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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Get any (rain) in Borewood daise? Maybe wash some of the beige away?
  2. Your final line sums it up for me Jack - "start winning games". For the last several years we have been easybeats, a joke. FFS, I was once at a game where a Hawthorn supporter "felt sorry" for Melbourne. We must win games and regain credibility as a football club. We must be seen as a serious football club. For all that I hate Collingwood they have a swagger and street cred that at the moment we can only dream about. Win games, become arrogant bas tards!
  3. No Man, I'll happily return to my over indulgent habits and my usual nom de plume!
  4. Christ Song where do you find this shite? She looks like she's trying to cough up a furball.
  5. The lads are quite immoderate in their habits, however, I have not noticed them brewing up as much mate as usual.
  6. How very rude of you dee-luded!! I consider myself rather svelte.
  7. Now don't be a fl og Ethan! Half of my posts are "truly ridiculous " so don't encourage people to think that particular category is in anyway misguided!
  8. Well this is a turn up Oneday. I've never before been considered moderate. I'm a little shellshocked. I shall comment on this affront at a later date. (When I can think of something suitable)
  9. Speaking of inanity, where is the Jizza? I presume his feeble challenge has finally collapsed and he has gone into hiding with a carton of smokes
  10. Well well, the Clit is back and demanding "something witty"! It is difficult to be witty and keep it at a slapstick level that you might understand Clit, so I'll pass on that challenge. However, I'm also trying to cast my mind back to some of your profundities and coming up empty. All that really comes to mind was your pie throwing routine the day you stuck your ugly mug all over the board. A pool of inanity would be my description of that.
  11. I wouldn't say it's always the wrong decision Curry. It depends a lot on the type of support they get and who is around them. BTW. I've been doing some online stalking er research of your squeeze. (Hope you don't mind) A real doll in the swimming cossie what ho!!!
  12. Off the grog for Febfast Al. The change in avatar was jusr to give one of my cousin's some publicity.
  13. Well they got Col ........ so I guess that makes both your statements correct Jumbo.
  14. Some of my friends are right into buns.
  15. You can be so thoughtless and selfish at times Biffen. Did it never occur to you, that by singling out Reg as the object of your affection you were setting him up to be a pariah among his own kind? You may have thought those special little faecal tidbits you favoured him with were a kindness but did you ever consider the impact on the billion other blowies at the Gat? Of course you didn't. It was all about you and your relationships. Poor Reg shunned by his own kind and relying on your fickle and capricious ways had no hope. At least do the right thing and ensure that his family is seen to.
  16. Haven't heard from Jizza for a while. Score one to the Alpacas. I reckon he's behind the milking shed sucking on a [censored].
  17. You are so crass at times dc! Gentlemen do not spew. Yes. Wash out your foul mouth Loonie! I just ordered 15 bottles of fine Shiraz. Like Julius Caesar, they will be done by the ides of March.
  18. I think he's finished. Read Lyon's comments in today's Age about "recruiting mistakes". It looks like Sylvia has been put into bad blunder won't happen again basket.
  19. Ive just prepared my usual Friday night Pizzas and when my delectable company arrives I shall take them outside to cook. The outside cooking is also a nostalgia thing for the lads. Anyway by this stage I would usually have slopped down 3 or 4 stubbies while at least one bottle of shiraz is breathing its last. However , as an abstainer, I have been sipping soda and lime (haven't got the other stuff yet dc). Now could one one you genii please explain how a couple of sodas ( a fraction of my normal liquid intake) have rendered my ample guts full ?
  20. There goes the preseason ................. again.
  21. Thank you for your enquiry Moonie. It is good that you continue to try and learn from your betters. As to the Health Club. It was trundling along quite well but then came some misunderstandings. What I considered friendly social overtures to some fellow (female TBH) athletes was misinterpreted or misunderstood and management naturally took their side. Then there was the business with the fungal infection .... well it was all too much and I just wasn't enjoying it anymore.
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