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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. What difference would having the FD headquarters and training at Casey and games at the G make to you? The only difference for me would not attending training a couple of times a year.
  2. Too cold for a beer DJ is that possible?
  3. There is imo only one option available in inner melbourne and that is docklands. After that start thinking Casey.
  4. The thing that surprises me the most RN is that a large part of the MFC management actually thought it would fly. You only to take one look to know it was a pipe dream. Taking a large parcel of space in an inner city park of public land then cutting down trees to build a football ground in the 21st century was never going to happen.
  5. Interesting that a few of the over the top positives have still not surfaced. I wonder how many wins it will take? Much better Sunday today! I would normally be off to Coburg today but family function prevents me. A win by the CD will complete a good weekend.
  6. It is a blend which I don't often have but enjoying it. Of course winning probably adds to the flavour.
  7. Yes SWYL I have had a wee dram or two on a new one tonight called the Naked Grouse. Very nice little number.
  8. I would agree Bbo. However this year is not new to us. Most seasons are over by the end of May.
  9. Your plan is admirable but has failed for fifty years. I doubt I will hang my hat on it. Whereas Darwin works.
  10. I was trying desperately to be positive M_9¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hope you are correct MB as the current batch are ordinary and will not get us into a GF any time soon.
  12. To win this game we will have to do things we have not done all season. Deliver the ball well into the forward line. Kick accurately for goal. Have both our key forwards kick multiple goals each. Restrict Freo,s forwards. Does that look like a tall order? Yes. Freo by 6.
  13. Sadly I cannot go on Sunday DJ. Tried Coburg lager last year which was quite nice. Enjoy!
  14. Agree with dc that horse has long bolted. The AFL sold their soul to the devil a decade ago.
  15. LH keep your powder dry there will be more news come 1st August.
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