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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. This surprises me. I'd have thought a suave, urbane, smooth talker like you would have been a cert for that club.
  2. Spot on Biff but, more importantly, D'land provides an opportunity to write "inane drivel". I'm so happy I donated twice.
  3. Let's just say, I don't think I'll have any problem buying a pot at the Betty Cuthbert bar.
  4. I agree there is a shite load hanging on this game ( not the least being memberships). Personally, I want some hope. Every summer the optimism builds - draft picks, recruits, fitness, form, experience, game plan, etc etc - we have heard them all. Then comes round one and another kicking. It's ground hog day. Given the monumental change that has taken place in the Neeld era, I expect positive results for the hard earned I tip in. If we cannot beat PA at home then FM ( and my alpacas)D.
  5. Jeezus OD. It's a crook world when you have to explain your jokes. Single malt notwithstanding, I don't think you're drinking enough.
  6. I'm a tad late but allow me to add my congrats iv'a. You're a champ.
  7. You have been in the doldrums OD. If you cannot drink your way out of it - here is the sad alternative.
  8. Some really positive stuff in the above comments. Fired me right up. I'm going to kill an Alpaca immediately and put it on the spit tomorrow.
  9. Ever the diplomat Biffo - you were too generous to raise those serious questions regarding animals of the genus ovis and gumboots.
  10. It wasn't just our fitness that was embarrassing. We were embarrassing in about every way you can think of - it can only improve.
  11. Why not? No doubt it was cold and wet and nasty and there was a hot milo waiting .............................. What's a man expected to do?
  12. Who is McDonald's cousin? I hope it's not that EIEIO Fella.
  13. That is seriously funny RR. One of the best laughs I've had in ages. I'm looking for a point of comparison. It's certainly funnier than the time I ran over a family of ducks. I suppose running over the ducks' owners would have topped it ... a close call.
  14. Now now Stuie, it's too late for friendly overtures. I don't wan't any of your "mate " shite. I'm just an ordinary bloke who loves his alpacas. Best you go and patch it up with BH.
  15. My preferences are fairly straight. I don't bat on the same team as Stuie.
  16. I'm into self doubt now Biffo - you've exposed me. I have a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches and ..... the leather is Alpaca!
  17. Yeah that new prestige car smell. There are only a few things that titillate the old olfactory more than that.
  18. We don't want to be locked into a predictable pattern and need flexibility. However, playing the corridor generally also means shooting at goal from a more favourable angle and distance. Given that our kicking skills are, overall, so shite there is a certain logic to going that way when the opportunity permits.
  19. Apart from Biffen none of the above show any interest in Davey.Yet his early training was good, he appears fit and he can kick. Is the consensus that he is done and dusted?
  20. The church could have done with a reformer like yourself Biffen. They missed a rare opportunity. Although the Argy has probably washed down the odd Alpaca chop with some of the local brew. BTW if flogging yourself is a prerequisite then quite a few Demonlanders would at least get to the first cut.
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