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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. As you know Biffen, I am highly experienced in multicultural matters.
  2. Given your extensive "experience" with certain aspects of the legal system Biffen, I imagine you would have given a credible, if not quite Rumpole like performance. However, one aspect of the matter does leave me curious. What makeover did you undertake to present as a worthy citizen? You surely did not appear in your usual garish, stained and tasteless pimp attire? No one would lend you clothing surely? Did you steal it?
  3. Even when the "fellow Dlander" rate was applied Red was still far too pricey for Biffen and his dodgy credit card. But, as you say there are plenty of others at the bar. You do any pro bono work Jack? A possible career change for you Doctor?
  4. Not sure when we'll hear from Biffen again! I believe he had to front court over various "matters". Outcome uncertain I would think!
  5. Well done my Lord, it took a member of the monied and sophisticated class to pick up on that! I was inside the mansion watching on the home cinema ( and sipping a red) at the time of that bizarre occurrence . I could hear the lads watching on the big screen in the barn begin honking and kicking the walls. I thought I'd entered some sort of space/time warp and was watching myself. Then I noticed the shirt was of poor quality and not tailor made. I had a nasty moment though.
  6. Can't help reflecting back to the lunatic Neeld's 5 outs one week - 5 back the next. FMD!!
  7. Come on dc - you've seen those little girly above the knee skirts the Jordies wear. Then they make it worse by hanging some sort of scrotum substitute out the front !
  8. Thank the Lord we do not have a large numbers of Scottish ancestry .. I'll take Arabs and Mussies over those blokes that wear dresses every time .
  9. Beyond your ken Jizz! BTW . "Ken" isn't Barbie's mate but a clever word that Biffen and I understand! Well beyond dairy farmers. Well maybe the efficient/smart Kiwi dairy farmers would get it.
  10. That's it !! Good old fashioned footy - then we all have a root and go home!
  11. Yeah, and she can heat up the pies and sausage rolls after the game.
  12. I would too. He is showing that much already that the vultures will be swooping.
  13. Well Song, if Petracca is better than Brayshaw we are building a serious midfield. Toss in Hogan and we have some young (hopefully long term) guns.
  14. Guess the same happened to you Moon - which would explain that large growth on your small [censored] that you continually complain about.
  15. Correct venue Earl Hood . Can't really explain the damage - there was only a minor scuffle after all!
  16. You're jealous Moon because you can't afford to attend classy establishments. And, even if you could, no one would invite you.
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