame him for the huge number of sessions missed by the list as whole given the fact that so many players had post season surgeries (about 40% of the list) and injuries. Sheesh.
  20. Hunt on the extended bench is about right. Giving him a message. I expect him to play but needs to step up. Not convinced bout him up forward and he drifts in an out of the game. Perhaps plonk him on the wing and tell him to run both ways. Same goes for Hibberd in terms of giving him a message. Another who needs to go up a few levels.
  21. Dropped. Pretty stiff i reckon given we really need his pace.
  22. With all due respect Saty your credibility on this particular issue is not high.
  23. Would have worked better as a sledge if you knew how to use the quote function
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