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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. oh come on guys the list is the worst in the competition. the opening of the thread is dead wrong Yes we are this bad. We have no more than a dozen AFL players when they are all fit to play the rest are VFL standard or worse. The results have been on the board for the last couple of years. Get a grip everyone face the fact that JC could not make this lot wins games. We just do not have the talent. It really is that simple
  2. Banana doughnut with coffee this morning. very nice way to start the day. then I foolishedly ventured onto sports news web sites. hmm seems there is plenty happenning behind the scenes at the MFC. This is my first venture back to Demonland. now do I have the resolve to close after this thread?
  3. Have not seen one for two days Redleg which is sad in its own right.Even as we sit at the bottom with a crap list we did the better of that deal. Thank God I have finished in the chair for 4+ months. Today while the game was on as I sat through 110 minutes I thought hell this way better than being at the MCG. How bloody sad is that!
  4. Report No. 4 Not a banana in sight today Big day at the dentist have had two screw put into my jaw. Out came the black and decker and a couple of holes cut into the jaw then the screws inserted. Gave me a bag of pain killers when I left that does not look good for tonight. I wonder why there are so many? I see Casey won well again today, any win is good against the Pies. Oh we'll I can enjoy it for another 36 hours.
  5. Report No.3 Well Redleg I have to report that yesterday I had the best banana smoothie of my life. Yes I know a big statement. It was called " banana monkey" Very cold yoghurt with banana and on top with small pieces of frozen mango. To die for. Enjoy the long weekend guys. Implant day today for me. Not looking forward to this however it will probably be better than Monday at the MCG. Enjoy
  6. Report No. 2 Well the dentist went well one and half hours in the chair and no pain. Very nice lady dentist really knows her stuff. Banana crepe with caramelised bananas and coconut ice cream for dinner tonight. Nine out of ten Redleg. The most amazing thing about today is that no where was the MFC mention Nothing on the local news, CNN, BBC world, Aljazerra, or newspapers Heaven really. Enjoy Monday guys my last day in the chair.
  7. Report no.1 from the sweaty north. First visit to the dentist says there is no good news on that front a bit like the MFC . It is going to be many hours in the chair, starts tomorrow. On the main front I can report that I had a banana for breakfast. Variety unknown it did not look like a cavendish but was quite tasty. None of the street vendors in the Asoki area are selling bananas, Seems like a big opertunity going begging to me. I am sure there will be more news on that front tomorrow. dc iPad going strong Biff what is wrong with bananas at pat pong? Now how do I stay away from the other threads?
  8. Yes I know Nasher I was just being a little clever / smart arse. Forgive me.
  9. Which future drubbing would you prefer Nasher?
  10. Well after the day that nothing much happened i am gladly leaving you all suffer without me Tomorrow. Sitting in a dentist chair for the next week is looking like heaven compared to this load of tripe. Arh the joy of leaving this lot behind for ten days. Now all I have to do is stay off any thoughts of sport in Australia and I am home. Probably won,t but I will try the bananas in Thailamd and file a report next week. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode. Bananas that is not the MFc!
  11. Two very good questions for which i have no answers
  12. Thanks PSD look forward to future thoughts.
  13. lLets forget the choir boys who have low attitude and low ability. Get some people who can play and do whatever it takes to get the job done. I no longer give a stuff about who they are or if they kick their dog and swear at their mum. Are they good players? Then take them and sort out the rest later.
  14. get a quote for serious dental work Redleg you will be amazed.I have quotes to repair one failed root canal. All are $4000 plus. Believe me the cost are horrendous.
  15. Believe it or not the main reason for the trip is to visit the dentist. My wife went 8 months ago and is very happy with results. Her quote $35 - 40 000 in Aust. Will be finished this trip, final cost including hotels $7000. She is very happy and no problems so I am diving in. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be taking holidays to visit a dentist in a foreign land. Life never ceases to surprise.
  16. Nine tenths of bugger all lordweaver.VFL standard at best IMO
  17. Anyone doing anything positive this weekend? My Grand daughter arrives in an hour for her Friday night with Nana and Pa. Then a movie tomorrow morning. A couple of friends around tomorrow night for a few drinks in front of the open fire. Off to Thailand early next week. Quite looking forward to the next few days.
  18. Has it occured to you Pates that we are seeing their maximium ability. IMO what you see is what we have. The majority of our problems IMO stem from a poor list. From our 40+ players we have approx. 12 that are good AFL standard, we have 6-7 kids who are in a development stage. The rest are good VFL players. End of story
  19. I reckon you are close with those numbers C and BI am a little different with 8- 5 and 12. But still means that IMO almost 50% are not afl standard And we wonder why we struggle!
  20. The thing to remember about training is they are competing with players of their own ability. We have what may be the worst list in the competition, they look good today. But come the weekend we match up to players who on average are a lot better. Guess what we look good on the training track but crap against other sides. One I forgot to mention Bail he looked just as crappy on the track today as match day. If he plays this week I will admit we have a crap FD
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