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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. Was an excellent game OMR. I thought I had you but in truth the correct man did the job. Butcher had a stinker and it just cost me in the last game. In regards to the Melbourne game there was a great saying that stipulates 'if you don't want to know, dont ask'. This is a game where you do not want to know.
  2. It currently has Wells as Indefinite and he played last round. Dont stress too much!
  3. Haha in hindsight reading these comments I do agree in most counts. There was one question where he had the most awkward pause- think it was after will you be dropping any big guns or to do with the gameplan and god I was yelling at the TV 'talk Mark talk!'
  4. Frankston, Box Hill and Williamstown that's 3 to me. Week off almost could be a blessing in disguise.
  5. Do you think deeflog? I thought he justified it a little too well for my liking. Said he was impressed with first half etc etc when really we were lucky to be even and we shouldn't be with a team like Brisbane. I do understand though, that at the same time you can't come out and all week just rip into the team and your personal performance because it looks worse but just wanted few more answers.
  6. Excellent responses in regards to the Grant Thomas rubbish though. One smile for the night at least.
  7. First and foremost, it is clear the seat Neeld has sat in has nails. Bloke cannot sit still. Interesting conversation, he's been asked alot of big questions and in my opinion has sort of gone around the question. A little bit disappointed in his responses. What do you guys think?
  8. People have been complaining about Foxtels feed but from this it suggests 7 is stopping them from doing so. Also the pauses between goals of quiet. Hopefully it get fixed ASAP and we'll see the results. Good read. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/131944/default.aspx
  9. It's all well and good to write that stuff but for the last 3/4 of a decade this is all I've got. Words. The last sentence is the thig that frustrates me. How many times have I heard it'll take time but it's worth it. If we don't have the cattle make a gameplan that'll suit us not the one everyone else uses. I wasn't expecting the 8 this year but that performance is unacceptable.
  10. 10th but we will consider the season a success. It's a tough start to the year and I think we'll be on only 2 or 3 wins but come home with a wet sail leaving our run just a touch too late. However there will be enormous optimism for the next year. MVP: Brent Moloney Best Recruit: Mitch Clark Rising Stars: James Strauss and Luke Tapscott Biggest surprise: Gysberts delisted at year's end
  11. Wrong. Most he's kicked is 2 and it was from the midfield. Will never be a crumbing forward
  12. With topics like drug regulation people need to be very careful what they say. It is one thing to disagree with another's opinion however with topics like this where people feel strongly towards suggesting one way or the other is THE right way is not satisfactory. To put it short a topic like drug regulation doesn't belong on a footy board. Let's get back to the real stuff.
  13. Let's just cross our fingers and hope the only thing he chops up this year is Collingwood on a Monday afternoon.
  14. He started losing it walking his son down the aisle towards the car and fair enough. Seeing him so upset made me feel terrible ((( I say good on him because he has raised a Saint amongst men and from Brian's speech seems all their heads are screwed on. R.I.P Jim
  15. All great ideas. Really love the green stars. Even more so I hope they wear the Irish training guernsey for the match. Id love to see 22 boys in the green for the night.
  16. you're ********* kidding me. we better not take this into Round 1.
  17. F**k Kony, this is the documentary 30 million people need to watch. If we truly want to change the world we'd give each human a copy and I can guarantee noone could watch it and feel it didn't change their life.
  18. With all due respect to savoydee there was no turning of attention to oneself she wassimply suggesting to meet up with some demonlanders and mourn with them. No different to meeting your family at the wake... Fine if it's not for you but don't make it out like she's got sinister intentions.
  19. His best friend is my best mate's brother. He was over 2 days ago and I was telling him how he played well for Casey. He said he is playing 8 games of 10 for Carey. The two games he's not playing are the allotted Vic Metro and 2 games after that for Oakleigh Chargers. After that if he chooses too he can play the remaining games for Casey which would be maybe 3 or 4.
  20. Strauss had scans but all clear. Should be fine to play next week. A big game next week IMO would see him likely to play Round 2 against West coast!
  21. Team looks predominately good tonatopia however no disrespect there is no way Sam Blease could play HBF. He is very much an Andrew Gaff type player who runs forward and not incredibly hard backwards. Go to a Casey game and if you see him sprinting back following his opponent I'll pay for your ticket. Other than that very happy with team
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