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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Redleg I don't find it hard to understand.I know lots will say I am overly pessimistic but I struggle to see any positives at present. We seem to be down a large hole and have not stopped digging. the only thing to discuss each week is the size of the loss. No one connected with the club ever even says the "win" word these days. I try to stay off most threads, not very successfully I might add. Can you think of anything positive to discuss as I cannot
  2. My elbow is the one in the middle of my arm Right?
  3. I understand where you are coming from Chook but one good game is a hell of a lot better than none.
  4. What it says is that Paul Slattery knows nothing about football. I re read his comments from the Casey Game. How you could pick Gillies over Pedersen beggars belief. a number of people who saw that game were saying Pedersen was the Best Casey Player and in the top three in the game. Unbelievable.
  5. This the last I will say on the subject. It is the fans I am talking about. I have lots of friends who follow a number of clubs and guess what they are a lot like most Dees supporters. Funny about that
  6. You may never type words that are more relevant than those PSD I can remember hating that Richmond loss while many Dees supporters around me were cheering.
  7. Lets hope he has a lot of hand balls
  8. I agree Jnr Given the choice between the Dees and Bombers who would you choose? Not hard for me.
  9. Ok then do not be surprised then that media people and others seem to have us in the gun because of what they perceive the MFC to be about.It is marvelous when the boot is on the other foot how much we complain. Sad reflection on the human race IMO. My father told me a long time ago that hate consumes the hater more than the hated.
  10. I think the MFC finds itself in a difficult spot re the re signing of players. I have been a critic of the way our club has operated. However I think we should all take into consideration that the football world changed with the introduction of free agency. Players are now faced with a world that is way more open to greater player movement than in previous times. Few players will now commit to there current employer to early in the year their contract comes due. It does not make sense to commit your self when the field of opportunity may change dramatically as the year comes to an end. I cannot imagine that the FD is not talking to the management of our players with the view to signing them asap. Some will stay overs may not we are in a brave new world we just have to be a little more patient than in the past. I hope to god the FD can keep the current good players that are up for negotiation but If they cannot get them all across the line. I hope they can a good deal for the loss if it happens
  11. I know it is the nature of the competition that we dislike other teams but I am surprised by the degree of hate on here for all things Essendon. I feel sorry for the position that Essendon fans find themselves in at present. They are just humans like us that love their club. They are feeling a lot of pain right now just as us Dees are feeling. My Daughter is an Bombers fan, she is not some sub human species. She is a kind thoughtful person who is a great daughter and a great mum. She is feeling a lot of pain for her team right now. Please can we have just a little empathy for some fellow sports lovers.
  12. What and have Demonland screwed as well. No thanks
  13. We did not want him lets not get too put out about his moving.
  14. I am not certain of this but I thought the compensation thing was closed down last year.I don't think there is any in 2013. Does anyone know for certain?
  15. No problem Humour seems a scarce commodity when the Dees are discussed these days
  16. Good luck guys cannot make it that day I will be in Thailand.
  17. Me too rpfc the problem at the MFC is there are buggar all good players with experience to keep them out. If you have any ability you are thrown in at the deep end as there is often no one better or they are the same as you. Thank God Hogan is a few days short of the age limit or he would be playing as well.
  18. He has only played a handful of games in his time at the club. From my following of him his score is one good game and the rest average at Casey. Hardly a glowing recommendation for promotion to the AFL Team
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