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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Armchair view 6. Gawn (A versatile and mobile tower) 5. Hogan (Can't believe this kid has only played half a season) 4. Cross (He's got another year in him) 3. Dawes. (Covers a huge amount of ground to impact on the game) 2. Howe, ( Best personal and team game for a while) 1. Jetta. (Never shirks. Rarely beaten)
  2. Haha! that was highlight for me. Gawn sitting Robinson on his sorry ar se.
  3. I'll be watching from the Manor, so fair chance we'll win. The "lads" are confident!
  4. The way things are going in your part of world dc, you won't have a backyard.
  5. Come on Ethan 'fess up! You were lurking in the corridors and listening at doorways! Now go and give yourself a jolly good flo gging!
  6. Just read Biffen's Bowdlerised version of his weekend . Rather different to my recent information! Also it was quite unnecessary to besmirch Earl Hood's freeloading. I rarely endorse Moonshadow's trivia,however, I believe his technicolor image of Biffen in Smith Street is closer to the truth of the matter.
  7. Well I think you've covered many of Biffen's aliases EH (excuse the familiarity) so you may have crossed paths. However, Biff would have finished with fish n chips and slags at the Gat.
  8. Thanks ...potter. Interesting report. Now please make sure you stay online so Stu can ask any questions that occur to him over the next decade or so.
  9. What is this bunch of overpaid sheilas playing on our home ground tonight? It is bad enough that we let ninthmond play there but these fags ...FMD! What a [censored] poor excuse for a game it is.
  10. Better run that past me again 'luded. I can take or leave K Hunt.
  11. Eagerly awaiting news of Biffen.He managed to inveigle an invite to a (at least nominally respectable ) function last night. Quite a gathering of the "socially acceptable" I believe. Good Lord, Earl Hood may even have been present. Anyway, I expect the lure of free grog will have seduced him quite easily and I just wonder whether or not was thrown out.
  12. Bentleigh? Do they have anything in Bentleigh? Sounds disturbingly like Borewood.
  13. Would anyone notice if Borewood disappeared? Would anyone GAF?
  14. Let me tell you the cold harsh facts matt. Who the [censored] would want to buy Demon memorabilia? If you don't want to carry it around burn the [censored].
  15. I can't believe that a disreputable fellow like yourself Frosty has hosted a five page thread!! FMD!! What does that say?
  16. Frank Thring - a little bit (well a big bit) twisted. However a wonderful talent.
  17. I think you and I should immerse ourselves in a bowl of hot chocolate sweet and forget the footy!
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