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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Wow binman you are worked up early today. Have a second coffee and relax for ten minutes. please don't have a heart attack on 19th June.
  2. Not sure what you cannot believe Mr. Shadow looks fairly accurate.
  3. Well that makes two votes rjay but as you say I doubt they will accept our votes.
  4. Then they are very poor at implementation.
  5. I listened to Gils press conference and the big thing for me was it showed for all to see that he is clearly out of his depth as CEO of the AFL. He issued an apology that in my view was given grudgingly. The big flaw for me was his comment that all grounds make their own decisions on security so AFL not involved. Does he actually understand that the AFL owns Marvel so the afl is involved and he is by default the Chief of Marvel so the buck stops at his desk. But that fact is seemingly lost on Gil. It is time for a new chief.
  6. Correct bing but they were not anywhere near this bad last year with the same playing group minus Hogan. So what has changed?
  7. Very good rjay. What always astounds me is why do they bet themselves. Why not get a mate to do it. However just reminds me that majority of footballers are not rocket scientists.
  8. Serious comment MD. They should change the people involved because it ain't working.
  9. Hi BD I have not seen you for a while, good to hear from you.
  10. The club would go broke subsidising it binman.
  11. There is only one thing the AFL understands Money. If you don't like something don't go. If enough do that the AFL will move if you don't they will ignore you. Otherwise go and put up with what you don't like. Simple really.
  12. I understand, in the end the only statt that matters is the score board and that start says we are terrible.
  13. Watching Casey and the draft. Simple really.
  14. An excellent question to which the answer is " I have no idea".
  15. Admitting error at the AFL is unforgivable. He will be sacked tomorrow at 9am or as soon Gil gets into the office.
  16. Very sadly bingers I have to agree. I can only see the possibility of four wins in the second half of the year. Two are 50/50 and the others slightly better.
  17. The wrath of Khan will descend on you ds.
  18. Why won't the system let me correct a spelling mistake? should be "conscience"
  19. Under Gil's rule the AFL has gone PC mad in all sorts of areas. I don't object to them have responsible community attitudes but I do object them being the social conscience of everything in society. They are a football controlling body not society engineers.
  20. I understand that last year his family moved back to WA. Not sure if that is still the position but suspect it is.
  21. More likely the stupidity of an idiot, Vagg.
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