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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Good on Roos, spreading his business interests around. I imagine, like all of us, he has to plan for retirement.
  2. Thank the Lord he is a long way removed from the "skinny kids" we usually debut.
  3. Where have you been the last seven years loonie?
  4. You'll be pizz ed and obnoxious by then Sir. (And so will I)
  5. Suppose you'll have to suit up Jizz. Do you tuck the strides into the "gummys" or do you have stovepipes that slip over the top? I imagine hearing the Anthem played by a toothless banjo player will draw a crowd.
  6. FMD!!! You've got me Dr!!! It was Barthes who said "that the form does not suppress the meaning, it only impoverishes it". Now please explain that to me as I've been wondering for years.
  7. You've been invited to ..."open local league tomorrow" !!!!! Bra hahah ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make certain you shake the cow shite off!!! Ha Ha ha.... "open local league"..... WAhahahahahah......!!
  8. It's difficult as I have a rather robust figure. Biffen, as expected made some tasteless suggestions involving fish net stockings. However, I intend adopting a style that allows my machismo to come through. I rather like buns so the hipster look seems appropriate. Unfortunately Earl Hood's bespoke tailor is yet to come through with the clobber. If worst comes to worst, I'll don the dinner suit and masonic regalia. Should turn some heads.
  9. I'll be there. Hopefully it will improve my current mood. I cannot abide having charity tins thrust in my face. When I point this fact out (clearly) to said tin rattlers, people look at me as if I am mean and niggardly. FMD!!
  10. Good post Pig - once again it is glaringly obvious that Jack Watts is the cause of all our woes.
  11. I don't get this Number 31 stuff either. I mean Ray Groom was a good solid contributor but he was no superstar!
  12. Well well ... the Canuck has returned!! Not sure what I'll wear as yet Mable but it will be the height of good taste and fashion. You can be sure of that.
  13. Err .. well ... excuse my blissful ignorance but I have no clue who the said Charlie Pickering is. And ..PLEASE, since I have happily lived my life without knowing of this gentleman, do not bother informing me and thereby cluttering my already diminished grey matter with further useless information.
  14. Essendon have raised the bar. They have used "substances" and got away with it. It's up to the rest to catch up.
  15. Unfortunately it's a dead duck Moon. They have got away with it and that's that. Cant help feeling sorry for that poor bas tard Saad who drank lolly water on the wrong day. FMD. What an odd world we live in.
  16. You should have employed me to correct your grammar and spelling Jizza.
  17. I do pay taxes dc and your answer is what I suspected. It is one thing, as a taxpayer, to fund Biffen's various welfare rorts - they are nothing if not creative. However, to fund those obviously inept idiots at ASADA makes supporting Biffen appear as good value.
  18. Excuse my rare ignorance but could someone tell me who funds ASADA?
  19. 1.I refuse to watch the "Footy Show" 2. It amazes me that Hughes has a following. He is a remarkably unfunny comedian.
  20. You beat me to it BB! Who gives a FF what Slobbo has to say?
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