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Everything posted by binman

  1. I'm bored. The chairman of the bored
  2. Absolutely. Clueless. Again, not their fault. I sit at the top of the ponsford, usually in the back row adjacent to the bar/concourse area. I have a loud voice that echoes, particularly when it is empty, which is the case more often than not. I'm never aggressive but I am pretty vocal. When it is empty a couple of yellow coats invariably stand near me. Neither them or i are quite sure why though as I never cause issues, never abusive and any by play with opposition supporters is usually good natured. But stand there they do, mute, until eventually, perplexed they drift away.
  3. The issue has absolutely zero to do with the ethnicity of the security guards. It has everything to do with how poorly trained and prepared they are.And i'll bet London to a brick they are really poorly paid. They just don't have the skills the job demands and that is not their fault.
  4. Most organizations have an EAP program. Perhaps as part of our membership we could access to a Supporter Assistance Program. Very appropriate acronym too.
  5. Warn once (pull your head in buddy) and if it continues evict (but not ban). The occasional swear word is ok (after telling a mate i yell loudly but never swear at the footy i yelled out 'f hell, hit a bloody target dees' against GWS after the 20th shocking turnover) but I find that some blokes swear in a really aggressive, targeted way as part of their attack on: coaches, umpires, their own players, opposition players and anyone in the crowd who tells them to pipe down or responds in any way.
  6. Swearing (egf and c bombs) loudly and often?
  7. Totally agree on both points forkie. In my experience is there is significantly more loud, agressive swearing at the footy these days. I'm a loud supporter but yelling f and c bombs is bollocks. I'll bet the poor me Carlton suppoter is one of those fools if that video he tweeted of him going off his head at last year's gf is anything to go by. Exactly the sort of supporter that I can't abide. Would have loved to see his post match video.
  8. I don't think he is failing to follow instructions as such. He is just a really poor kick. That's not going to improve at Casey. Perhaps he should only handball!
  9. Agree, though Viney is far, far worse. Terrible technique, has no right foot (and so is very predictable), cannot kick it low and flat, rarely kicks to a forward's advantage, struggles to hit a forward on the lead and seems not to be able to weight the ball to allow forwards to run onto it. Not a great combination of deficits for a player who is one of keys to winning center clearances. Cool hair though.
  10. He was contracted for 2019. If we wanted to keep him this season we could have. Which all things considered would have been no bad thing given Tmac can't mark or kick and the Weed was dropped for poor form. But we wanted the pick six so we could use it to get May. Which i'm ok with but it doesn't change the fact we gave up a lot to get May and it is reasonable to expect him to deliver.
  11. Unfair, really? My critique of May was pretty balanced and fair i would have thought. A long way from the hyperbole that often masquerades as objective assessment that is more the norm on DL. I didn't even say May had a bad game, which he didn't. I thought in fact he had an ok game, not great, but ok. His spoiling was mostly really good, the best part of his game actually. I simply said that i was 'not nearly as impressed with his defensive work as seems to be the consensus on Demonland'. I noted that JDG kicked 3 goals but also said i doubted all 3 were on May. I said there was a number of occasions where he was beaten, which is true. I noted he cost us a goal flying for a mark when he missed it and got turned inside out by JDG for another - both true. Hardly unfair or examples of stinging, unfounded criticism. And i didn't say that the fact that JDG kicked 3 goals on May was 'the reason he wasn't as good as Demonland thinks'. That's a misinterpretation of my comments. Its actually not true that with Omac i don't look at who kick goals on us. It is a critical metric for a defender - as is the number of spoils (which as i say May was good at against the Pies). I have made the point many times this year that with one or two exceptions Omac has had very few goals kicked on him by direct opponents.The players that have hurt us this year are not the bigs but the small and medium forwards. Like JDG. Finally i wasn't comparing OMac and May, simply pointing out he would have copped it on DL if he had been turned inside out by JDG the way May was. Unfairly of course because as you say JDG is gun and defenders get beaten. But much of the criticism Omac cops is unfair so it would be par for the course. It goes without saying that May is obviously a much better player than Omac and may well end up keeping him out of the team if Frosty continues to perform well. But i'm not sure about you, but i have very high expectations of May. He is an AA defender in the prime of his career that we have paid dearly for (picks and salary cap space) and given up our best key forward for him in a season where we can't buy a goal. Glad he got though this game and i expect he will be a gun for us. But i mark him hard and expect better than ok games from here on in.
  12. Last night, and the previous two games. Agree he hasn't always used his strength to advantage. Gets around the ground well though for a bit fella. I really hope his knee is ok. It looked awful and it was made worse by the fact the game was dead. Is there any update?
  13. 100% agree. Thst is what the 2s are for. That said i hope they give Tmac a month off to get right. He is clearly out of form, bust just as clearly carrying something
  14. His coach never thought he was average. Playing average perhaps. But not average. So he sent him back to the 2s to find some form. which he evidently found. Some posters used their (flawed) assessment of his ability as further evidence of how badly omac played ('let a total spud kick 2 on him!'). He then kicks 3 on Phil Davis (supported by a defence that was not under manned) , arguably the best kpd in the game with rance out. And four more last night. So omac was beaten by a pretty good player in good form, as evidenced by his next two games.
  15. If you believe some of the posters on DL, jenkins is an average player. I wish our average players kicked bags of 3 or more goals three weeks running.
  16. I understand why he got De Goy, particularly after Frost went down. He is a bull and twiggy Lever would not have been able to take him. Maybe hore and maybe Hibberd but De Gooey is their most dangerous forward and to me it made sense for may to get him. But bottom line is his opponent kicked 3 and his (well paid) job is to stop opponents kicking goals. The defence was under huge pressure all day and did ok but to be honest they could have got 8 on us in the first q if they had kicked straight. In that first quarter their zone was all over the place with the pies finding free players with kicks over the top into pockets of space. And who was in the hole in front of Stephenson? No one is the answer as that peanut BT kept pointing out. How does that happen playing a zone defence? I guess though, in their defence (pardon the pun) , Salem and Frost were off in that first q so some confusion was justifiable given they had never played together as a unit.
  17. Its funny you should say that. i didn't notice them going through May as such but i was not nearly as impressed with his defensive work as seems to be the consensus on Demonland. I might be wrong but i think May was on De Gooey for much of the day and DG bagged 3 goals (though i doubt all 3 were on May). I'm not sure about him not being a one on one defender. I certainly hope he is seeing that is precisely what we got him for. That said there were a number of occasions where he was beaten but one really struck out. I couldn't help but wonder what scorn would have been heaped on OMac if he had been so easily beaten one on one and turned inside out in the way the way de goey did to May when he kicked his third goal of the afternoon. Or for that matter when May elected to fly for a mark on the half back line rather than spoil or stay down, missed it and gifted them another goal.
  18. I have not been keen on bringing in preuss, in large part due to his mobility. However ihe been persuaded by dee zephyr's argument on last night's (excellent) podcast that preuss desire to be proactive and actually kick for goal rather tban loom to aleays give off is something we are in dire need of as is his agressiveness and aerial contest work.
  19. Serious question saty. Why do you think that is? Got me stumped
  20. Maybe, but Salem was off the ground getting his head stitched as was frost so perhaps they told him to go down back (though i doubt thy told him to lose his feet and gift a goal).
  21. It is beyond debate he is carrying something (and it's not the team). You just have look a his kicking. He struggles to make the distance from 40 out. The weird thing is goody was directly asked about tmac playing going forward and he was unequivocal that he would remain in the team. Leaving aside the issue of injury and the logic of resting him to get right it is is hard to mount a case he should remain in the team on form. His timing on marks is completely out of wack. No better example than the free he gave away on the wing for going too early. Should have swallowed that mark.
  22. I can't believe how poor we are at kicking the football.
  23. That is such a brilliant first post. Love it. I look forward to more of your posts. Great name too. I applaud you.
  24. Range Rover, you are a poor man's ProDee. I have you on ignore by the way so i won't see your long winded response that aims to wind people up. You know, troll. Unless of course someone quotes you. Which i wish people would stop doing. Because you are sooo boring.
  25. Your point in the last para is true. Up to a point. And that point is when it was clear that race was an element. It was at point that Ross Lyon, to his eternal credit, said before the swans played Freo , th a t anyone who booed from now on was a racist, pure and simple.
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