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Everything posted by Arrow

  1. Not to mention youre getting the best keeper in the game and the best young keeper in the game due to Greene being a 1993 baby. Rubbing salt in the wounds you have offered realistically a potential keeper in Redden and a decent backman having a useless year. Think he's fair enough to reject
  2. For anyone interested, I tweeted Emma Quayle; the draft expert today and she replied saying that if the draft was held today with no exemptions or F/S, Jack would certainly be drafted in the top 10.
  3. Is she built like one too? If so we could use her down at AAMI Park. Got a bunch of guys who act like girls!!!
  4. If there are people more annoying on the Internet than those who pick up on spelling errors I'd love to know.
  5. Absolutely. I do strongly agree with your point Olisik, and having met Todd I know he wouldn't put Jack over the needs over the football club. I am differing in my view to alot here but I think it's something Melbourne need to do for more than a footballing stand point. I have reasonable knowledge of the upper echelon of this years draft picks and Jack is well and truly within the range of 3-12. He is a gun. He's small, but football is removing itself from the year's where we drafted 'athletes' and back to picking footballers. And Jack Viney is a footballer's footballer. The moral standpoint is my second and more important point. Melbourne over the past 2-3 years have made some moves that some both outside and inside the club have questioned. Letting go off McDonald and Bruce as we did has let hurt the image of us. Jack Viney is not our only F/S pick coming up. Billy Stretch is coming through the system also and him watching Jack get brought into the club than thrown out to GC or GWS for little benefit IMO sends another bad message- We're not a family, we don't look out for our own- we look out for ourselves. Football is a business, everyone understands that. But for certain servants you are willing to give an extra year too (hindsight: James McDonald) and for some future servants you are willing to reach in the draft knowing they will bust their bloody ass off for 250 games and want to show up every critic who suggests we shouldn't have taken them where we did (hopefully: Jack Viney).
  6. Was exactly what he needed to be today. You can see the kid constantly runs to the right places and puts his body on the line at all the appropriate times. He still does some things that you expect an u/18 football to do eg. handballing on the ground to himself to run onto (which just went out of bounds) but the most impressive thing about him is his toughness and his mind. It would be a real disappointment for me if we stood him up; the son of a loyal player, who's done everything we have asked of him over the last 2 years, just to pick a player we'd rate a couple of places higher on the draft board.
  7. There was a thread. I got on and read all about it. Within 3 pages it consisted of new posters bragging about how much better demonology was and how they wouldn't last here because of the tough moderators. In the end, a few baited 'Demonland' so he closed the thread. It was discussed, but its not relevant to the majority; thus am completely in my right to question why it isn't on the general board.
  8. This is Demonland. If you want 'ology go back to it, or make a new one. Every third thread here is about, and every third poster here doesn't know what it's about. I'm a member here to talk about Melbourne not some other forum. Get over it and become a Lander or go elsewhere.
  9. Koby Stevens is the one we want. Inside and outside player good skills ball magnet and young. Pay him $$$
  10. I'm yet to work out who is the bigger [censored]- you or your namesake. It is fine that you think he belongs; good for you. If his performances you consider a pass mark that is not a worry. If you see some attributes of his to be helpful, than great. His performances however have left other supporters more than ample things to pick apart. What I disagree with is your arrogance and ascertain that you are above other posters. E63 I haven't missed you one bit. Think you need to stop telling yourself your s**t doesn't stink.
  11. I wish I could get together with you and watch highlights. Morton and Watts are both constant sinners of standing over a pack and hoping it pops out. 3 times he could, with heart gone harder and won the footy. He embarrasses us and other supporters have caught on. If you don't want bruise free footy, put Cale at Casey.
  12. Grimes, Clark, McKenzie, McDonald even Frawley and definitely Howe were better.
  13. Agree wholeheartedly with the outs. Green is done and Morton needs intensity and poise. I get sick of saying it, people get sick of reading it but it doesn't change the fact he stands next to a pack and leans his hands in while Jones comes from 15 meters back and dives ontop of the ball. Cook im not sure about yet. Let's not gift games because we think it's an easy one. We're far from a lock for this game so make Cook really earn it. 2 weeks of 2 quarter efforts are good but his second halfs have been poor at Casey. Troy Davis in, Rivers to forward line and Gysberts can come in too.
  14. Blease's elite speed and composure on show today. Some on here must be Barry Prendegast's relatives the way they back him up.
  15. Mark Rendell says hi. He had a few drinks and a throw away line with which Mr.D threw him under the bus. The double standards in our games administration are a blight on everyone involved in it.
  16. Hahaha I read it too and laughed WYL. Such a [censored]. If he is in fact the next chief at The HS, journalism is nearing a sad place.
  17. We won't finish 16th so it doesn't matter 6,7,12 and 25 most likely.
  18. Forgive me for possibly sounding rude, I'm not detracting for the naming of the bridge just questioning the reasoning behind it. I feel in a rush to label something after the great man, we may have now taken away the ability for something to be named after him abit more appropriate to Jim. Not to suggest the MCG wing should be named the Stynes wing but I have never been an enormous advocate of naming a running bridge in the middle of the Docklands after a passionate ruthless footballer who plied his trade in the beautiful Richmond. Because of his excellent and mindblowing work in the community, it's brilliant to see everyone wanting to accredit him with a landmark (an honour which knowing Jim he would feel embarrassed about), just personally would have preferred we let a few years go by and find something that suits him. In 5 years when we upgrade our facilities the Jim Stynes Center... I do not feel like being berated for disrespecting Jim so save your tantrums, I am super glad his legend will be living on, just think there may have been something that summed him up a little better than a walking path.
  19. For example for me to have Trent Cotchin as a 'young player' just seems silly. Don't get me wrong I'd bloody love to get him with my young player pick up but it seems to wreck the idea of it for me. That said, it's advantageous for me to now vote for 1990 as the year... so i'm just confused.
  20. My thoughts are it needs to be 1991 as a birth date. 1990 kids have had 4 years in the system and next year will be their 5th. Thats not rookies or young players anymore- they're developed. 1991 gets my vote for the cut off.
  21. No offense taken Range. Bleeding red and blue in my books isn't being the perfect player it's knowing that when it's your time to go you go. Moloney is not a perfect player; I doubt he would say he is. I have no issue persay with players trying to get the most money out of their contract- it is their job after all and it doesn't last long so each is entitled to milk all they can. It's the clubs responsibility to stop the $$ where it sees fit. Too many on here are quick to throw out a player who finished on 15 Brownlow votes last year with no help around him. He is not good enough at defensive running and constantly let's down our zone. Watching games from the stands I've seen he can be a liability going backwards but he's spent 6 months with Neeld. Wait 2 years and we'll have a look again.
  22. +1. He's a clubman bleeds red and blue and has exactly the body we need at the club. Would also be the 1st to back up a teammate if it were required. Had 15 clearances in a game- a record and 10 inside 50s on Saturday night. People want to get rid of him and keep players like Bennell. Mercy
  23. . Exactly right! JA I cannot speak volumes enough for how much your effort is appreciated and how everything you've bought to the game has been a positive. Glad to hear you're reconsidering RR it wouldn't be the same without you.
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