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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Yep you just gotta love them being nutted on the line!!
  2. IMHO opinion a "reasonable" amount of alcohol has been consumed when - (a) there is no more available (b) there is more available but you have passed out or in some circumstances, b sub section 1 needs to be be invoked (b) 1. there is more available. you have not passed out. however, it is your buy and therefore you have just remembered a prior appointment and regrettably, must leave immediately.
  3. In fact think of the impact on Aussie History if Alpacas had turned up here "Down came an Alpaca to drink at the billabong up jumped ......."
  4. I'll bet the effer couldn't do it with an Alpaca under each arm.
  5. A Christian Bros education may have done you some good Moonie!
  6. More statements than questions. "Stop ya squeelin, I'm tryin to make a man of ya"!
  7. Is that what they mean by a "try" do you think?
  8. Well at least now we know Special. You are yet another fully fledged weirdo who will fit perfectly with all the other Dland ferckups!.
  9. [censored] time machines! You got a car yet special? No car car , I'm not reading your [censored]!
  10. Yes! As I said above OD, one is usually looking for a root conjugal relations after the footy.
  11. I have learnt the hard way Steve. If you want to conclude the day with conjugal relations - sit where the missus says!
  12. Back at the Manor. It seems poor old Bitters remains unforgiven for his Yarra Valley excesses. The squeeze decided to cook curried chicken sausages. Seemed a bit strange but a message was being delivered. Your correspondent had to sit in the Manor's Michelin level kitchen and watch this being prepared. The symbolism was quite unsubtle. The sausages were boiled. The sausages were skinned with surgical precision. The sausages were chopped .... It's odd you know. The squeeze is more pizzed about the Yarra Valley fiasco than when I left her friends in Canberra after the Manuka Oval disaster. Maybe the fact that I passed out during the luxury accom part of the deal had something to do with it. As I said - I don't understand sheilas.
  13. For speculation about the Melbourne Football Club and its sons and daughters, the Apocalypse, is my preferred read.
  14. Couple of points ..anus. 1. I "engaged" with the thread at post 70. When did you engage with the thread apart from "responding" to someone? 2. "9 times out of 10 " isn't a stat? FMD!!
  15. Come on Stu - I want to call it a night. Surely a man of your AFL knowledge would have your sources at your fingertips. Don't keep me in suspense
  16. Not really Stu, just interested in where you sourced that play on stat from.
  17. Interesting Stu! You point out that it is "shallow to judge Lumumba's influence just by stats" yet your rebuttal contains the stat that "H plays on 9 times out of 10". Not entering this debate, just interested Stu - what's your source for that play on stat?
  18. To expiate my sins (both real and imagined) I shall give myself a jolly good flogging. I shall also administer one to The Devil is in the Detail (for unnecessary capitalization) I will also give that Ethan Trembay fellow one. PS .. Ethan shall be spared the rod if he is one of the unfortunates suffering from Salmonella at the Langham.
  19. Uncle Bitter reporting in ferals. The squeeze and myself had a gift voucher for a Yarra Valley Winery tour. Used it yesterday - 4 wineries, Lunch and accomm. I can only remember the name of one of the wineries - St. Huberts - so that may indicate how the day degenerated. There was another couple on this tour. Never seen anything like it!! They were actually spitting wine out !!! cAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Anyway good old Bitters laboured on and sloshed down anything put in front of him. I had a great day but still a tad worse for wear. The squeeze is rather silent on the matter. Can't understand sheilas sometimes.
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