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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Shiraz from Heathcote is usually top class. Hope you downed some of your sister's pinot.
  2. BTW. Melbourne is currently paying $2.85 head to head on Sportsbet!
  3. It's either too much single malt or .... more probably not enough OD.
  4. A smile!! I still have an ...... well let's just say the excitement continues!
  5. The problem is Gawn was very ordinary during the NAB games. Spencer is now fully fit and , according to reports, was very good on Saturday. His aggression and tackling would be a bonus.
  6. Jesus !!! thought I was seeing double - I did have a few yesterday. What the hell are you doing Col? (imitation is flattery I suppose)
  7. If we are going to bring in a ruckman (and I believe it is likely) then Spencer has leapfrogged Gawn and would be the choice.
  8. For mine it was Lumumber's steal and goal. It was a matchwinning/saving moment. Until then I rated HL as fairly quiet, the least impacting of the recruits. However, as they say, "cometh the moment, cometh the man". It was spine tingling.
  9. He played about 15-20 mins under the concussion rule in the first q. I didn't rate him - he was very fumbly and uncertain and managed a couple of clangers. Reckon he'll go for Vince.
  10. "Cooney would have been a match winner had we won." Just took the above gem off Bomberblitz". The supporters must be on some sort of [censored] too.
  11. On the way to the footy there was this very nasty demo going on in Fed Square. Some real meatheads in attendance ( and that includes the cops who were useless). I moved into the thick of it just to work out what was going on. Anyway a rat faced little tur d started abusing a lady who just wanted to get through. So I gave him some free advice about manners. His reply was a two fingered salute. I suggested he move away from the police to a different location and repeat the gesture. Weak bas tard wouldn't be in it!!
  12. I too had difficulty believing and thought some of the "Health Substances" Biffen supplied me with were Hallucinogens! BTW. As I was walking back through Fed Square there was this Canuck sheila putting on a stand up show - total nutcase. I'm wondering if it was Mable Demon!
  13. Yes it's a tough call Hoges. I guess it all comes down to best match ups against GWS.
  14. My highlights- Brayshaw Hogan All new players We tackled with ferocity We kicked the ball Forward We didn't fold when challenged HL's steal and goal - a matchwinner.
  15. Tread lightly Hoges. Biffen maybe is many things - procurer of women, drug abuser, alcohol abuser and, as he has just demonstrated, a polemicist of rare skill. He is most definitely not a fool!
  16. I'm with my mate Stu here. If Garland is injured then the above selection is the way to go. If Garland is OK then Vince for Toump is a certainty. Dawes will come in but Frost is just too useful to omit so I'm thinking JKH or Kent out but man ups against GWS will have to be considered.
  17. Stones Green Ginger was the favoured heart starter when I played. Usually a 3/4 time booster.
  18. Just heading off boys and girls. Put some hard earned on the dees and hoping the day doesn't end in the usual tears and pitiful drunkeness !
  19. Just a ...misunderstanding Earl Hood. I'm sure I sent a cheque ....... must be Australia Post's fault.
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