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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Credibility zero!!I have followed your advice in these matters before Biffen and have suffered both emotional and financial hardship as a result. Your credibility would still be ahead of Biffen's, even if you were a blind teetotaler who had lived all your life in Romania and never visited Ballarat! I'll redefine the make up so it is clearly red and blue.
  2. Good info, thanks Clucka. Could you recommend a couple of pubs for a counter dinner post match?
  3. You realize there are copyright laws rpfc?
  4. I've been wondering since I read this post Red how to comment in an appropriate way - or in a way that would not get me banned. For reasons best not mentioned (but funny) the notion of full bladders brings pregnant women to mind. I'll leave it go.
  5. Taking advantage of others always gives one a warm inner glow.
  6. Which group would you like me to join DH?
  7. I was about 20 metres away from that incident pit. It was one of Mathews greatest [censored] acts. A dead set king hit.
  8. Good idea D-H but I like to wear my red and blue dress ( nice little number) and If I happen stumble or fall can I be assured you wont take a perv?
  9. BTW - the latest update on Biffen. He is apparently using some of his "funds" to buy building materials from a place called Fiskville and is onselling them to a builder who is renovating a child minding centre. I don't get it but Biff is very excited about the profits involved.
  10. The wagon has derailed, however, you are correct about my victory Moonie. I haven't heard from the Peach Forest boy so I can only assume he is licking his ...err wounds and will not challenge a real farmer again.
  11. No doubt I am simple minded but I am over this shite and speculation. It is BORING!!!! Please!!! Let there be an end to it!!
  12. I am trying to post a photo (780kb) but it is rejected as too large (no jokes please). Could one of you resident experts explain this please?
  13. Dawes really didn't have much of a chance last year. He had to chase kicks halfway up the ground and when we did go forward, delivery was usually deplorable. Add to this the fact that he was swamped by defenders and it is clear why he often became frustrated. This year he at least has some classy company in the forward line and hopefully, more and improved opportunities.
  14. Have a good laugh you DH's but Uncle Bitter, as usual, was in front of the game. Being a man of the land and in touch with the elements ( and also some boy scout experiences), I anticipated inclement conditions. Therefore I had packed a large tarp 3x4 metres, so myself and my delightful company were quite cozy. Well at times a little too cozy as, despite remaining off the booze, I had rather embarrassing flatulence. Must have been the lentil salad. Forty five minutes to decamp from the carpark also put the dampener on an otherwise terrific evening.
  15. Now who could that be? Let me think .......... hmmmm ... I've got it! Biffen!
  16. Only one day of this February foolishness to go. Ive spent this evening wandering among my favourite bottles of Shiraz. I caressed their slender necks and playfully fondled their cute skimpy labels and ..... er well as I said one day to go. Wonder how Jizz is holding out. Can I claim a comprehensive victory for the real farmers?
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