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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well Pig that's a bit like the situation with my Aunty Mary. If she'd had b...s, she'd have been Uncle Mick. Oh ..hang on!
  2. Me too sweet. I was so flat last night I couldn't even be bothered joining in the whip Stuie session.
  3. Indeed! In fact I was very tempted to start immediately and give myself a jolly good flogging on the train trip to Sunbury!
  4. Our forward 50 entries were generally hurried and for the most part, shiteful. Hardly the sort of stuff a young forward can do much with.
  5. Just home. Why did I bother? A weak and disappointing performance. I've seen worse but I can't remember feeling so totally let down by our "effort".
  6. Just home from the footy! Melbourne done .................as usual. Stuie getting a smack..........as usual. At least I can enjoy one of those.
  7. Hot chocolate!!!!!! What sort of a sheila's drink is that?
  8. Go and give yourself a jolly good flogging Ethan.
  9. Just about to put a ton on the Dees. I reckon I've used up my bad luck by agreeing to go to the game with Moonshadow.
  10. That should be good Josh. Just make sure the missus looks after the kid so you can drink booze and watch the footy without interruption. Ideally she'll also keep getting the drinks.
  11. Looks like Biffen has signed off for the night. Bible studies and prayer i suppose. FMD
  12. Actually, apart from being kicked out of the hotel, that's not a bad night.
  13. FMD. Healy is still babbling. He worked alongside Ritchie Benaud long enough but apparently learnt nothing . FMD! Great cricketer but dumb [censored]!
  14. Haha ! Read and note Biffen's moralistic and sanctimonious preaching. Another week (possibly 10 days) he will fall back into the normal disgusting persona that we know so well.
  15. Take care ENYAW! Dubious characters like Ethan Trembay live in the west!
  16. Well ..er .. more or less Frosty. What about your good self?
  17. Ha ha . Notice Biffen is posting tonight. Well let me give you all the latest gos. However, you have to picture Uncle Bitter quivering with mirth and tears streaming down the cheeks as i write. It seems good old Biff has had some sort of epiphany and is currently undergoing wait for it......... detox......bwahahabwaha. Far be it from me to disclose another's personal business of course. ( Rumour also has it that Biffen has found god but even I find that too absurd to believe). Anyway imagine the detox!!!! Whatever they flush out of Biffen would make Fiskville seem like a kid's play area. Bwahahaha! Hope my good friend Earl Hood is on the lookout! Biffen - detox. Bwahahaha !!! FMD
  18. I shall accept a very onerous penance and, and usual, give myself a jolly good flogging.
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