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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Yeah, I have a suggestion. You must sit down and read all your posts for the last 6 months. It would rate as cruel and unusual punishment but I doubt you'd stay awake for more than a few minutes!
  2. That fellow Wines who played for Port yesterday,looked handy.
  3. The prospect of players simply being able to walk away from their club is beyond belief. It is probably a very good option for "fringe players". I cannot conceive of a mass walk out, yet the possibility exists. Can this narrative get any bigger?
  4. I quite like the adds too. ( You know a new love. Someone with a shared interest in Alpacas.) Anyway, I'll simply donate again but I would like the skin if you can tell me how to obtain it. Keep it simple.
  5. I also hate the " handout" mentality and the notion of going hat in hand to Dumbetriou and his mates for" charity". However, having said that,we are deep in it I and therefore we need to swallow our pride, take everything we can get and hope this is the last time we find ourselves on [censored] street.
  6. Well, as usual you derailled it Moon, with your sexualised comments and innuendo. Unctuous bastard!!
  7. You are a cruel lot. No sense of propriety at all. My sister's upset. The lads are upset. Biffen's upset. I think I feel an attack of the vapours coming on.
  8. Would you like another look at my sister Moon?
  9. Ha Ha !!! That is funny! I lasted till 1.38 and was going to make a similar post.
  10. It seems we are far more successful at getting rid of players than recruiting or developing them.
  11. I will read and tolerate the most outrageous suggestions. Come from as far left field as you like. However, I will snip my private parts if anyone suggests Kosi as either water boy, orange cutter,or, God forbid a coaching or ( no one could be that stupid playing) capacity.
  12. A rather terse start to the week DC. Hope the forced Brazillian isn't too irritating?
  13. Yeah, I get that. But at least you can put on your own incontinence pants now.
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