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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Could not agree more DJ but try telling that to the holy grail chasers.
  2. Are you familiar with 60's porn stars Mr Leg? I have no idea what 60 year old porn stars look like or even if it is possible at 60!
  3. To many it is the holy grail George. As a result normal logical vanishes in the chase to obtain it.
  4. Exactly my point Mr Shadow. The idea and the actual are miles apart. Most members want a facility but very few would actually go to it on any more than once every pancake Day. I have a number of friends who are keen Tigers members they go to every game at the G and they tell me they have not been to the Tigers facilities in ten years. They are more concerned about maintaining their seats at games. I also know a number of Pie members who have never been to see the pies at their OP ground let alone gone inside. I know three Hawks members who have never been to Waverley. Because Dees supporters have never had a facility it has become some sort of mystical spot to be desired beyond all else. IMO the value is outweighed by the cost/ location problems.
  5. A fair comment dd. means zero to me. My objective is to have the best facilities for our players, FD and office team to give us the best chance of winning games. Everything after that is expendable IMO. My view is don't stop achieving the first because of the need for the second.
  6. Ok so lets suppose there was one at G how often would you go considering no parking etc?
  7. Serious question dd " Do you need a fan club facility and or would you use one ?
  8. As most know I have not been a fan of the Weid however I thought last night was his second best game other than for that crap shot for goal he could have been the hero of the night. It should have been well over by then but such is the life of a Dees supporter. Back to the Weid, I watched his game against Williamstown and thought that day he actually looked like a AFL player playing at VFL level. I am hoping he can have a good second half of the year and go on from there because he is right now the only KPF we have of any worth.
  9. Are you unbanded bb? Good to see, welcome back to Depressedland.
  10. What a bunch of pessimists this morning. I got up and there was no news of May getting [censored] at a Richmond pub last night. A good start to Sunday next weekend we will beat the Pies you read it here first.
  11. When we have just turned the corner! Bad timing Mr leg!
  12. Agree LH we just need a little better luck with injuries.
  13. I think we did DJ and with a couple more AFL talents returning next week I think we will be better again. We won't beat the Pies but I have faith that we will have a winning second half of the year injuries providing of course.
  14. Probably watching the game tonight from a Pub in Richmond!
  15. Only hope is to get Roos sent to Tassie. Interesting thing which I have never understood is why is the North Melbourne FC in West Melbourne?
  16. Looks like port Melbourne. Worse things could happen!
  17. If I were him I would have a mental problem working out why Spargo gets games at senior level and he doesn't.
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