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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. You soft suburbanites are all the same. Where do you think a decent lump of meat comes from - or goes to? You need some moral reappraisal. We're real men out here - If they are old enough to bleed they are old enough .... ( I'd better stop there) you get the picture. Man up. Throw off your urban sensibilities. It's time to return to your roots.
  2. Once again Biffen (sic) you get straight to the heart of matters. Consider the nobility on Demonland - no need to mention names . And the aspiring nobility - no need to mention names - but don't get into a stew over it. The aspirants are masters at holding their own - continuously.
  3. Is this what baker's call a "noble rise" ?
  4. I guess holding your own is the least you can do. However, and I'd like a Burwood opinion on this, is holding another's even more noble?
  5. I shoot those effers. It's a 3.03 lightening strike.
  6. I'm not sure just how old a bastard you are OD. But whenever these look back or look forward threads come up I get more and more depressed. Will the likes of you and I ever see a premiership?
  7. Forget moral and social issues (whatever they are) and get to the point. Can I get an insurer who will believe that my barbecued alpacas have really been struck by lightening?
  8. Nice to see you're making an understated re entry to DL RR.
  9. Jeezus Stuie settle down. I'm having a bit of a joke here. FFS I didn't to provide an opportunity for some of your unhealthy and repressed desires to bubble up.
  10. You make an important point YWL. People like yourself, myself and most others on this site (even Stuie) will pay up everyear because we love the club. However, my son is not paying his membership this year because he does not think Melbourne provide "value for money". It is that economic rationalist type of argument. Many young educated professionals think this way as do sponsors.
  11. Don't worry Dandee. While I have been known to do a bit of camping in the past, the good life in Romsey has softened me up - so to speak. Anyway it would have to be a 5 star tent - spa, steamroom, massage etc. Is this an olive branch Stuie? Do you really love me?
  12. Great post YD and the optimist in me would like to say yes. However,it seems that in recent years we have either FTU badly or remain in the wake of the more powerful and successful clubs. The problem now is that the competition has got so much harder. Richmond and north have jumped ahead of us and while the new franchises are receiving heavy support to a level that we will not be able to compete with. I don't think I can live thru another rebuild but if I want to see a flag I may have to.
  13. I did try and make light of our disagreements but that was met with the usual type of conceited ( and vicious personal attack) response rather than sharing the humour.
  14. It's quite amazing that people can ignore your humour Stuie!
  15. I'm sure Fat Phill works very hard for his wages.
  16. Thanks Biffo. That's really cleared things up for me.
  17. Well I suppose it is controversial but Macquarie allows both barbeque and bar-b-q. Stephen Murray - Smith however insists on your spelling.
  18. Why the ?????. If you prefer roasted or sauteed just say so!
  19. I nearly choked on my bar b qued alpaca when I read this article. The omission of Nathan Jones is a shocker. I 've got no problems with statistical analysis but it is generally best understood in a context. The context here is that Jones was one out in a weak midfield which was part of a poor team. FFS the possessions he gets should score double points.
  20. When i read this article, I was astounded that such drivel could be published in a major newspaper. Then I thought about it and recalled that Mark Robinson is also paid by this paper, and other media oulets. Jeez, what hope have we got?
  21. It's time to " man up" Od. CHill the Shiraz for 15 minutes. And... while you're waiting, look above, and think about about the possibilities of peeling a banana.
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