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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Yes that is what I mean IMO they have been the big disappointments in our drafting efforts so far. If you cannot get / stay on the park it does not matter how good you are. I hope we are not seeing two players who never get to show their wares because they are injury prone.
  2. Part of being a member in a democracy is you get to voice your opinion. Now somtimes that means criticism. If the criticism does not suit then it does not necessarily mean it is incorrect. Just the alternative to your view. If you follow the MFC one of the things you need in large amounts is a sense of humour. Because amongst other things there are plenty of black periods to endure.
  3. Now don't take this the wrong way but they have been underdone since we drafted them!
  4. I will be there with my 2010 scarf ( dislike the maroon one ) But no horns WYL. I am always hoping for a win but some games it is a bit difficult to see a win. Yes it will be good to see Evans again and Nicholson. Carn' the Dees
  5. now now C&B maintain your humour. Is one of them Campbell he seems to have vanished of the face of the earth. I have asked elsewhere but where is he?
  6. I was just about to sign off DC and thought not one gem today. obviously missed it, thanks my smile has returned. not sure it will last long, I reckon about 8.15 it will be gone. But hope springs eternal
  7. I went to this game last year (at williamstown ) Thought we had a fair chance and we got belted from memory by 15+ It was all over at half time. Hope it is better tomorrow,
  8. Does anyone know what has happened to Campbell? Played half a game with the reserves two weeks back. Not on either list at Casey and not on the injury list. Is he the Phantom or what?
  9. So from the above my simple mind tells you that you do not think we have a snow flakes chance in hell tonight. I agree but don't dress to make yourself feel better. As for the "more intelligent and tough fabric supporters" they have been enjoying low success for decades. About time they got their minds around winning.
  10. Got a feeling we might all be in the bar early tonight. The view might be better than out on the ground.
  11. Thanks RN you have covered it for very well. Could not disgree with one thing you have written
  12. All right I won't say winning is the only thing that matters. Or that the rest is just comforting words to make ourselves feel better.
  13. Sorry Roost It but why is Bennell in? He has been poor most of this season and pityful against North. What good is it to have plenty of speed if you do not get the ball. Carlton will frighten him out of it in the first quarter.
  14. well that fixes the drop problem But who comes in? Please do not tell me Bennell or Wona They were terrible vs North and have not played a game since Anybody else please
  15. Very good rpfc I have a horrible feeling that this time next year your post will read the same but Davey was very good in 2010
  16. I am going but as I said earlier, I did not pick up them up when I got my Scarf. Still don't want to like a complete dill Even if jim says it is ok. Here is a small [censored]. I do not use this years scarf the colour is maroon not red. I use 2010 version at least that one is red and blue. How does the MFC end up with three different reds Pink tinge in the jumpers ( watched training on TV tonight and they look worse at night) Socks that actually are red and come up ok And a scarf that is Maroon.
  17. Sure we are not falling for a line by the FD to throw Carlton off a bit. I will believe it when he runs out friday night. Sorry Eth38 put this on the wrong comment
  18. Versus the previous four games when he has been there!
  19. Not sure it is all about what you get RR. There are big savings to be made in some of the salaries Take Green and Davey probably on 500 each. A reasonable second round pick plus we pay the 200 of the salary for each. Saving of 600 000 to pay our improving young guys. might be a reasonable deal. Having said that imagine if we tried to [censored] off the captain and vice captain.
  20. Size is not everything, the last thing we need is for someone to run through him. He is justing getting over a serious injury. Give him time at Casey. We need him in 2013 and beyond Now billy that will guarantee he is picked!
  21. Excellent summation RR That is the way I read it. In his time however I did like him. He was not afraid to go and get the ball and I can still remember his deliver into our forward line. I hope he does not play friday night. I would struggle watching him get back into form against us. X MFC players have had a habit of doing that over the years.
  22. Well at the risk of boring anyone under 50 I had forgotten Tony Sullivan. He was one of our better players from that era. Thanks WYL I had forgotten some of the better players of that ordinary period
  23. Good point I will get off.
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