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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. You're not drinking enough red wine od.
  2. Jeez Stuie .. just when I beginning to think you had a sense of humour.
  3. I think we can share the blame with Jack Watts for a couple of those but the plague was almost certainly caused by rats and , therefore, Essendon would be prime suspects for that one.
  4. Thanks for the quick response Stuie. Maybe I haven't read enough of this thread - but IHNFI what your reply means.
  5. Just back from a break lads and .... I have to ask ..... WTF are we arguing about Daniher? Who cares? We've just won a game ( well a pretend game). Let's argue about Neeld or something relevant.
  6. His uncle is the family brainiac.
  7. Mostly gree 'luded but I wish we had another Jack Dyer. Also you left the biggest try hard of all of your list.
  8. That's because the Masons got to them first!
  9. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Goats doesn't think so.
  10. No! There were too many scary stories about that Baden- Powell guy.
  11. They're generally shrivelled looking and a brownish colour.
  12. Jones has had to operate singlehanded JJJ. I reckon he has a t least earned his place with those two.
  13. Come on OD - perspective has never mattered on this forum.
  14. Yes Biffo you have the quals for the top job and you could even use your old robes from the Hellfire club. BTW you do realize there are vows of chastity and poverty involved.
  15. You've got SOL tonight OD.
  16. 'In Mykonos they substitute tram for Donkey' Beware of Greeks baring .... 'I didn't know you went to a catholic school BBO?' I thought the influence of the Christain Brothers would be obvious. 'Put in my application ,just waiting for the puffs of smoke from the blokes in frocks.' You'll be sainted. And. When you finally retire you get shoved in convent full of former virgins. 'puffs of smoke from the blokes in frocks' What else do you think blokes wearing frocks would emit?
  17. There was, in the good old days, a very charming and accommodating young lady who had the initials LL.
  18. Remember the old schoolyard joke? " Wouldn't know if a tram was up (insert gender distinguishing pronoun) until the conductor rang the bell".
  19. BTW. Does that make you a pillow biter?
  20. I once had a nightmare about one of "those" examinations. I visualised the doctor entering the room and all I could see were his mits - they were the size of Christmas hams. Traumatic.
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